Forced normalcy

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Freddy's pov
My phone kept ringing until he picked it up.

"Hey, mom," I answered.
"Hey Freddy, you haven't answered your phone for a while, so I was worried." Mom said on the other line. "What have you been doing."
It took me a second to find an explanation for it.
"I was cosplaying with the others." I lied. It sucks lying to my mother.
"Oh, could you send me a picture of you three in costume." She said happily.
Wait; what?
"Three?" I asked.
"You Amelia and Ava," Mom said.
"Ok, give me a minute," I said calmly.
I hung up.

Yeah, this will work, now SEND!
"Ok, now that it's done, Amelia, Felix, let's Talk in my room," I said, wanting to talk to my brother and get him out of those clothes.
They followed me into my room.

Rhys pov
I sat down on the couch.
It's hard to be back here after all....that.
I started deep breathing.
Freddy's pregnant, after we....mated in the woods, on my idea.
We went to Daemos, and time barely passed here.
I don't know what to do now?

(Sorry it's very short, I'm very tired.)

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