60| Dream Home

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The first few days after we got home we spent sleeping and staying in, two things we didn't do a lot of in Spain. After being on the go from the time we woke up to the time we fell asleep it was weird to be able to stay in bed and watch movies and order food to the apartment. But it was nice to be back where most everyone spoke English and I for sure knew which bathroom was the mens and which bathroom was the woman's.

And while being locked inside the apartment had been kinda hard for us because we loved to be on the go, we had a tall task in front of us we were tending to. We were trying to find some land to build on in Chicago so we could start making our home. Of course that's easier said than done for Chicago was a very populated area where millions of people had been living there for years. To find land where we can build and not piss off the city, the water company or the electrical company was a tall task. But I think we found a place not too far from the United Center to build our home from the ground up.

"This space isn't bad" she says as she points to one on the website we were searching through.

"No it's not. But do you want to be that close to a park" I ask her.

"Yes" she answers bluntly and I laugh. Why did I even ask?

"Alright. We can look into it but this is a lot of space. What are you planning to do with all of it" I question.

"I say at least four bedrooms, one for us, one for guests and then two for kids whenever we decide to have them. There should be three bathrooms, one in our room, one upstairs and one downstairs. The first floor living space will be all open so no matter where we are we can find each other. It'll have the living room, kitchen, laundry room, guest bedroom and the bathroom. There will be something on every wall to remind us how loved we are, how much in love we are. Then the rest of the bedrooms and bathrooms will be on the second floor.

And the master bedroom should have a patio, a place where we can see the whole city. A place where it's quiet but still a part of this world we live in. We can go there when we don't know what to do, and we can look out and see that everything we need is not out there but behind those doors" she explains. .

"I think that would be perfect. My only thing is I want a pool. A big ass pool" I say as she chuckles.

"Of course. Maybe we can get a slide and a diving board too" she smiles.

My eyes light up like a Christmas tree because it wasn't until then was I really excited. But to be honest she wanted it too.

So we decide to drive out and take a look at the land. We didn't really need to talk to anyone to look at it, it was open then if someone wanted to know more we call the number on the sign.

So we pull off to where the land was and park on the street. We get out and start to look around trying to envision what would go where and what we would do.

"This is a lot of space" she admits and I laugh a little. Defiantly looked a lot bigger than what was shown in the pictures.

"It is. But we would need a drive way and a garage for the cars anyway. And I'm sure you'll plant a bunch of trees and bushes and flowers that would fill this place up quickly" I admit.

"True. And we should probably get a fence to put around or we'll never did some leave and quiet" she agrees.

"You're right. I can't have people swimming in my pool" I joke.

"We wouldn't want that" she giggles.

"No we wouldn't" I smile.

She releases herself from my grasp and walks out to then open area. She keeps waking until final stopping quite a way away from me. She does a little turn before turning to me with the biggest smile on her face.

"This will be the living room" she starts, "we'll have tons of couches so we can have my sister and Jon and Patrick and Abby and everyone else over. We'll have a sound system so all the movies sound like the movie theatre and I can listen to music anywhere in the house. The kitchen and the living room will all be open so I can cook and still yell at you for getting mad at whatever game you're watching, wishing you were playing in.

Our room will be the first one available upstairs so when we're older and have kids we can hear them try to sneak out of their rooms. We can have one of those beds that takes up half of the room so we will never have to fight over the space. And the bathroom will be big enough for the both of us because we care too much about what our hair looks like" she teases and I smile.

"And what about the spare rooms we'll have until we have kids" I ask honestly just wanting to hear more about our futures.

"For now they'll be empty. I'm sure we will use one for storage especially if we're building this place from the ground up. Put keepsakes in there to one day look back on. The day we have to clean out the room because we found out we're pregnant and want a room that's a nursery and one that's for when it gets a little older and wants a real bed and to have its own things" she says.

"While I can wait for the kid, I can't wait for the rest of it. I think I'm going to call the land owner and tell them that we want this place. Then comes the fun part of laying a foundation and getting cities approval to break ground" I say.

"You're Patrick Kane, I am sure they would be honored to help you out" she insists.

"I sure hope so because I'm not signing the lease and we're going to have to be out by August 1st. That gives us a little more than a month to get this thing done" I explain.

"I think we can do it" she admits.

"I know we can" I smile.

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