73| I Forgive You

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I walk into the United Center pretty early this morning listening to my heels meet the floor. Today was my first official act with Derrick and I was excited, but it was for the NBAPA so that meant Jordan would be here too. Patrick begged me not to go but I assured him I would be fine. What happened between Jordan and I, I allowed it to happen because I loved him and I believed he loved me too. But I don't believe in that or him or us anymore. Therefore he had no power over me.

I wait for Derrick to arrive and he meets me in one of the meeting rooms. He explains that I'm here to help him figure out the agenda that is set today and his roll in the players association. Pretty simple if you ask me.

"Are you okay" he asks me as we stand up from the table we were having our meeting at. I let out a long sigh as I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not really sure at this point. Someone I was okay with never ever seeing again is going to be here at this point and I'm not sure if I can handle it" I admit.

"Is he a player" he questions and I silently nod. "Is he on the Lakers" he further questions.

"He was but he left shortly after I did. I didn't think he would be important enough to be at something like this but sometimes they put the troubled ones in this position so they act right. Maybe he's completely changed. I'm not really sure how he ended up here" I admit.

"If you want you can go home. I don't want you here if it's not safe for you" he insists.

"I'll be fine" I smile. "Just fine."

We get on our way and I don't even see Jordan at first. But like always he strolls in late without a care in a world as he looks around. His eyes fall on me and suddenly I felt like that 21 year old girl who didn't know any better. But the thing is I knew everything now and I knew better.

He walks over and I cross my arms across my chest. I keep my face stone as I look up at him.

"You look nice" he starts and I roll my eyes. "Come on, your little boyfriend isn't around so you don't have to act like this" he accuses.

"You call that acting" I scoff. "No. Acting was every morning when I woke up with you like I actually was happy to be there. Acting was when people asked why I never ate I said it was because I wasn't hungry and not because you turned my eating disorder into something deadly. Acting was every single time I smiled when you said something even though I was dying inside. Acting was when we were finally alone and I didn't need to act happy anymore but I did because I was afraid you would hurt me to the point I couldn't come back from it if I didn't. Acting was every time I heard your voice I wanted to gag but I held it in so no one suspected anything.

That was acting. This is me" I assure him.

"Wow... you really hate me" he gasps.

I let out a sigh as I shake my head. "No, Jordan I don't. I can't. Hating you only hurts me, not you. Because quite frankly you don't give a fuck about me unless it affects you. And up until now it didn't. But I have no problem telling you that I have one thing left to say then everything after that, it doesn't matter" I announce.

"And what's that" he questions.

"I forgive you" I say.

His eyes go big as he was now the one who got frozen. "What" he whispers.

"I forgive every time you laid a hand on me, every awful word you spoke and every tear you let hit my cheek. All of it. Because I'm done letting you sit in the back of my mind every time I feel insecure. I'm done thinking that all that shit you did to me had anything to do with me when it was just you being weak. Wanting to feel superior so you have to put me beneath you in order to feel like you amounted to anything.

You got the rings Jordan, you did it. But they traded you away and they continued winning and what's happening with you? You're here because they don't trust you, because if you're a part of this it looks like it was a good signing on their end. I'm here because the youngest man to ever to win MVP wanted to work with me. He saw that I was capable of doing things that you could only dream of and he wanted me to be there to help him.

So I forgive you, because if you didn't break me down in the way you did I couldn't have grown to where I am now. I wouldn't have been so low that the only place to go was up. So in a way you blessed me, right after you destroyed me" I accuse.

He stands there silently as he just stares. His shoulders fall and I can tell he was defeated, like he just lost his team a game. His eyes fall to the floor as I go to walk away.

"Oh, I lied. I guess there was one more thing" I say. He looks up and let's put a sigh. "If you ever think you treat another girl in the way you treated me I will find out. Some way I will find out and I will end what's left of your career" I promise.

"Chels" Derrick calls out.

So I walk away and join him at his side. "That's your ex" he asks me and I sigh.

"Sadly" I mumble.

"Never did like Jordan. I prefer Michael Jordan" he claims.

"Jordan Sparks" I smile.

"Michael B Jordan" he plays along.

"Oh that's a good one" I giggle.

"You sure he's not going to bother you? Because I can talk to him and make sure that he stays far the hells away from you" he promises.

"Thanks Mr. Rose, but I think I handled it" I assure him.

"Please, for the love of god, don't call me that anymore" he begs.

"When what would you like me to call you" I ask.

"My friends call me DRose" he says.

"I think I can do that" I smile.

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