8| Patches

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We wind up the preseason here at home trying our best to find line combinations and specialty units to be ready for the regular season. I myself was feeling pretty good. Excited to continue my legacy and make a name for myself.

But in the mean time I need to make sure I still have things to play for. A reason to want to do good. So I decide to go out to the children's hospital and hang out with the kids there. I try to come out at least once a month and put a smile on their faces. I don't do it as a part of the team or for anyone a lot of the times, I do it for myself and to make some kids smile. To put myself in check and remind myself just how lucky I really am.

So Chelsea joins me as we walk around the children's hospital. She wanted to be a part of this to try and help some families and have her part in helping the community around here. She did a lot of this back in LA and was looking into supporting the children's hospital here in Chicago. This was a perfect way for us both to make a difference and help some people feel just a little bit better.

"How come you don't tell people you do this" she wonders as we walk around.

I just smile as a sigh passes my lips. "Because this isn't what they want from me. We already have a do-gooder in the team, I can't play that role. If I tell people I do this they say it was just for press or because someone told me to. I would rather be a saint in silence than a fake in public" I shrug.

"Wow. It almost sounded like you have some sense of humanity" she teases.

"Do you really think so little of me" I question.

"Quite the opposite actually" she claims. "It's just really hard to get pass this facade you put on for everyone. Even me."

"I do it to protect myself" I defend.

"You have been doing it for so long that even you are are starting to believe that you're this guy... but you're not. You make yourself seem selfish and egotistical and dumb to protect yourself" she accuses.

"Wow, dumb. That's just hurtful" I scoff.

"I'm sorry, but nothing in my contract says I have to lie to you to spare your feelings" she smirks.

"Don't I know it. I don't think I've ever had a girl who talked to me like you do. I don't know if I love it or hate it" I chuckle.

"I don't think you have a choice Mr. Kane" she argues.

"And for the love of god... please stop calling me Mr. Kane. I'm 21 years old for fucks sake. Literally I will take anything else" I beg.

"Anything" she smirks.

"Within reason here" I defend.

"Okay" she smiles. "How about... Ricky" she asks.

"No" I shake my head.

"Pasty" she tries.

"I'd rather die" I admit.

"Fine. How about Mr. Patrick" she smiles.

"Wow... you're actually the worst" I accuse.

She just laughs at me as her big green eyes stare through me. I know I'm not supposed to like this girl but I meant it when I said when I said she was different. She is. I just don't know what that means.

"I like Patches" she claims.

"I don't think that one is too bad" I admit. "My sisters used to call me that when I was little. Now they just call me annoying" I joke.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now