15| Total Princess

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Being a hard worker has been instilled in me since I was a young kid. My parents used to say "there can be people out there better than you but no one should work harder." And as much as it kills me to admit it, they were right.

So when I took this job it was never just a easy way out. Even if my education allowed me to do more than this, I wanted to help Patrick the best way I can. And that means there's some late nights after games when I'm at his place making sure he's in a good mind frame and is ready for everything coming up. With the circus trip and his birthday and making sure his family gets to see him as much as possible, I wanted to do everything I can to assure myself he's going to be good to go and I've done my job to the best of my abilities.

Eventually it starts to get late and I look up and see it's already 3 am. I let out a long sigh as I close my calendar that had everything I needed to know in it. My eyes start to drop as I fight to stay awake.

"I guess I should get home" I sigh as I stand up from the couch. But Patrick grabs my wrist as he pulls me back.

"You're going to drive home" he questions.

"Yeah. I could take a cab but I need my car for tomorrow" I explain.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to leave this late at night" he claims.

I raise my eyebrow high as I stop trying to walk away from him. "You're just saying that to get me to spend the night" I accuse.

"No. I'm saying that because it's late and driving while tired is just as dangerous as driving when impaired. And I'm not going to lose a friend because I make her too uncomfortable to stay over" he insists.

I let out a harsh sigh because he had a point. Plus this city this time of night is not my favorite thing in the world. But I didn't want to spend the night at his place, I can only imagine the ideas people would get. Or worse the ideas he would get.

"I'm going to need a change of clothes" I try.

"It's going to be huge on you but I have some things you sleep in. And as soon as soon as you're rested enough you can fly out of herein the morning, don't even have to say goodbye" he promises.

"I wouldn't do that to you" I smile.

"Good. Now let me go get you some clothes and a charger for your phone and you'll be all set" he says.

"What if I want to brush my teeth" I question.

"I have a extra tooth brush, always do" he promises.

He was such a player, I swear.

He disappears for a few seconds and I make myself at home. Though it was hard because this place looked like one of those apartments you show off to people interested in buying. Finally Patrick comes back which makes me feel so much better. I change and I find him waiting for me on the couch. I sit down as he starts to laugh at me.

"What" I pout.

"It's just... you looked like Cinderella at the ball the other day and now you look like her when she was scrubbing floors" he accuses.

"Are you calling me a princess right now" I gasp.

"Oh you're a total princess" he accuses.

"I am not" I pout.

"Come on! Your parents are super rich and super sucessesful, you're smart and beautiful and-" he pauses. I smile as he start to get uncomfortable instead of it being me for once. "I mean, you're pretty much perfect" he says.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now