67| Cute

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It's been about 3 weeks since we started working on the house and we were almost ready to move in furniture and fill the pool and all that good stuff. This whole experience has been so much fun, I've done so many things I never thought I would do. But thanks to Patrick he and I got to make our dream home and hopefully one day years and years from now our grandkids can come home and look around and know that when we built this place we just wanted what is best for them.

But we had to let the paint dry and the floor set so Patrick and I decide to go out to Buffalo to pay his family a visit. I've never been to this part of New York and I was excited to see where Patrick grew up. Meet some friends and of course his grandpa he hadn't stopped talking about.

So we fly out and arrive in Buffalo around three in the afternoon. Erica picks us up and brings us to their childhood home. We were staying in a hotel but I wanted to see where my favorite person came from. So we get there and as soon as I walk in I'm greeted by hugs. Lots and lots of hugs.

"I missed you guys too" I laugh as I hug them all back. I see his mom come over as she just smiles big.

"Hey sweetie" she starts. I swear she was the mother I never had.

"Hi Donna, how have you been" I ask as I pull her into a hug too. We embrace each other for the first time since before the hockey season was over.

"I'm a lot better now that you guys are here. I've already started on dinner tonight and I got out all the scrap books" she claims making me giggle.

"No" Patrick warns.

"Oh yes" Jessica laughs.

Once Patrick shoos his sisters away he shows me around. I couldn't stop smiling because this is the kind of home I was hoping to be building back in Chicago. From the moment I stepped foot into this place I felt welcomed and this warm feeling inside. Like I was loved.

We get up to Patrick's room which his parents had turned into a hockey shrine. There was a replica Stanley cup and pictures from when he scored the goal to win the whole thing. There was hats and hockey pucks medals trophies, so many different things that's he has won.

"Wow" I gasp as I look around. "Are you supposed to be good or something?"

He laughs at me as he just shakes his head. "I do my job and let people come to their own conclusions. So you tell me" he teases.

"I've never seen anything like this. This is amazing" I admit.

"It's fine and all, but I won't make the hall of fame for all my OHL medals and ribbons. It's what I'm going to do that I'm focused on, not what I've done" he says.

"And that's why I wanted to be your personal assistant" I smile.

"That and I'm really cute" he tried.

"I'm pretty sure the words I used to describe you when I met you was "not my type"" I defend.

"And cute" he says with a cheesy smile.

"I did say you were cute" I smile.

"Ha! I knew it" he cheers.

"Well you can just add it to your wall of achievements here. "Girlfriend wasn't originally interested but always thought I was cute." You can put it right next to the fake Stanley cup" I joke.

"All this stuff is nice but..." he trails off as he wraps his arms around me, "the greatest prize I've ever won was your heart. And I don't need to put that up in a room because I have a whole house being built to prove that" he says.

"Good answer" I tease.

After his sisters show me their rooms and the rest of the house it was time for dinner. We all sit around the table like a big happy family and eat the food Donna and the girls made. I look around and smile as I let out a soft sigh. This is exactly how I want it to be like in the new house every night. We can have people over and make them feel welcomed and loved, just as I did being in this house.

"So Patrick tells us you have a new client. Are you excited" Jess asks me.

"I am. Patrick knows a lot more about him and what he means to the city than I do but I'll learn. I did that last time and I think that worked out pretty well" I tease.

"It did. Even if he only hired you because he thought you were hot" Donna accuses.

Patrick nearly chokes on his food as he starts to cough. I softly pat his back until he calms down. "You thought I was hot" I ask.

"I... um" he stutters making me laugh.

"I guess were even then" I tease.

"I guess so" he smiles.

"Well things with Derrick will be easier than how it went with Patrick because lets be honest, you're a handful" I accuse.

"Am not" he pouts.

"Patrick... mom made you have a professional baby sitter because you were incapable of being responsible for your job and your family and you couldn't keep yourself out of trouble. You were a handful at the very least" Jackie accuses.

"Alright you have a point" Patrick mumbles.

"And I would do it all over again" I assure him as I set my hand on his thigh. He places his hand on top of mine before he laced his fingers with mine.

"I would too. But if you could have came into my life just a little bit sooner that would be perfect" he jokes.

"I was too busy trying to keep my own head on straight" I defend.

"Fair enough" he admits.

After dinner was desserts and Patrick and I share a bowl of ice cream because I really don't eat all that much and he claims to be back on his hockey diet. I don't believe him but I'll let him keep believing he is doing this one thing.

After spending hours laughing at baby pictures and joking around Patrick and I had to get to the hotel so we can check in and they don't give our room to someone else. Once we were settled in I lay in bed and just stare at the ceiling.

"Why are you smiling so big" he asks me.

"You just make me happy" I say.

"Is that so" he asks as he crawls into bed with me. He rests a hand on either side of me before giving me a long kiss.

"Yeah" I smile.

"How do I make you happy" he asks.

"The way you look at me, like you've never seen anything better. The way you touch me like you're afraid to let me go but you wouldn't even hold on to me so tight that you would hurt me. They way that you could possibly think that your family would embarrass you when I watched you get so drunk you pissed yourself" I tease.

"I only did that once" he scoffs. "Well, once since I met you" he admits.

"And look how far you've come" I smile.

"I'm more excited to see where we are going" he claims.

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