76| Professional

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Preseason games were right around the corner so I was spending more time at the rink. Chelsea didn't mind as long as I took her took her skating every once in a while. She found any excuse to use her skates and I found any excuse to see her. So she skates a few times and goes around to make sure she's all caught up for what she needs.

As I walk around the empty looking United Center with my hands in my pockets staring at the ground I feel my feet pound the ground hard. I was done with practice ready to head home but Chelsea was waiting around to take some calls before we could leave. So I just think and try to figure out where I am in life and where I wanted to go.

"Hey Kaner" someone yells and I look up. I see Derrick Rose walking over to me and I smile big. I've met him a few times around here but our paths haven't crossed like this before.

"Hey buddy how is it going" I ask as I pull him into a hug.

"You live with Chelsea you should know" he accuses.

"Actually I don't. She's very professional and she takes her job very very seriously" I admit.

"Oh I know. I think I finally got her to stop calling me Mr. Rose" he laughs.

"Oh I know how that goes" I nod. "You know I tried to show off in front of her when we first started working together and answered my door in my shorts. You know what she did? She told me to put a shirt on and to be more business like" I explain.

"Oh man, I did not know that. That's kind of funny" he smiles.

"We had some ups and downs that's for sure. But she was new to being a personal assistant and I was new to being told no so we both were trying to figure it out" I explain.

"Don't worry, I'm not planning on her coming over to find me shirtless" he teases.

"That's nice time know" I laugh.

"But in all seriousness, you're a very lucky man. Chelsea has proved to be the best of the best, a mind like no one else's. I've been in the league for a while now and I didn't realize I was doing so many things wrong and how easy it was to figure it out. It was things I never even thought would make a difference but has already changed the way I can live my life. I don't want to imagine being a professional athlete without her now" he admits.

"She's got a way that's for sure" I agree.

"So how have you guys been? She told me about the house and showed me some pictures. I'm sure that was a lot of fun" he says.

"It was great. You should come over some time, I convinced Chelsea to let me turn the driveway heading into the garage into a basketball court. But the rims just might be a little closer to my height, must have installed them wrong" I joke.

"I think I might just have to take you up on that offer" he smiles.

"I know Chelsea would love it, she adores working with you. She won't admit it but working with the Lakers was a dream of hers once and she missed being around basketball. Plus if she had to work with one basketball player she would chose Kobe but you're a close second" I wink.

"I don't know, she's turned quite into a hockey feen. I even asked her to get me out for some games which she happily set up" he says.

"Seriously" I gasp.

"Yeah man. Basketball if my first, my hardest and my last love. This sport and this city means the world to me and no matter where I end up this place will have my heart. But what you guys do in this building isn't unnoticed. You guys won it all last year and no matter what sport is being played the championships here are different. I was just a kid watching Jordan do it all six times. I might have grown up in the bad side of Chicago, but when it comes to sports there's no good side and bad side. It's one city no matter the sport and I always admired that about this place. Even though basketball is my thing I can still enjoy hockey and I know you guys wouldn't let me down" he admits.

"I seriously appreciate that. Hockey isn't the main sport in this city but more and more people are realizing that it could be. With your support I think uniting this city could spell a lot of bad things for other teams" I insist.

"I wouldn't want to come here and play against any Chicago team. It's hard for them to win here because they Chicago faithful will always be behind us, through thick and thin. Proud to be here" he admits.

We talk for a little while longer before Chelsea finds us. Since we were both there she catches us up with her phone calls and what it meant for us. Once she got us all on board we start to head out.

"What are you doing for dinner tonight" I ask Derrick as we approach the parking lot.

"I don't know, probably take out again" he shrugs.

"Why don't you come over to dinner" I ask and he smiles.

"As long as boss lady doesn't mind" he claims.

"It sounds like a plan to me" she insists.

So we head home and she decides to pull out some things for dinner. I jump in the shower and change before letting Clark out for a bathroom break. He comes back in and we both join Chelsea in the kitchen to offer moral support. Trust me the most help I would be is away form the stove.

"You know, Derrick is a really cool guy" I admit.

"He's pretty great" she admits.

"Why do you think he really wanted a personal assistant? Like the actual reason" he asks.

"I think he had a troubled childhood and now he heals this lavish life and he is just lost in it all. All he knows is basketball and family, that's it. So he looks around at all this stuff and the comparisons to MJ and he is just trying to keep up. He's a really good guy, but good guys don't last in this league. Trust me, I've seen it all happen before. And if I can help him prevent society from ruining him then that's what I want to do" she explains.

"I love your heart. How kind you are without any reason" I say.

"I just want to build the world we live in and make it so it's a place we're proud of" she says.

"We're getting there" I promise. "It might take a while but we will get there."

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now