65| Date Night

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Building a home from the ground up is a lot harder than I thought it would be. And between the two of us money isn't a problem, it was the fact that there are so many different people to talk with and be on the same page. There's the electricians, the plumbers, the construction workers. Then there's the landscapers, the dudes who are putting in the pool, designers and all that good stuff. I've never had so many numbers in my phone and I once looked over a whole entire professional basketball team and their families.

It can get pretty overwhelming pretty easily. Now that the walls were up and they were starting up with the insulation they kicked everyone who isn't a part of the insulation team out because of the pesticides and all that stuff. So Patrick organizes a date night until we can get back into the house, which might be a few days. But once the walls are checked out and the insulation holds we get to finally put in flooring and all that good stuff. Patrick and I have been watching so much home building shows we were ready. We've ordered absolutely everything from the paint to stools to the couches to the lights. We might have over shopped but this was our thing and no one was telling us what to do. We were having a lot of fun.

But we haven't been on a date since we were in Spain so I think we were about past due. I pull on my favorite yellow dress with pockets because I needed pockets. After curling my hair and adding a little bit of mascara I called it a day.

Patrick and I drive out to the middle of the city before we get out of the car

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Patrick and I drive out to the middle of the city before we get out of the car. We go to the tallest building in the city and head to the top. The restaurant was near the top of the building but we don't stop there. We get off on the floor right before roof and meet a guy who was looking for us. He was dressed in a nice suit and knew Patrick and my name before introducing himself. The guy then takes us up to the roof and I become more confused than I usually am.

"I thought you said that we were having dinner" I say.

"I did, and we are. But there's something we get to do first" he claims.

We get to the very top of the building and I see a helicopter sitting there ready for take off. My eyes get big as a smile comes across my face.

"My new found relationship with Kanan came in handy. He told me that you've always wanted to go on a helicopter ride so... here we are" he explains.

"I thought you were terrified of heights" I insist.

"I am. But this is something I have always wanted to do and I want to do it with you" he says.

"Then let's go" cheer.

We jump into the helicopter and get buckled up. They give us the lecture about keeping everything in here and not disturbing the pilot. Once we got all the information we need we start to take off. Patrick quickly grabs my hand before squeezing it tight. He was excited but he was still scared of being up this high. So I place my hand on his and squeeze him back letting him know I got him.

Before we know it we were over the city and the view was amazing. I mean, it was unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's different when you're in a plane because you have a window to look out of. This.. this made it feel like you were flying through the city like Peter Pan. You can see every single thing from up here and it was so beautiful. Even better than I imagined it.

Eventually we fly over where the house was being built and you could see them working hard. I was so impressed with how great the workers have been during this whole thing. I'm sure a few of them just want to be on Patrick's good side but I'm not so sure that's a bad thing. They're working their asses off and at this rate we will be home in no time.

The tour comes to a end and we end up back at the tower. We thank the guys who helped make this happen and gave us a tour a million times before taking a picture and going inside for dinner. We watched the sun set over the city from the top floor as the day starts to come to a end. I let out a long sigh as I stare out the window.

"What's wrong" he asks.

"Nothing. And thats what worries me" I tease.

"Just enjoy the fact that for once one of us aren't a mess" he laughs.

"I want to but then something is inevitably going to happen and I won't know how to handle it because I let myself go" I defend.

"You're right. But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying being in the now, even with a uncertain future" he insists.

"You are a pretty good distraction" I smirk as he smirks.

"I'd like to think so" he admits.

So we enjoy the dinner and even get a glass of wine to drink. Neither of us drink too much as we let the sun disappear from this day only to come back once tomorrow comes. I smile big as the sky lights up once again but with lights this time around. 

"It's something else isn't it" he asks me because he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"You know, Barcelona was incredible, Nevis was stunning, LA was beautiful, but they have nothing on this city" I shake my head.

"How did you even end up here? You said you heard about my job opening but my mom never interviewed you. Kanan said you came here to work with me... why" he asks.

"I saw the ad when I was looking for a different job along the same lines of what I was doing at the time. A lot of the sports world is connected, especially basketball and hockey because you guys often times share a arena. It's something I came across when I turned in my two weeks with the Lakers. That day was so hard for me because I couldn't explain to them why I was leaving. They thought it was because I broke up with Jordan but it was more complicated than that. But it was something one of the guys on the team said I should look into, that I would make a good personal assistant.

So I went home and booked a flight to Chicago. If I didn't get this job then I figured I can find something around here to do. There's plenty of sports and sports needs in this city if it wasn't you I could still find something" I shrug.

"You moved halfway across the country for a job you didn't already have with a guy who was one of the biggest fuck ups in professional sports? You really are insane" he accuses.

"I wanted to work with you... remember" I ask him.

"I don't see why. I was awful" he scoffs.

"There are good people who do bad things and bad people who do good things. It's up to us to use our judgment to see if a person is acting out or if they're truly a terrible person.

I knew from the start you were a good guy doing bad things. Things you didn't necessarily want to be doing but did them because that's what people expected. That's what you expected because you didn't know any better. But you weren't a bad guy Patrick, just passing by a bad place" I defend.

"For three years" he scoffs.

"People grow at different rates. Some people need certain stimulus in order to change" I say.

"Like love" he questions making me smile.

"Yeah, like love."

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now