25| Turn Of Events

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I send Patrick out to a game in San Jose and my brothers wanted to explore the city before they left for home, so that means I get a day with Kanan and Marissa before they're gone. It was snowing again so they didn't want to go outside, part of me believes they're scared of the snow. Must be the California in them.

So they hang out with me as I try my hardest to get better. I was in so many different therapy sessions but since Patrick was paying he insisted I got everything I needed to get better and I couldn't deny him that. So I do what I need to get better and hope for the best.

"So... is there something you want to tell me" Marissa says and I look at her. She was in the chair next to me giving me a shit eating grin.

"Is there" I ask.

"A little something about you and Patrick" she claims as she wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

I just roll my eyes because I was hoping she dropped this by now. Obviously she hasn't. "We're just friends" I beg.

"I'm sorry but you can't seriously believe that" she scoffs.

"I don't even get how you're still friends with him after what he did to you" Kanan claims.

"And what did he do" I ask him.

He looks at me questionably as I wait for my answer. "What do you mean? He's why you're here" he claims.

"How though? What did he do that put me here" I ask him. He stays silent as we just stare at each other. "He told me not to go out there, he tried to get me to stay and I didn't listen. I wanted to prove to myself that I could go out there, that I'm not scared of life.

And I did it, I did what I came here because I can't do it anywhere else. Because everyone back home won't let me because they think they need to run my life for me. It's not Patrick's job to stop me from doing things, in fact that's my job. He doesn't owe me a damn thing and this wasn't his fault" I defend.

"He's still a bad guy" he tries.

"Stop" I yell causing the room to fall silent. "Stop saying these things about him. This is why he believes he can never get better, because people have their mind made up about him and no matter what he does people spite him. No wonder he doesn't want to put his faith in other people when they just want to see him as a bad guy no matter what he does. Why should he try to be better when everyone constantly dogs on him?

But he does still wants to be better. And I'm in a position to help him do that and I'm not going to stop" I argue.

"Because you like him" Marissa claims.

I let out a long sigh as I look at my hands. I had trouble swallowing as is, this isn't helping. "I don't know" I whisper.

"You do. And this is not a knight in shining armor type of like, but the fact that you've had to see this man for who he really is and who he wants to be kind of like. And you think that is man is great, and thanks to you that man is here now. No one will be mad if you had feelings for him" she argues.

I turn to Kanan who was trying to stare a hole through her head. I think he would mind. "I do like him" I admit making him scoff. "But that doesn't mean anything" I try.

"Why the hell not" Marissa scoffs.

"Because he's my boss. I work for him and the friendship itself is pushing it. A relationship would not work. Dating and sharing information that could change everything we worked so hard to get. That's not what we need" I defend.

"And why if it is? What if you guys need someone here that loves you? Someone that needs you and not in a business type of way. In a type of way where you don't know what you would do without them" she explains.

"I wish things were simpler. But the bottom line is it isn't and this is how it's supposed to be" I insist.

"You're so stubborn" she accuses.

"You're the one who's friends with me" I tease.

"Best friends" she corrects.

I pull her into a hug before she excused herself into the hallway. Kanan stands in the back of the room just staring at the floor. "I'm sorry I yelled at you" I start. "But I'm not going to apologize for what I said. I meant it all" I promise him.

"I know. I just... I watched what you went through with Jordan. And he seemed like a cool guy but things went south fast and I couldn't do anything to help you, I can't let that happen again" he sighs.

"Patrick isn't anything like Jordan. Patrick makes me feel safe and wanted, two things I never felt with Jordan. He wants so bad to become a better person and make my life better. He does care about me and you know that, even if you're afraid to admit it.

I love you Kanan, with all my heart. But you cannot live your life trying to prevent something bad from happening to me. Bad things are going to happen and there's nothing you or I can do about it" I argue.

"With Jordan I could have stopped you because I knew he was bad news and I could have said something but I didn't.  And I almost lost you because of that" he whispers.

"I'm sorry I put you through that. But I'm better now because of you and Marissa. As long as you guys are here for the good times and the bad that's all that matters" I promise.

"You promise that if Patrick ever does something he shouldn't you'll tell us" he says.

"Of course" I assure him.

"Then in that case... I think you should tell him how you feel" he claims.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head from that turn of events. "Seriously, you too now" I whine.

"Chelsea, I've known you for over half my life now. I know you better than I know most anyone, and I know you feel for this man. And I have every right to believe that he likes you too.

I've never seen a man so messed up than when he saw you in bed unconscious. His eyes were dark and stormy and you would have never known he just won a Stanley cup or scored the goal to win it. He looked broken and even though I don't particularly like the dude, it was hard to watch. It looked like he just lost everything he had. Then you woke up and he was already so much better.

I don't know what you want to call what you two have, but it's special. Dangerous, but special. And I think you should take the chance" he claims.

"Okay, then what about you and Marissa? What's your excuse there? Because you guys practically live together but neither of you have made a move" I challenge. He smiles big as he shakes his head. 

"I have no excuse. I'm just scared" he admits.

"Well that's a awful excuse. You guys are here for a few more days, take her to the park and show her the city. She'll love it. Tell her how you feel" I insist.

"I'll do it if you talk to Patrick" he tries.

"I need some time. I'm still doing therapy and trying to get through this incredibly hard part of my life. But once this is over and we're back to some type of normal we'll talk" I promise.

"Good" he smiles.

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