19| Fine By Me

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After the circus trip and Patrick's birthday and his family being in town he decided to let me have the day off. He promised to stay out of trouble as I got to experience my first snow fall. And let me tell you, it was magical. I've already taken about 100 pictures trying to capture this moment. I know it sounds crazy because I'm sure the next time it snows I'll be complaining about it, but with this being the first time it was pretty special.

And I know that today was supposed to be my time away from Patrick but he was was just gone for almost two weeks, I didn't need a break from him. From working, yes, for his life is so stressful, but not from a friend that I very much cared about.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and low and behold it was Patrick. If I thought it was hard for me to leave him alone it made it impossible for him to leave me alone.

So I answer the phone quicker than I wanted but in my defense I was outside and I was cold.

"Hey Princess" he starts. He's really not going to let that one go, is he?

"Patches" I reply because it was only fair that if he called me princess then I call him patches.

"Do you see this snow right now" he wonders and I smile.

"Yeah. I'm outside playing in it right now" I admit.

"Aren't you a little old to be playing in the snow" he shuns.

"Aren't you a little young to be that judgmental" I accuse. He starts laughing loudly making me furrow my eyebrows. "What's so funny" I ask.

"You are" he claims. "No one talks to me like that because they either think I'm some hockey god or they don't want to make me upset. I just love that this comes from you" he explains.

"Oh" I blush. I really need to watch my tone with him. He's my friend but he's still my boss too.

"Don't sweat it, I kind of enjoy the insults. Keeps things interesting" he claims.

"Is there a reason you called" I wonder as the line goes silent. Everything is pretty silent when it snows and I think that's beautiful.

"I know it's your day off but you were running through my mind. I just wanted to hear your voice" he claims.

I feel the chills run down my spine as I listened to him say this. He's been a lot more in touch with his emotions since he left for his trip. Maybe distance does make the heart grow fonder. Maybe he really was changing for the better. Or maybe I had it all wrong.

"I was probably going to call you later anyway. I worry about you" I tell him.

"That I'm going to start drinking again" he accuses.

"No" I scoff. "That you're not happy" I explain.

I bite my bottom lip as I wait for him to say something. Anything. "You want to make me happy" he asks.

"That depends on what you ask of me" I admit. This could go so many ways.

"How about you grab a pizza and come over? You said your favorite movie is Ace Ventura, right" he asks making me smile.

"The first one" I remind him.

"Good. I have that movie and we can watch it and eat pizza so you can thaw from being outside" he claims.

"Sounds like a plan" I smile.

So I run home and change into something that wasn't a snow suit. It wasn't even bad out there but I'm from California and I wanted to be prepared. After changing I grab a pizza before I head over to Patrick's apartment. He had two cups of hot chocolate waiting as he hands me one.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now