64| New Friend

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As we continue to work on the house and getting things ready for the life that we will have once we move in, we decide to entertain Kanan and Marissa for a few days. Go on a double date and actually hang out with them in this great city instead of being stuck in a hospital the whole time where none of us admitted feelings for each other at the time. I wasn't sure if Kanan still hated my guts, but I guess time will tell.

We pick them up at the airport and take them to their hotel. Once they drop their things off and check in we decide to go somewhere nice for lunch. So I find the best steak house around and insist on treating everyone to a nice meal.

"So what should we do here in the summer? This weather is a lot more like my kind of thing" Marissa insists.

"You would love the concert they're having in the park tomorrow. It's country" I tell her.

She perks up and Kanan and Chelsea let out a groan.

"Damn, it might just be us two going at this point" she laughs.

"I'll go if Chelsea does" I insist.

"You know you can do things without me" Chelsea says from beside me.

"Why would I want to do that" I scoff.

We end up having a good meal and catching up on a lot but eventually Marissa had to excuse herself to go to the bathroom and of course Chelsea goes with her. That leaves Kanan and me at a completely silent table. I keep looking at him from the corner of my eyes and he would look back. I wasn't sure what to say or if I should say anything at this point. The few times we've talked haven't been the best but I think we're good now? At least I hope we are.

"Listen" he starts and I swear my heart was about to jump out of my chest. "I want to apologize" he claims as my eyes get big. "I was wrong about you pretty much 100% of the time. Honestly even before Chelsea had left LA I already hated you because I was terrified of what you could do to her. She hadn't even gotten the job with you yet but I didn't want her to leave after what she went through. She had just gotten out of a awful relationship with a athlete she worked with and now she was about to run off with you. I was so scared that she would get hurt. Not that she couldn't handle you, I had no doubt that she could. But that doesn't mean you wouldn't hurt her.

But even before she loved you she defended you. From the first days I wanted her back home where I could watch over her she fought me on every excuse I gave her to come back. The crazy thing is I was watching over her and she still got hurt. There wasn't much I could do to save her, I think that's what made me most upset. That or the fact that you were here with her and I wasn't. I don't know.

But I do want to apologize for what I said to you and what I said behind your back. I was wrong and I can admit that" he claims.

"Well thank you" I smile. "But you weren't completly wrong. I was selfish, stupid, I had a lot to learn. Luckily for me Chelsea was the one who was able to get it through my big thick skull" I laugh.

"She has a way, always has. The only people she can't get through to are her parents but at this point that's a lost cause" he admits.

"Have they always been awful" I ask him.

"Ever since I've known her so at least since 6th grade. I don't get how she came from them" he shakes his head.

"Me neither. I mean Chelsea is the kind of person you want everyone to know. She makes everyone smile and she is so smart. Every problem she faced she has a solution or two. And she is always smiling, I don't know how but she is. She loves so easily and it's addicting to be around her. Everywhere we go she just makes it ten times better just by batting her eyes. It's crazy to think about just how great she is" I sigh.

"You really love her, don't you" he asks.

"More than anything. I would give up everything just for a few moments with her. And I'm mad I wasted so long to let that be known but it just wasn't the right time, you know" I ask.

"It took me eight years to ask Marissa out so trust me, I get it" he laughs.

"But it feels right doesn't it" I question.

"That it does my man, that it does."

About 15 minutes pass before the girls came back. Luckily for them neither of us were upset with each other or this lunch could have ended horribly. But we all eat our foods and share some laughs before heading down to the beach. We take off our shoes and just walk because no one had their swim suit with them at this time. Of course we will probably come back here later in the week to get into the water but for now we just let the waves crash against our feet.

I let Marissa and Kanan get a little while ahead of us as I turn to look at Chelsea. "You guys were in that bathroom for a mighty long time earlier" I accuse.

"Oh you know how long girls take" she tries.

"Please. I know you followed Marissa to the bathroom and told her not to come back until Kanan and I worked things out" I scoff.

"And is that such a bad thing" she smirks.

"If it works, no. But what if it didn't" I ask her.

"I know you boys better than anyone. I know that both of your hearts are stronger than your minds. Believe it or not we aren't born to hate one another. Our innate feeling isn't hatred, it's love. Only when we misunderstand one another do we allow hate to become a part of us.

But you two have something in common and you both have it in you that you want to do what's best for me. I was blessed enough that I was loved by two amazing men, it was only a matter of time before you two would be friends. You just needed a little push" she shrugs.

"How do you understand people so much" I wonder.

"I spent my whole life listening not talking. I read this quote that said god gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. People never use their ears right, only hearing what they want to. Never listening to what's being told. I know so much because I was quiet long enough to hear what I need to know" she explains.

"Well I hope you never change" I smile.

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