43| Love Sick

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Professional athletes are pretty tough guys. They get their teeth knocked out and punched in the face and slammed into the glass and so much more. Sometimes that's just a practice for them. Then they have to go through that stuff on a daily basis too.

So when Patrick called me saying that he was sick I thought I could give him some medication and he would be on his way. After everything he goes through on a daily basis a little illness couldn't hold him back. He has guys twice his size trying to run him over every other night, this should be nothing to him.

But man... I couldn't have been more wrong. You would think that this man is dying by the way he was acting. He moaned and groaned and whines like a little kid. He literally wouldn't move off of the couch and slept almost of the day. I felt bad for the man but the doctor said it was just a cold... could you imagine what would happen if he got really sick?

"What do you want for dinner" I ask softly as I bend down by him. I softly run my fingers through his hair as his eyes find me.

"To die" he mumbles making me roll my eyes. This man, I swear...

"I don't know how to make that. What else do you want" I question as he sends me a playful glare.

"You" he claims.

"Oh no. If I get sick who is going to take of your sorry ass" I tease.

"Pleaseeee. I'm not even hungry" he tries.

"You need to eat or you won't get your strength up and I'm going to have to look over you all week and I really don't want to. You have your most important games of the season coming up and you need to be out there helping your team, not in here making me want to pull my hair out" I argue.

"If I ate something would you come cuddle with me" he asks like a little kid trying to get a lollipop from the people at the bank.

"Fine" I sigh. Anything to get him to eat something at this point.

I make him a grilled cheese and some tomato soup and help him sit up so he would eat. He eats about half of it which I think is a miracle in itself. Once he was done I clean up and he stays up to cuddle. I was kind of hoping he would have just fallen asleep again so I didn't have to do this, lord knows what is going through his sickly mind right now. But a promise is a promise so I crawl into his arms and he holds me close. His body was so warm I could just feel how sick he was. I cup his cheek as his weary eyes stare down at me.

"You really don't feel good huh" I ask.

"I'm feeling a little better now" he says with a sad smile. I feel his warm cheek in my hand and it made my heart happy.

"You should get some sleep" I insist.

"There's no way I'm going to sleep and miss being like this. Plus I've slept all day, it's a nice change of pace to be awake" he claims.

"So what? We're just going to lay here" I ask.

"We can talk" he suggests.

"About what" I wonder.

"It's you and me, we can talk about anything. How is your family. We talk about my family all the time, how are the Tyler's doing" he wonders.

I let out a sigh as I shake my head. "I actually haven't heard from my sister for a while now. Not since I was in the hospital and they let me Skype her. I keep writing but I haven't heard from her in months. I'm scared something has happened but no one has gotten a MIA or a POW or DOA message so I'm not sure what to think. I want to believe she's okay... but it's hard to" I whisper.

"She's a strong girl just like you. I'm sure she will be fine, and if she isn't she will find her way back to you" he claims.

"What if she's dead" I whimper.

"Then it's up to you to show the world that the girls in your family aren't just beautiful socialites. That you guys are powerful and thoughtful and kind. Both of you girls fight for what you believe in in ways your parents don't appreciate. And you still do it because you know that what you're doing is what you're meant to do. Don't let people forget that" he insists.

"I won't" I promise.

"What about your brothers? How are they doing" he asks me.

"They're good" I smile. "We're closer now than we've ever been. That accident gave me a lot more than it took away and in a sick and twisted way I guess that I am appreciative of that. Dying wasn't fun, but waking up and seeing all the reasons I wanted to live in the first place was really cool. I want to see Tatum get married this summer and get some nieces and nephews. Bryan has a lot lined up for the great city of Los Angeles. They're lucky to have him and now I realize I am too. Because he was willing to leave his city and his responsibilities to be there for his little sister even though I'm a pain in his ass more times than not. He still loves me" I smile.

"I know the feeling" he claims as I scoff loudly.

"When am I a pain in your ass" I question.

"Seriously? I know you've been giving me NyQuil instead of DayQuil so I'll sleep so you don't have to hear me complaining" he accuses.

"I'm doing us both a favor" I laugh.

"How about the fact that whenever we go out you make us take pictures even though I hate taking pictures" he insists.

"Those aren't pictures, they're memories. Moments that might not mean anything at the time but one day when everything has changed it might be nice to remember the times when things were better or simpler. Maybe you can look at them and remember why you held on for long in the first place" I explain.

"That's what I have you for" he claims.

"I'm not your waking memory bank, I am your personal assistant" I correct.

"And best friend" he reminds me.

"And best friend" I agree.

"And lover" he tries. I just give him that "you've got to be joking" look and for the first time all day he smiles a real smile. "I had to try" he shrugs.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now