51| Is It Fate

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The Blackhawks organization is a prideful one when it comes to honoring the people who served for our country. Every single home game they have veterans on the ice for their spectacular rendition of the star spangled banner. Even in the playoffs they put on a show with both of the anthems now being played since they're going up against Vancouver. The people who once served stands proudly next to the guy who songs the anthem and salutes the flag they put their lives on the line for.

But this particular game was special because Jonathan and Patrick pulled some strings so Lizzie can be down on the ice for the national anthem. She didn't ask for it but I thought it was pretty cool that they thought of her. Usually they have people from the world wars, not from the ones we're in now, but with her situation and the fact that she helped save so many people they wanted to recognize her and have her be on the ice for the best version of our national anthem out there.

I find my sister in her room trying her best getting dressed for the night all on her own. She was getting a lot better at figuring out to do things herself. It's given her a lot of confidence which gave me a lot of confidence in her too.

"You about ready" I ask her.

She lets out a sigh as she turns to me. She smiles big as she holds her arms out. "How do I look" she asks.

"As beautiful as ever" I admit.

"Good. Then I'm ready" she smiles.

She wheels herself out to the elevator and we head to the car. We get to the United Center nice and early as we sit by the ice. The building was completely empty and I'm not sure most of the guys were even here yet. But we wanted to beat the traffic and look around before we couldn't get around the place.

"This building is awesome" she admits as she looks around.

"It's pretty great. I even got to catch a basketball game here when the Lakers were in town" I admit.

"How was that? Is everyone doing well" she wonders.

"You know them, they're doing their best to stay out of trouble. It's not easy but they're doing just fine without me" I admit.

"That's good, because I think you and Patrick belong together" she claims and I laugh obnoxiously. I didn't mean to but after all we have been through "meant to be" isn't what comes to mind. Maybe "happy accident" or "learn to love" but not meant to be.

"I don't know about all that fate stuff. If fate wanted us together then we would be together" I defend.

"That's not fate, that's destiny. Fate gets you together and destiny is where you guys will end up. So right now I think fate is exactly where you guys are, I'm not sure of your destiny though" she admits.

"That's the scary part, huh? Knowing what your life can be, but also knowing that it might not end up like that. There's endless possibilities that can happen from moment to moment, and we could waste our whole lives trying to predict what will happen. I know years ago I never thought this is where I would be right now. Not even a few months ago would I think I would be this happy. But now that the future is the present then soon to be the past, I couldn't be more excited about what could happen next" I explain.

"And if you don't mind, I think I'm going to stay out here instead of going back to LA to finish up my recovery process. That way I can bother you as much as possible and hopefully go on some cute sister dates. If it's okay with you, I really want to stay here" she admits.

"I want you here more than anything. This place has felt more like home in the 8 months I've been here than the two decades back in LA. And it's not because of what happened there but what's happening here that makes me want to be a part of it. This city, this place, it's filled with people who care about the real things, not the fake ones. And things that help you grow as a person instead of holding you back. I'm honored that I get to share this with you" I smile.

"Tonight is going to be insane, isn't is" she asks.

"Well if they lose tonight they would have been swept and I don't know if we make it out of here alive" I admit.

"Jon has been so pissy lately. I don't know if I can handle him if they lose tonight" she claims.

"I know what the feeling is. I hated talking to Patrick after bad games but one night he came to me and explained why he took everything to heart and that he wanted to be better for everyone. They forget that even though they're talented and gifted they're still human and still feel things to" I defend.

"You've really gotten him figured out huh" she questions.

I just smile to myself as I shrug. "I don't think I'll ever really know him. There's some parts of him he's forgotten and it's going to take a long time for him to open up again. See himself for all that he is. But from what he's shown me I couldn't be more proud of him, every part. I hope he knows that" I sigh.

"I do now" a mans voice says and I turn around. I see Patrick in his warm ups as he gets ready for tonight's game.

"How long have you been here" I question.

"Long enough" he smirks. "Hey Liz, how are you" he asks my sister as he stands next to me.

"I'm doing good. I'm a little nervous for tonight so I can only imagine how you feel" she teases.

"I'm surprisingly calm" he tries.

"No you're not. I can see the bite mark in your nails" I accuse and he laughs.

"I guess you do know me better than anyone" he admits.

"Damn right" I smile.

Eventually my sister and I head up to the boxes and let the guys warm up. Once it was time I bring her down and they bring her to the ice. She gets a big roaring applause form the fans as she waves to them all. Jon comes over and brings her some flowers which made my heart skip a beat. He's been so awesome through all of this and I can tell he really likes her. They make such a cute couple and I hope she doesn't push him away too much.

Once they sing the national anthem and the game was underway we return to the boxes. She changes into a Blackhawks jacket and a pair of jeans and we enjoy the game from up high. I preferred to be with the fans screaming at the refs and cheering extra loud when Patrick scored. But this was a nice change of pace and it was handicapped accessible.

I look over to see my sister going through the flowers smiling and it made me smile too. Maybe this will work well after all.

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