57| The Offer

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Professional athletes are the kinds of people who need help the most but won't ever ask for it. They're made to believe that they're the toughest people on earth and shouldn't feel anything. Not pride not love nor fear or sadness. They're only allowed to have one thing and that's discipline. Don't step out of line or there will be consequences, even for things that is out of your control. And while they should be model citizens helping their new community and being the best athlete they can be, we can't hold them to these insane limitations and expect them to comply without any issues.

The way that life works is that it happens, and whatever happens next is our reaction to it. We don't actually control anything, what happens happens and there's nothing we can do to change that. Our lives should be judged by who we are not what we can do because eventually the skills and the talent wears down and what you're left with is all you got for the rest of your life.

That's why I think it's important for people to have a idea of what life is really about. Why athletes need to understand how life isn't just a game to be played. That there is a point where you have to leave the arena and life goes on whether you're ready for it or not. Once you get out those doors you're just like everyone else and sadness, pain, those kinds of things don't care who you are or what you can do. They will take you over before you ever realize it, then when you do it's usually too late.

And I guess more and more athletes are looking for personal assistants to help them plan and live their own lives. With such a demand on these athletes and how they should be reacting to the things that they go through more athletes are reaching out for help. Patrick and a few other guys in professional sports has spoken out about personal assistants and how they allow them to be able to perform at a top level and stay out of trouble since someone is constantly monitoring them. 

So I'm assuming that's why Derrik Rose's agent wanted to reach out to me. He wanted me to try and work with his client because after winning MVP and rookie of the year he was getting a lot of attention and his agent had other clients to worry about just like Patrick's. He couldn't watch him all of the time and he had no clue what to do to make sure he stayed out of trouble. Apparently Derrik asked for me by name which made me totally flattered. I remember watching him when he played the Lakers and I could tell he was pretty good even with my lack of basketball knowledge.

It was a intriguing offer, it really was. He was willing to pay a lot of money and I already live in Chicago and go to the United Center a lot. I've seen a Bulls game there with Patrick and it was a lot of fun. The organization was one of the best and I'm usually all over any opportunity to grow as a person and to help someone else grow as a person too.

But that was before I met him. With his soft eyes and blonde hair that would make any girl swoon. A natural talent and elite play maker that makes even the common person gasp at his skills. And behind those skills, that face and his love for the people of Chicago was a man that I loved so deeply that I would drown in my emotions before I could ever stop loving him.

So I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't deny someone the help the want because I don't think my heart can handle it. But how much can I really help him if my mind is wondering if Patrick is still thinking about me too. Of course we could make it work because I would still be in the city and around the United Center. But I couldn't imagine leaving Patrick right now when he is so close to being everything he can be. And mentally I don't think I would be able to handle both of them, I barley kept a handle on Patrick and I was with him every single moment he was in the city. Having two of those kinds of situations would most certainly make me lose my mind.

I wasn't sure what to do and I could tell Patrick knew something was going on. He was always staring at me but now he had that concerned expression on my face. The very thought of something being wrong makes him so concerned, that's why I didn't want to bother him with this. But I wasn't sure that was the best decision was and I'm afraid I might never figure it out.

"What's wrong" he finally asks as I let out a sigh. I shake my head as I run my fingers through my hair.

"I'm in a difficult situation and I'm not sure how to fix it" I explain.

"Tell me" he insists as he grabs my hand and holds it tight. I hate to admit it but it did make me feel a lot better.

"I got a call this morning from Derrik Rose's agent asking me to be his personal assistant. Practically do what I did for you for him" I explain.

His face stays stoic as he looks straight through me. I wish I could figure out what was going on in his ever changing mind, but I don't think I would ever figure it out, he was basically stone. "What do you want to happen" he finally asks me.

"Realistically or in my dreams" I smirk.

"Both" he claims.

"Realistically I think I can only help one of you in the way you need it. And given 100 choices I chose you every single time. But in my dreams I can help both of you to the best of my abilities and my dream of changing millions of lives will be fulfilled. Helping kids everywhere find someone they can look up to and know that they're truly trying their best" I say.

"You can do that" he claims. "If there's anyone who could handle a NHL superstar and a NBA superstar it's you. You handled all the guys on the Lakers just fine so one Chicago Bull shouldn't scare you. I know you don't want to be like your parents and just trying to help a bunch a bunch of people not caring what impact you truly have on them. But you are a special person, you have the capability to help us both even if it seems a little crazy. I'm sure he would understand that you want to continue to help me while helping him too. Who knows, maybe this is the start of something bigger than we ever imagined" he says.

"You wouldn't mind having to share me" I joke.

"As long as he knows you're mine and all mine then I don't mind" he promises.

"Okay. I'll see what his agent has to say but if he is okay with me working with you and Derrik I would love to give it a try" I insist.

"Look at you being all big time" he teases and I laugh.

"That or I'm losing my mind" I shake my head. Really didn't think I would be back in the basketball scene but I did miss it. And maybe I can see some of my old friends more often.

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