35| Surprise Guest

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After spending some time to get back into the swing of things on the mainland and making sure we were all caught up in stuff we may have missed Valentine's Day comes around. I didn't even realize it was today because I've been so busy making sure Patrick is ready for this last stretch of the regular season and the playoffs should everything work out the way it should.

So I slip out of bed early this morning and check my phone. I tell Marissa and Kanan happy Valentine's Day because this is the first time in over a decade we didn't spend the holiday together. I was hoping that since it's just those two know they will stop kidding themselves and get together already. Spend some time together and realize they are perfect for each other.

As for me I jump in the shower and change into something comfortable. There was nothing planned for me today and this is the only off day like this for a while. I was planning on doing some reading and relaxing and eating a bunch of food I shouldn't.

That is until I hear a knock on the door and let out a sigh. I knew who it was because all my friends were with their boyfriends and husbands celebrating the holiday and this particular man had nothing better to do. I know, I make his schedule.

So I open the door and I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't Patrick with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a stuffed panda in the other. I try not to laugh but on the list of things I was expecting to see when I opened the door... this wasn't even on there.

"Hey Patches" I start.

"Princess" he bows as I roll my eyes.

"What is all of this" I wonder.

"I wanted to get something for you for Valentine's Day" he says as he welcomes himself in.

"Okay, but why" I wonder. "Last time I checked I was the one who told you how I felt and you were the one who didn't want to change."

"Because I like you, a lot. I more than like you and I just have a awful way of showing it. To be honest with you I don't like the idea of commitment because most things in my life are temporary. Everything I care about ends up leaving and I don't handle heart break well. I was hoping that by staying best friends if something happens it wouldn't hurt as bad" he shrugs.

What a man way to think about this...

"You're more than clueless in the relationship department, you know that right" I ask.

"Yeah. But it's still Valentine's Day and I still like you so here" he says handing me the panda and flowers.

I smile because he remembered that a panda was my favorite animal and that blue was my favorite color so he got blue roses. They looked so beautiful and I was way more excited about this stuff than I should have been.

I put the flowers in the vase and the panda next to it as they say on my island. I take a good look at them because even though Patrick and I weren't together, it doesn't change the fact that this is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me.

"Thank you so much Patrick, the gifts were lovely" I assure him.

"Anything for you Princess" he winks as I roll my eyes. This man is impossible, I swear it. "So what are you planning to do today" he wonders.

"I ran out of pages in my work notebook so I had to start using some loose pieces of paper. I was going to rewrite some things I think I'll need and get started on a new chapter" I explain.

"Ohh can I read it" he asks like a kid asking for 5 extra minutes of recess.

"You want to read about yourself" I question.

"I want to read about myself through your eyes" he claims.

I just shrug as I hand him the book. There was nothing in there I needed to hide and it wasn't anything all that interesting anyway. So I watch him flip through the pages as he nods his head. He smiles every so often as he points at something and remembers whatever it is that happened.

He gets to one page and completely stops moving. His face frozen as his eyes stay on one spot. I wasn't sure what he was looking at but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

"Is this us" he asks and I let out a soft "000h", now I knew what he found.

"Oh, yeah. I drew that when we were at the allstar game and the other guys were going so I wasn't all that interested" I admit.

"You did this from memory" he questions.

"Yeah. I have a attention for detail, always have. So I can remember things like moles and hair and other things that people have a hard time recognizing when it comes to recalling certain moments. When you spend your whole like trying to live in the moment you pick up on everything, it makes my job a lot easier" I shrug.

"I didn't know your were a artist" he claims.

"I'm a personal assistant" I remind him.

"But you could have been a artist. If this is you doodling from memory with a mechanical pencil and a few hours to spare imagine what you can do with a studio and a large canvas" he insists.

I just shyly smile as I fidget my thumbs. "I wanted to be a artist when I was little. I was naturally gifted and I wanted to work on my talent. Perfect the craft and become really good. But my parents said I had no future in art, that it would be a waste of time to pursue it. Many people are talented in the arts and I shouldn't aspire to be a stick in the mud. Sadly I listened to them and gave up on drawing, I just doodle here and there to scratch the itch" I explain.

"I thought you didn't listen to your parents" he questions.

"I was a kid when this happened, and I could have changed my major but art became my escape, not something I had to do. I enjoy it more because I don't have to draw but I can" I say.

"Kinda like how I love hockey but not the way we have to do it" he wonders.

"Exactly" I nod.

"Well I think this is awesome, you're really talented and it's a shame not everyone will see it. Do you mind if I keep this" he wonders as he points to the drawing.

"Once I'm done with transferring over the important information you can have the book. Maybe then you can finally see yourself as I see you" I hope.

"Well you drew me way better looking than I am so you're off to a good start" he teases.

"Don't flatter yourself" I mumble.

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