49| The Weight Of The Wolrd

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My sister is my hero. What she did for this country was brave and heroic and kind of insane. She shipped out when she was 18 and she's 25 now, she spent 7 years helping people who needed it most and putting her life on the line for others. Growing up I always wanted to be like her. She was so pretty and loved by all, the kindest person you would ever meet. And she loved me more than I deserved at times. I wasn't perfect but she never held that above my head, she helped me get better and it made me want to help others get better.

She's why I am the way I am, that's why seeing her struggle is so hard. And she's getting better, Jonathan has made sure of it. She's getting counseling and they're fitting her for a prosthetic leg pretty soon. This is just the beginning for her and it's a long road to recovery, but she's on her way.

For now she still lives with me. I still worked for Patrick but he's letting me work with my sister on getting better too. The regular season is over and the post season was about to be under way. I was trying my best to enjoy the hype and the games but it was hard with such a heavy heart.

"I'm worried about you" Patrick admits as we sit at the United Center. He was doing some playoff things with the media and I wanted to be here for him because I haven't been a lot lately. But my sister was at therapy right now and I don't want to spend more time at the apartment than I needed to.

"Why are you worried about me" I wonder.

"You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You make things harder on yourself so it's easier for everyone else. And that's fine and all, but I can tell everything is weighing you down. If you're not careful all these things you're putting on yourself will crush you" he claims.

"I would rather it crush me than you or Lizzie" I defend.

"But you shouldn't. You deserve the world. I can't give it to you, but you should have it" he argues.

"I don't want the world Patrick. I want to make a difference, and not the kind of difference that people will look back at and say that anyone could do it. I want to do it because no one else will. Those are burdens that I took on myself, therefore it's my job to figure them out" I insist.

"And what about your happiness" he questions. I let out a sigh as I shake my head. "I know you don't sleep at night, you never do. You stay up worried about everyone else but what about you? What makes you happy" he questions.

"You do" I say and he stops. I look up at him as he tries to hide a smile.

"But I still feel helpless" he claims.

"I know what you mean" I sigh. "I guess the best thing is to just be here for each other. To listen when needed and to talk when needed too" I shrug.

"So which one do you need right now" he wonders.

"I need a lot of help" I admit. "I just don't know where to start. I'm so worried about everyone else I don't know what I need."

"How about a hug" he says as he opens his arms. He had the cheesiest smile on his face that told me I wasn't going anywhere until I gave this man a hug.

So I walk into his arms and he pulls me in tight. My eyes stay shut because as soon as I open them the tears would fall. I needed to be strong but I've never felt so weak and so helpless in my life. But when I was in his arms I finally felt at peace, at home. Like I was where I needed to be even if I didn't understand why.

"What am I going to do" I mumble into his chest.

"What you do best, you're going to face this problem, you're going to look it in the face and tell it that you're better than it. You're stronger than it.

If I've learned one thing from you is that life isn't about what happens to you, it's about what you do in return. And you are living proof that what we are made to believe isn't what we have to believe. You saw through the lies and fancy clothes and you made yourself into a great woman with a big heart and a big brain.

I know life seems to have it out for you, but you're doing amazing. I know I don't tell you enough but you're truly one of a kind, the most amazing person I've ever met. And people will never truly understand what you do for me, what you do for them. But know that I appreciate you and I love that you're a big part of my life. You and your sister" he says.

"How do you do it" I ask.

"Do what" he laughs.

"Know your place in this world. Live up to all these expectations people have for you and give them even more than they ask for" I sigh.

"I do it because people say I can't. I want to prove to them, and prove to myself that I can be more than people dream to be. And I can do it because I have people like you in my ear telling me every day that I matter. That I'm a good player but it's more important to be a good person. When we first met you told me that you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. So I surrounded myself with people who want to be better and be better with me. That's how" he explains.

"I just want, for once in my life, to matter" I sigh.

"You matter to everyone around here. We all see your worth, you just have to see it for yourself" he claims.

He softly kisses the top of my head before heading to practice. I head back to the apartment where my sister was back already. Usually I have to help her get in but she got in all by herself today which is cool. I think she's finally starting to pick up on how to make things work given her situation.

"Hey Liz, how are you" I ask her.

"I'm a little better today. Therapy went well and I'm meeting up with Jon again for dinner" she explains.

"Dinner" I ask raising her eyebrows up and down causing her to roll her eyes at me.

"We're just getting to know each other" she defends.

"So a date" I ask.

Her cheeks get bright red as a smile finds its way onto her face. "I guess you can call it that" she admits.

"That's really great Lizzie, I'm happy for you. I hope you guys figure out how to make it work because you guys would be such a cute couple" I squeal.

"He's a sweet guy, he checks up on me every day and it warms my heart. He met me after the accident and I think that helps me be around him. When he looks at me I don't see what I used to be and get sad, I see what I can be and get excited. He wants to see me be better and I want him to see do that too" she explains.

"Well he is one hell of a guy and you guys are a lot alike. I hope you two are happy" I smile.

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