41| Little Star

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While being away from LA hasn't been all that hard, I missed my friends more than anything. I only knew of a life with Kanan and Marissa from the time I could remember to the moment I left, being this far away from them is hard. But life works out in ways we don't always want and I ended up in the Midwest while they stay on the golden coast. That's their home and now this is mine.

But I stay in touch and talk to them almost every single day. Sure we don't always talk about much, but just hearing their voice makes me feel so much better. Plus they were always together so I got to talk to the both of them.

"So how are you doing Little Star" Kanan asks over the phone. I smile because I honestly forgot about that nickname until someone from LA calls me that.

"I'm doing good. I miss you and Marissa like hell. How is she" I ask.

"She's really good. She got a job at the zoo and she's obsessed with all the animals. I'm sure she will send you all the pictures soon" he promises.

"Oh she did. I don't think I've ever seen a girl that happy before" I laugh.

"I don't know, when I asked her out on Valentine's Day she seemed pretty happy" he claims.

"WHAT" I screech into the phone. I nearly drop the thing as I try to calm down.

"Damn it Chels you're going to burst my ear drum" he whines.

"I will not apologize for being excited. That girl has been into you since middle school and you've liked her since high school, I never thought you would finally be together. And now it's nearly a month after Valentine's Day... why haven't you guys told me about this" I pout.

"I didn't say anything because I wanted to make sure it was for real. I didn't want to tell you we were together but it not work out or it fall apart and put you in a bad situation. I don't know what Marissa's excuse is" he defends.

"So... is it official. You guys are together" I ask with so much hope in my voice.

"Yes we are. We have our first official date tomorrow" he tells me.

"Oh I have waited for this moment for a decade. Better late than never I guess" I shrug.

"So what about you? I know you said that you and Patrick have been talking a lot recently but what's come of it? Are you two together yet" he questions.

A soft sigh passes my lips as I shake my head. "No, not yet. We told each other we love each other, but there's more to being together than being in love. There's people who are together who don't love each other and people who love each other and never get together. We just want to be there for each other and not force anything" I explain.

"But you told him" he insists.

"Yeah, I told him" I promise.

"Well that's better than doing nothing. I'm proud of you because I know that wasn't easy for you. Especially with the fact that the hard times didn't wait for you guys to be in love to show themselves, it was always hard for you two. I know, I was a part of the problem for a while. But I'm happy for you and I'm happy for Patrick too" he claims.

"Remember when you tried to tell me that I wasn't allowed to work with him" I ask and he laughs.

"Hey now, not even I'm perfect" he defends making me laugh.

"No you're not, but you're my best friend and I'm so happy you are. I just wish you and Marissa were closer" I sigh.

"Me too. But she has been begging to come back and not watch you sleep in a hospital bed" he teases.

"Well I can't wait" I smile.

I talk to Marissa for a while before I let them go be together. I grab my mail to make sure I didn't miss any bills because my mind is slippery like that. Once I realize that I was more than caught up on everything I decide to go shopping. Shopping has always been a weakness of mine, but now that the weather is a lot warmer I had a excuse to buy cute spring clothes. Not a lot of 23 year olds are financially stable but I was pretty lucky. I went to UCLA where my dad was a professor so I got a discount and the rest of my education was paid for with scholarships. Even though my first year with the Lakers I was a paid intern so I made some money there then the second year I got paid really nicely. And this season Patrick's income was 6 million so he paid me more than I think I deserve. Finances were the least of my worries, even with my parents not supporting me anymore. I had dreams that supported me and I was happy with my decisions.

So I shop and shop and shop some more. I find a lot of things I know will get some good use in the city. Some clothes to wear out with friends and to games for Patrick. I think I was pretty successful in getting everything I needed.

I head on home and when I get there I see a bouquet of flowers outside my door. I look at them weird before walking over and trying to see if they got sent to the wrong place. But I see my name on the card and smile to myself.

I toss all my things inside before bringing in the flowers. I find the card on the inside of them and read it.

"Dear Princess,

I know this is your day off from me but that doesn't mean I'm not still thinking about you. I wanted you to have these flowers to remind you that beauty is everywhere and I know that when you smiled when you saw these there was nothing in this world more beautiful than you. I hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait to see you again.

Love, Patches."

I feel my heart thud against my chest as I try to calm it down. But it continues to beat harder and harder as I smile as big as I ever had. I never had someone send me flowers, not once in my life. And even though we weren't together he still treated me like a princess. He didn't have to do that, you don't hear of Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods marrying their assistants. But he doesn't seem to follow any rules whether they're written or not.

I set the flowers on my end table and take a good look at them. They were a mixture of red roses and sunflowers which was surprisingly beautiful.

I might not know what's going to happen in the future, but as long as he is beside me I'm excited for it.

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