6| Feel For Her

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While there's not a lot of things that mean something to me, my family means everything to me. My mom is my number one supporter. She made some tough decisions that let me become a elite athlete, some things no mom wants to do. But even when I moved away when I was 13 she was right by my side. When I tried to come back she told me that she will always be here for me but this opportunity wouldn't, that's why I had to move away. I was her first kid so she was always clingy with me, she tries her best and I want to make her proud. And my dad taught me everything I know about hockey. He knows sacrifice all too well, he gave up a lot of things to get me to where I am today. My parents are loving and supportive and I do everything I can just to hear them tell me that they're proud. And my sisters... well you can imagine what it was like being the only boy out of four kids. I want to kill them some days, but I wouldn't ask for different sisters even if I had the choice. They followed me around the country and let me practice on them. They only complained some of the time and hold over my head how much they gave up to support me most of the time.

So whenever I can I have them come out to watch me play. Even though it's just the preseason they still love to come out and see as much as they can. The only problem is that my dad hates to fly, he won't do it unless we're over seas. So Chelsea scheduled their arrival so that when they drive in she will be there to help them to their hotel and get settled in. Grab them some food and a ride so they won't have to drive around after diving all that way. When just one or two at a time come in I usually let them stay with me but not all five of them, that's too much for me to handle.

Once they get into town Chelsea helps them out and I go to morning skate. The season was right around the corner and I was excited to play in a game, even if it's not meaningful. Hockey is still hockey at this point and I couldn't wait to get out there. But first I had to face my parents for the first time since I returned to Chicago after a long summer full of less than ideal events. And I'm sure they're begging to make sure I stayed out of trouble.

I hear a knock on my door and assume it's them. Honestly surprised they didn't let themselves in. So I open the door and they all flood in.

"Where's Chelsea" I wonder as I look around.

"Wow, we haven't seen you in months and the first thing you ask is where is they girl you see every day"
my sister Jessica shuns.

I just roll my eyes because she has been here for point two seconds and already working my nerves. "I wanted to make sure you didn't chase her off" I accuse.

"She works with you and she's still here so I think she can handle us. And I'll have you know I very much enjoyed the girl" my sister claims.

I look at her weird because when it comes to me and girls Jessica never likes the ones I hang out with. Even the girls I talk to at work she always finds something wrong with them. So hearing that she's taking a liking to a girl outside this family is kind of crazy.

"And where is she now" I ask again. Knowing my family she might not come back.

"She's back at the hotel making sure everything is all set up and if we want to stay longer we can" my mom explains.

"Oh no, please don't stay longer" I beg. Good things come in moderation and this is no matter the situation.

"Come on! We just watched you guys win the Stanley cup, we want to be around for a while" she insists.

"That's fine. But no barging in, no being over bearing and please leave Chelsea alone" I insist. She was my personal assistant after all.

"We already gave her our number and started making plans for the visit. We're getting mani-pedis tomorrow" the oldest sister Erica claims.

"Great" I mutter.

"I'm sorry but why don't you want us around her" my third sister Jackie asks. She was the most protective over me so I figured she would be asking different questions.

"Because I'm lucky enough to have her as a assistant. Someone who has her degrees and her job experience could have a major roll in this organization or any other one in that fact. But she decided that instead of making a difference in everyone's life, making a difference in mine was enough for her. I don't want to lose that" I explain.

"Oh please! You hired her because she's totally hot" Jess accuses.

"No" I correct. "I hired her because she was over qualified" I try.

"And because she's hot" Jess argues.

"Alright, that might have had something to do with it. But you guys have met her. You can see that she's smart and caring and powerful. Plus she's the only person around here who will call me out and it's kinda awesome. And you all haven't totally ripped her to shreds so that says a lot considering all the opinions you have on the other company I keep" I accuse.

"Oh sweetie, those girls you used to mess around with were just awful" my mom claims.

She wasn't wrong.

"But you guys like Chelsea, right" I wonder. It didn't matter what they said but at the same time it kinda did.

"I think she's great" Erica admits. "Although she's a little too proper for you I still love her ideals and she agreed to take me to the art museum because you never did" she shuns.

"That's not why I hired her but that is a plus. I didn't know how much longer I could keep telling you I wasn't going to that museum before I broke down" I admit.

After a while they make themselves at home and Chelsea joins us. They all sit in the living room as I go grab us all some drinks. My mom helps me out as I grab some beers, some water and some Gatorade.

"Be honest with me" she starts, "do you like this girl?"

I turn to the living room before letting out a long sigh. I watch her laugh with my sisters as for the first time in their lives they didn't totally hate a girl I was friends with. "I don't know" I shrug. "Those are the types of feelings I usually ignore."

"I know baby, but you suck at hiding your feelings even if you don't know what they are" she accuses.

I smile to myself because I knew she was right. "I know momma. But with her it's different. She's different" I explain.

"I know she is. But anyone with eye can tell that she helps others because she can't help herself. That's why she is over qualified but still took this job. Because she feels like she can help you and that's a difference that's big enough to change a lot of things where she feels like she can't usually make a change" she explains.

"She won't tell me what happened. She doesn't even know everything that's happened with me. If we don't tell each other that we won't be burdened with knowing the pain the other person knows. It's one of those things where we can't hurt for each other if we don't know what's happened. But we can't really feel for each other either" I say.

"Do you want to feel for her" she questions.

I sit there and think about it for a second before looking into my moms eyes. "It's not that easy" I defend. "The first time we met I told her to tell me about herself. But she refused and explained to me that real relationship synthesizes on their own, not from her telling me what she wants me to hear. If I stick around and listen I will learn everything about her that I need and the same for me. And for once I had someone I know was listening. She gets me my favorite meals before games and plays my playlist I love for working out or cleaning up around here or whatever else I need. She knows all of you guys by name and what each of my sisters mean to me.

She's a good one, maybe just a little too good" I sigh.

"Don't hold her above you, that's what makes her feel like she's about to fall. If you care about her and she cares about you then the truth will come out. In due time it always does. I just hope you guys are ready for it" she says.

"Yeah mom... me too."

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