20| Thin Ice

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On this here off day I find myself hanging out with some of my friends and their significant others in the city. I wanted to get out for once and they weren't going drinking so it was safe for me to join them. Chelsea joins us at the pier as we have a nice lunch and watch a show. I wasn't sure what it was about but it keeps me out of trouble so I'm down for it.

I look out the window of the restaurant in the pier and see that the lake was completely frozen over. It reminds me of the ponds back home I would train on in the winters. Buffalo had some pretty big snow storms and freezing temperatures so the frozen lake wasn't anything I haven't seen. But it's pretty cold right now and I think it would be pretty crazy to play some hockey out there. I don't think we ever could because you never truly know what the ice is like and what goes on under it, especially when it comes to a body of water like Lake Michigan. But that would be pretty cool.

"You day dreaming about swimming out there" Chelsea jokes and I smile.

"Quite the opposite actually. I want to skate on top of it" I admit.

"You want to go out there? You're insane" she scoffs.

"What's wrong Princess, scared of a little ice" I tease.

"No" she pouts. "I could go out there no problem" she insists.

"Then do it" I say making her eyes go big. "I bet you won't."

She gets a playful look on her face before she stands up out of her chair. She turns to the door and I stand up after her. "Where are you going" I ask.

"To prove you wrong" she smirks.

So she takes off out of the restaurant and me and my friends follow her out. We leave the pier and head down to the frozen beach beside it. We stand at the end of the shore freezing our asses off as we look out there. If it was this cold out here I could only imagine what that water was like.

"No way you follow through with this" I accuse as we stand there.

"Watch me" she challenges.

She steps out on the ice and I grab her wrist.

"Don't do this" I beg.

"What's wrong Patches, you scared" she teases.

"Patches" Brent asks making everyone laugh.

I let her go because I knew there was no convincing her otherwise as she gets pretty far out and I just shake my head. Well I'll be damned. She did it. She stops and turns back to me as our friends clap for her. She just bows making me shake my head.

"Alright smart ass, now come back before we all freeze to death" I laugh. It was too cold even for me, and I work on the ice.

She takes a step foreword and we all hear the ice crack beneath her. It echos across the lake as we fall completely silent. Little cracks start to sound as she retreats back towards the water.

"Patrick" she gasps.

"Don't move! Don't move" I beg as I move out towards where she was. I wasn't going to go out there and make her fall but if I could get her close enough that I could grab her before the ice fell through I would. "Brent... call 911" I whisper so she won't hear me. He pulls out his phone and walks away as I turn back to Chelsea.

"I'm scared" she whispers.

"Don't be. Just look at me and move towards me" I instruct.

She nods before taking a little step. I hear the ice cracking more and more and I just wish this was over already. She was shaking she was so scared but honestly so was I. I played on the ice many times before this and I've never heard it crack before. I can see the water shifting under it making it crack more.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now