2| Valuable Relationships

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Chicago is a lot different from LA, in almost every aspect possible. Besides the fact that they're big cities filled with sports and famous people, the similarities end there. The people who live here are different, the work life is different, the city life is different. Chicago is a lot more of something I would enjoy because it's smaller that LA. All 3 million people are compacted to the city and its suburbs and its a nice life. I can go just outside city limits and be at peace, I don't feel like I have to be someone I'm not. Of course it's not perfect, and I haven't been around long enough to see the bad parts. But I was hoping for a fresh start and a new challenge. And I think I found it.

I pull on a pair of skinny jeans and a nice blouse before I head out into the city. I was meeting with Patrick today to go over some assistant stuff and see what I'm getting myself into. I don't know a lot about the guy, what he's done for hockey or this city. I've read the headlines but that's just part of the story. Although he comes across as cocky, cynical and quite frankly a bit obnoxious he is wanting to get better and that says a lot about a person. To just admit there's a problem is something most people can't do, to reach out and find a solution is even more rare. So I'm going to do my best to help him keep his head on straight and make sure he doesn't spiral down this hill so fast that he crashes at the bottom and doesn't get back up.

I can't lie, I thought he was very cute. His curly blonde hair and big pink lips alone was enough to make all the girls swoon. The typical athlete type. And while his enchanting eyes are a very strong feature, it's not as strong as my determination to make his life better and make this city my home. No matter how much trouble he gives me.

I take a cab over to his place and he lets me up. He lived in the biggest building almost all the way up at the top. So I spend my time in the elevator wondering if this move was my best one. I don't know much about being a personal assistant. And what if he asks me to do something weird? I can't tell him no, he was basically a god after scoring that over time goal earlier this year. He could easily ruin whatever reputation I might have here if I upset him. I don't need to know about hockey or him to know that what he did was huge. And therefore the problems he makes will be just as huge.

I walk up to the door and I let out a long sigh. Here goes nothing.

I knock on the door and wait for Patrick to answer. The door eventually opens up and I find a shirtless Patrick Kane standing there. I try not to stare but it was a little hard, he looked just like you would imagine a 21 year old hockey star who was on the front of every magazine would look.

I let out a soft gasp as I turn away. "Mr. Kane, you're not wearing a shirt" I say bashfully. My eyes set on the floor so I wasn't tempted to stare again.

"Is that a problem Ms. Tyler" he asks. I can hear the cockiness in his voice as he steps closer to me making me scoot back. He knew what he was doing but I wasn't in the mood to play his game.

"For the sake of being professional, yes. It is" I insist.

"Well we're going to be around each other a lot, you're probably going to see me shirtless" he defends.

"And maybe, sometime down the road, that will be okay. But I am here as your personal assistant and would really appreciate if you would put on a shirt" I insist.

He pauses for a second because he probably didn't expect this reaction, most girls would love for the door to be open and him on the other side shirtless. But I am a reputable woman who abides by the idea of doing what's right, and this wasn't it. "Alright then. Come on in and I'll make myself decent" he assures me.

So I come in and he disappears down the hallway. I start to look around his place and notice that this apartment was bare. Like there was a couch, a TV, a coffee table and that was all. It was black and white and grey and very empty. I wouldn't even know someone has lived here.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now