40| Never Knew I Needed

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If you would have told me that at the beginning of this season my life would have changed this much I would have laughed in your face. I would have told you that these kind of changes don't happen, and they certainly don't happen in 6 months or to someone like me. But here we are 6 months after we met and I'm as happy as I can be. As happy as I ever been, and it's all because of Chelsea.

I haven't touched a drink in 4 months and I haven't really wanted to for 3 months. My relationship with my parents and my sisters is as strong as it's ever been because I've been communicating and actually talking to them instead of them just driving out here and me not knowing what has been going on since the last time I've seen them. Recently my play in hockey has been getting a lot better thanks to me being more open about my struggles and actually facing them instead of just letting them consume me. And the friends I have around here are people I actually want to be around, they're not people who are embarrassed of me or I'm embarrassed by, they're people who love me for who I am and respect what I'm trying to do here.

And if you would have told me that I would be in love, and a real love at that, I would have told you that you're delusional. That a girl that is meant for me doesn't exist because there is no girl for me. But low and behold, here I am six months later head over heels in love with this girl I never thought I could love. When we first met she was so hard on me, she was tough but it was necessary for me to be able to change. The attraction was always there but it wasn't until I saw what she wanted to do and why she was doing it that I fell in love. And as time went along we started to get closer and to listen with our hearts and now we're here. Two kids who aren't supposed to be in love but are.

So I decide to do something. Something I'm sure I'm not supposed to do but I'm going to do it anyway. I guess old habits die hard in that sense.

I head into town and start to look at promise rings. You know, the kind you give your girlfriend to promise to be married one day and live happily ever after. Things I know I can't promise her but want to try to anyway.

I continue to look around the store not really finding anything that stuck out. Finally I see a ring in the shape of a crown and I thought it was perfect for my princess.

I thought the ring was stunning, a pretty color and just the right amount of sparkle

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I thought the ring was stunning, a pretty color and just the right amount of sparkle. While she wanted to leave the "first class everything is handed to you" lifestyle behind her she still likes to wear fancy jewelry. And not to show off that she has money or that her beauty cannot be compared by the objects she wears, but because it shows off her sparkling personality. She wears the necklace Michelle gave her after she passed away every day and I was hoping I could give her something else she would be happy to wear.

So I buy the ring and head on over to her apartment. She wanted to deep clean her place today so I waited until it was after 6 to go over. I knock on her door and she answers in her work out clothes which made me blush a little. I know she doesn't like people seeing her so undressed, I just wish she saw how truly beautiful she was, in any state.

"A call would have been appreciated" she admits as she tries to shelter herself behind the door.

"That's too formal for us. That's not how we roll" I scoff.

"Fine. We can hang but I need to change first" she insists.

So she welcomes me in and she paddles her little feet down the hallway into her room. I feel the ring box in my pocket and I suddenly felt really nervous. What if she doesn't what a promise ring? What if she doesn't care about promises? I never really thought about it until now but now it's all I can think about.

"Patrick" she says in her soft voice and I finally look up from the ground I was having a staring contest with. I see her standing there in a cute sun dress and I smile. Princess and The Frog end credits was playing in the background as the music filled the room. All of the sudden I was feeling a lot better now that I can see her and she can see me. "Is there a reason you showed up on cleaning day. Because if you were trying to help it's a little too late. I've already finished and watched Princess and The Frog" she explains making me chuckle.

"No. I got you something and I didn't really know how to tell you over the phone so I just showed up to give it to you" I explain.

"Oh" she smiles as I step in closer to her. I grab her hand with my free one and grab the ring box with the other hand. I get lost in her eyes as she looks up at me with so much love.

"For the way you changed my plans
For being the perfect distraction
For the way you took the idea that I have
Of everything that I wanted to have
And made me see there was something missing

For the ending of my first begin
(Ooh, yeah yeah, ooh, yeah yeah)
And for the rare and unexpected friend
(Ooh, yeah yeah, ooh, yeah yeah)
For the way you're something that I'd never choose
But at the same time, something I don't wanna lose
And never wanna be without ever again

You're the best thing I never knew I needed
So when you were here I had no idea
You are the best thing I never knew I needed
So now it's so clear, I need you here always."

I pull out the ring box and I head a gasp pass her lips. I open it up and show her the ring as she tries to hide the smile.

"Why" she asks.

"Because even though promise rings never seem to work out the way people plan, especially for someone like me who's future is so uncertain, I know a future without you is one I don't want to have.

My whole life I had one plan and it was to play hockey, nothing else. Then you walked in and all that changed. You were the exact thing I needed in order to be who I wanted to be and I didn't even know it. You went from being someone I didn't know to someone I couldn't live without and I wouldn't change a damn thing about it.

And so I bought this promise ring because I promise that no matter what we are to each other we should be together. In love. And as happy as ever" I explain.

"My accidental happily
(Ever after)
The way you smile and how you comfort me
(With your laughter)
I must admit you were not a part of my book
But now if you open it up and take a look
You're the beginning and the end of every chapter

You're the best thing I never knew I needed
So when you were here I had no idea
(When you were here)
You the best thing I never knew I needed
(That I needed)
So now it's so clear, I need you here always
(Now it's so clear)"

She holds her hand out for me and I slip the ring on her finger. It didn't look like a engagement ring but it didn't look like something I picked up on the way out of Target either.

She holds her hand up before taking a look at the ring. Her smile was as big as I've ever seen it as she turns to me. She jumps up in my arms and wraps hers around my neck. I close my eyes as I squeeze her tight not ready to let her go. A smile fights it's way onto my face because now I know that my happily ever after is right here.

"You're the best thing I never knew I needed
(That I needed)
So now it's so clear I need you here always
(Now it's so clear)
(So clear, so clear, I need you always)
Now it's so clear, I need you here always ."

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