75| Get Together

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With the season around the corner I decide to have the girls over and let the guys hang out in the back yard. A lot of them haven't been to our new place and I wanted them all to know they're welcome. If they ever needed a place to stay or wanted a place to hang out this house was pretty much their home too if that's what they so desire. And now that both me and my sister was a part of the WAG group it made it a little bit easier to do stuff like this because she can help me out and be there during the event too.

"Chels I might have you design us a home" Dayna teases and I laugh. I just got done showing everyone around so they don't get lost because the layout and set up was a little different. But I liked different.

"It was as much Patrick designing as it was me. We were on the same page and both pretty open to whatever needed to happen in order for the house to be built. We had ideas but if something happened and the contractors said it wouldn't work then we figured it out together. But it was so much fun making this place and I would do it all over again if I had the chance. You and Brent should design a place of your own and help build it, I swear it's a lot of fun" I promise.

"Brent is not the creative type" she assures me.

"Neither is Patrick but he has such good ideas if he stops to think for a little. The diving board not being one of them" I mumble making everyone snicker.

"Seriously though this house is beautiful" Abby admits.

"I would love to see some kiddos running around here. Besides Jana and Hoss I haven't seen any little ones yet" I pout.

"So why don't you get started on that" Elina teases.

"Because I've only been with Patrick for four months now and known him for 11 months. There is no kid planned for the recent future, plus I want to play with one now, not in nine months" I insist.

"Don't look at me" Dayna laughs as she raises hands.

"Me neither" Abby adds on.

"I'm out" Lizzie insists.

"I guess I can wait" I sigh over dramatically.

We all sit around and drink some wine, all of them have seen the house all the way through and knew their way around after the tour. They let themselves to whatever food we had or checked up on the boys who were hanging out on the porch. I relax on the couch with Clark by my side because he was my big strong guard puppy that I loved wholly.

"Rumor has it Patrick isn't your only client this year" Dayna starts.

"He is not" I smile. "I'm working with Mr. Ro-, I mean DRose this season" I explain.

"Oh wow, that's huge" Abby admits.

"It is pretty big. He's honestly a really great dude, he loves this city and the organization and the game. He doesn't need a lot of guidance but he just wants things to make more sense, hopefully I can do that for him" I explain.

"Well you got Patrick to change so that is evidence enough that you can help him" Abby admits.

"You are not wrong" I laugh.

"How has your is that going to work. You're  it dipping out on us are you" Dayna questions.

"Of course not" I scoff. "I made it so I couldn't leave you guys and Patrick. I'll be at the United Center a lot more now but that's about it. If Derrick needs me I will be there for him but he knows that Patrick and this place is home. My hearts always here with you guys, that won't change" I promise.

"Good, because you're the biggest help I know. Hockey is hard enough as is at least I know you can help me fought out where my boyfriend is" Dayna teases.

"I got you" I wink.

By 1 am we push the last of them out of there and Patrick and I clean up. It wasn't too bad but there was a lot of wine glasses left out and beer cans to toss into the recycling bin Jon bought us as a housewarming gift. I swear him and Lizzie were made for each other.

"So that was fun" Patrick starts and I smile.

"It was nice to be together again, I missed them all. Plus we have a lot of fun things planned for this season and I'm excited to get them started. Find a little bit of normalcy again" I admit.

"There's nothing normal about this life that find us" he assures me and I smile.

"I know. But there's one thing in this life I know for sure and it's my love for you. So as long as I have that I'm right where I need to be" I promise.

He sets down the can he was picking up and pulls me into a kiss. I was caught off guard but I happily kiss him back.

"What's with you" I ask him as a smirk sat on my face.

"What do you mean" he asks.

"You've been so affectionate lately" I accuse.

"I don't know" he shrugs. "I guess I just know that with the season coming up I won't be able to see your beautiful face every day so I want to kiss it as much as possible as much as I can."

"Aww baby" I coo as I grab his face. He just smiles as I pull him down.

"I don't need shit from you too. I heard it from the guys all night" he pouts.

"What do you mean" I ask.

"I mean that they took one look at this place and I was deemed team dad to host hang outs and have a place to do pool parties and such. I was called soft at least 30 times" he explains.

"And what's wrong with being soft" I tease.

"If it means I'm with you, absolutely nothing" he claims.

I give him one more kiss before we finish cleaning up. We finally turn in for the night and crawl into the california King bed. Clark joins us as we all get cuddled up under the sheets. I close my eyes and thank god it was almost hockey season again.

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