50| Old Flame

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While Chelsea figures out how to help her sister and goes to her appointments with her, the playoffs start for me and the Blackhawks. We take on the one seed Vancouver Canucks who already didn't like us. Of course the thorn in their side in the form of Big Buff was gone but we still had Duncan and Hossa and plenty of other guys who hated this team with all their heart. Who helped defeat them in the last two playoffs where we met. So it was still to be a fun series even if we barley slipped into the playoffs after winning it all last year.

But it's a new year and we have to do it all over again. 16 wins for all the glory and it starts today in Vancouver. It was pretty nice outside for April in Canada so I go out for a walk and look around. Chelsea says walks help her clear her mind and I had nothing to lose at this point, I might as well give it a try. So I leave the hotel even though I wasn't really supposed to, I hit the road and find a little park to go sit at. Since it was early I sat on the bench by myself and watched nature take its course. It was quite peaceful, like all my problems couldn't reach me out here. I just smile as I watch the clouds roll by not having to be anywhere or do something for someone. I could just exist for once.

Then it all gets broken apart when I feel my phone going off in my pocket. Most important phone calls go through Chelsea so when there was no ID on the screen I was pretty confused. But I answer it anyway just in case it was important.

"Hello" I ask into my phone.

"Hey Patty" a soft woman's voice rings through my phone. I raise my eyebrow as I try to figure out the name of this woman who somehow got my number.

"Who is this" I ask.

"We messed around for a year, I'm kind of offended you couldn't even remember me" the woman claims.

"Riley" I gasp as she starts laughing.

"Typical Patrick, couldn't even save my number in his phone so he wouldn't get in trouble" she accuses.

I let out a soft "ohhh" as it all comes back to me. The amount of times we would hook up then not talk until we hooked up again. One of those toxic people in my life that was only around when she wanted something from me. She was the girl I knew would always be there when I wanted her to be but never be attached to me or me to her. We haven't talked in some time I didn't think we ever would again.

"Don't take it too seriously, the only girls numbers I have saved in my phone is my mom, my sisters and Chelsea" I admit.

"Who's Chelsea" she asks and I laugh.

"It's complicated" I try.

"It is always complicated with you. It was with me and every other girl you messed with since you came to Chicago. But this one has her name in your phone" she says.

"Well she is my personal assistant" I defend.

"Ah. She gets a name because she gives you something more than sex" she asks.

"She gives me just about everything except for sex" I joke.

"Well I can fix that for you. Just like the good old times" she offers.

I stop and think about what I would say if things were like they used to be. I wouldn't even think about it before I would agree to hook up. I might not have have her number saved but back in the day I knew which one was hers. We would hook up all the time and I didn't even care about why I did it, not even a little.

But the last time I had sex I felt... dirty. I was in love with someone else and my heart and my mind wasn't in it. So I can't have causal sex anymore, it became even more meaningless than it was before and I didn't even notice until it was too late.

"Thanks for thinking of me, but I'm in Vancouver" I start.

"I still live in Chicago" she reminds me.

"I know, but that doesn't change the way I feel, you know? I really love this girl, crazy to think about, but I do. And I don't want to hurt her. Even though we're not really together it would piss me off is she went and messed around with another guy. So sorry, but I can't do it" I explain.

"Woah, never thought I would see the day that the great Patrick Kane got tied down" she claims making me laugh.

"It's been a interesting eight months, I can say that much. But I realized that a life without love is a life wasted" I shrug.

"Now I feel like I have the wrong number" she jokes.

"I get it, I really do. But I'm happy and I know that whatever it is I do in life I want to do it with her. And I'm not going to chance losing her because I think I can get away with stuff, she deserves better than that" I insist.

"I'm proud of you Patty, you seem like you've got this all figured out" she admits.

"Thanks Riley, I wish the best for you" I insist.

"You too" she claims.

We hang up and I decide I should go back to the hotel before I get caught. I sneak back in and go to find some stuff to change into before morning skate. I find a note on my warm ups and I smile when I see Chelsea's handwriting. I pick it up and sit on the end of my bed to read it.

"Dear Patrick,

It breaks my heart that I can't be with you for the first few games, though I'm sure you will do just fine without me. Part of me knows you were born for these moments and that you are going to be fine. Part of me knows I miss you like hell when you're gone and that you miss me too.

I just wanted you to know I believe in you and that my sister and I will be cheering you guys of from Chicago. I know you'll be great and we will have something to celebrate once you come home. Have fun and keep your head up.

Love, Princess."

I smile big as I set the note back on my things. I put it some place safe where I can keep it forever. No matter what happens to us I know I will always appreciate that she took the time to do things like this. It seems so small but I'm in a whole different country and I can feel her love from Chicago.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now