55| Sugar Daddy

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Once my sister was all moved in and she started to work with the prosthetic leg things were falling into place. I felt a bit empty without hockey which was weird considering I never saw a game up until last year. But a lot of the guys and their girls went back home leaving me with not a lot of people to hang out with around here. And with my sister going out into the world and trying to figure things out herself I was going to be alone for once. Besides a few things here and there Patrick hasn't been asking for all that much from me as a personal assistant. I didn't need to plan his meals or travel or pack his bags or set up interviews anymore now that hockey was over for him. I pretty much ordered his food for him and took some calls now and then. It was pretty chill since the other hockey teams are still playing and a lot of the media focus is on them.

But now I have this weird thing called free time, something I'm not used to. Something my sister hasn't had since she was 18 years old. And as a gift to her for completing a lot of her consulting and getting better Patrick insisted he treated us to a spa day. He wasn't coming with us but we would meet up with him and Jonny for lunch once we're done. For now we were getting massages and a mud bath and a makeover to signify this new start.

"I think I'm going to cut my hair really short, like a bob" my sister claims as she looks through the book of different hair styles. This was a really nice salon and they told us that we can get whatever we wanted. I just didn't think she would go that far.

"Really? You love your hair" I remind her.

"I know, but I have other things I need to do when getting ready now so I don't want to spend as much time on my hair. This way it'll take all but 10 minutes to straighten and style it" she defends.

"I think you'll look stunning with any type of hair" I insist.

She smiles over at me before closing the book in her lap. "You're such a great sister. I'm so happy your sugar daddy is doing this for us" she claims.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head as I let out a gasp. "He is not my sugar daddy! I'm older than him" I remind her.

"He literally pays you for work and then for everything else out side of it. And not things that you need because you provide for yourself. But the ring, the trips, the clothes. Face it... he's your sugar daddy" she accuses.

"I will never admit to that" I promise her.

"Whatever. It's still true" she insists.

After arguing about that for way longer than we ever should have they take us to get our hair done. I was thinking about dying my hair blonde because I've always wanted to know what it was like but I wasn't ready to commit to keeping that up. So I decide on a trim and getting some highlights to make my hair more colorful. I get some layers added because my hair was super thick and super heavy. It's naturally wavy but that doesn't mean it does what I want it to. Quite the opposite really.

Once our hair was done we do the mud bath and massages. After that it was time for mani-pedis. So we sit in our chairs and relax for a little before the spa part of the spa day came to a end.

"Do you think Patrick got a discount for this because I only have one foot to do a pedicure on" she questions and my head pops up. I see her snickering as I shake my head.

"Not funny Liz" I beg.

"Come on! I can't fix what happened so I might as well have fun with it. This whole thing has taught me so much. And I realized that I took everything so seriously, I thought everything in life was a challenge and I had to beat it. But there's no beating this, this will forever effect me in ways I never thought I would be affected. But I am and the best way to move on is to just laugh" she explains.

"I don't see how losing your leg can be seen as funny" I insist.

"It's pretty hilarious. I buy half the amount of shoes that I used to, it's a great excuse to wear skirts and dresses, I can get cool designs on my prosthetic leg and people constantly feel bad for me and give me things. I mean how do you think we got this spa day" she asks.

"Hey, I thought Patrick was my sugar daddy" I joke.

"I knew it" she yells as I just roll my eyes.

"I'm joking" I laugh.

"How are you guys anyway? I feel like you've been trying to be secretive about you two but you suck at keeping secrets" she accuses.

"I'm not being secretive. We just think it will be easier to figure things out in private. Not everyone needs to know what we do or how we feel, it's easier to figure it out together" I defend.

"Figure out what... exactly" she asks.

"If we would work" I say as I purse my lips together. I see her start to sit up in her chair and I pull her back down. "Don't do this here" I beg.

"I really want to happy scream" she tells me.

"Not here" I insist.

"But I'm so happy for you guys. You came together on your own and you're taking it slow even though you've practically been together since September of last year. This is huge" she argues.

"It's nothing right now, we haven't even been on a date or anything like that. We love each other and we want to be what's best for one another, we just need to see if that's possible in a romantic relationship" I defend.

"Is that why you two are running off to Spain in a week" she accuses. My face heats up as I smile big.

"No. Patrick promised to take me to Spain when we were on our last vacation and he asked me where I always wanted to go" I explain.

"You really don't want to admit that man is your sugar daddy" she asks again.

"He's not! He spoils me and calls me princess but he isn't my sugar daddy" I pout.

"Fine, I'll leave it alone. Only if you give me cute nieces and nephews" she bargains.

"You're older than me and the only one of us in a official relationship right now. Shouldn't I be asking you" I ask.

"I'm in no shape to be having kids pulling my leg. I only got one left" she smiles.

"Damn it Liz" I laugh. "That is just wrong."

"Hey but it made you smile and it made me smile. It served its purpose" she defends.

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