4| Bar Kings

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As the hockey responsibilities start to rack up I become more and more busy. But thanks to Chelsea I was in a good rhythm to get where I need to be and making sure that I stay out of trouble along the way. Granted the trouble that I find is usually inevitable, I do watch what I do and say a little bit more with her around. I don't want her to think I'm a douch bag athlete I'm sure she saw all over LA. I want to be better than that too.

So I try to keep my head on straight even though a lot of people were willing to inflate it for me. You can hear "you scored the most important goal in Chicago Blackhawks history" so many times before it starts to go to your head.

But sometimes I forget I'm that guy. I forget I won rookie of the year or the cup and all of that good stuff. Sometimes I want to be a kid in one of the greatest cities in the world, you know? That's a lot of pressure to be constantly carrying around, that's part of the reason why I drink. Because the weight on my shoulders seems so much lighter when I'm under the influence. I'm not the great Patrick Kane, savior of the Blackhawks and great American born player. I'm Patty Cakes, the fun loving bad dancing idiot who knows how to have some fun. I'm over 21 now, it should be no problem when I drink. But thanks to a few mistakes I make every time I'm near alcohol every time I do it's in the news. I can't say or do anything without being scrutinized for it, but I still don't stop. And while I deserve the shame, I'm just 21 years old. I still want to have some sort of a life even if it's unlike anyone else's.

So I pull on jeans and a white V neck t shirt before meeting some of the guys at the bar. Even our old guys like Hossa was just 31 years old, so we knew how to party. And after winning the cup these bars don't charge us for drinks so we want to try our best to run them dry. A lot of us were single and not tied down to anything that wasn't hockey. It was one of the few times I feel like a real human being and not some athlete robot.

I walk in pretty late and find the guys in the back. A few of them like Hossa and Sharpy who was married had their girls with them, but most of us were riding solo hoping to find someone to take home. So I pour the beer down my throat and let the drink take its course. I start to look around to see who to dance with.

"See anything you like" Jonny asks me.

I smile big as I nod. "You see that sexy little thing at the bar" I ask pointing to a stunning girl in a short red dress.

"Yes I do" he stutters.

"I want that one" I announce.

I hear some snickering and I see the less cooler Patrick and his wife giggling to themselves. "Is there something funny about that" I ask them.

"Yes. Yes there is" Abby claims.

The girl comes over and once she gets over to us I realize how absolutely screwed I am. She struts over to our group with the sexiest smile on her face and a drink in her hand.

"Hey guys" she says.

"Chelsea" I choke out.

"Oh this is going to be great" Jonny claims and I send him a glare. He raises his hands as he backs off but I know that's not the last I'm going to hear out of him.

"What are you doing here" I wonder.

"Abby invited me" she explains as she goes over to Abby. She pulls her into a hug and I try to hide my emotions on my face.

I was attracted to her when I wasn't drunk, let alone when I drank so much that even Jonny looked decent. And now I see my personal assistant like this and I can't do anything about it. I was so screwed.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now