32| See The Same

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After the allstar game was over with the Blackhawks had 6 days for a break before the second part of hockey season picked back up. And usually I don't do anything because I would have to do it by myself. Most guys took off with their significant others and spent time with them somewhere nice and far from anything hockey related while I sat at home and trained or watched TV all day. But now that Chelsea is around I wanted to go somewhere nice and be able to get away with her. She makes everything in my life a thousand times better and I think we both deserve a vacation.

So we decide to go to Nevis which is a island in the Caribbean Sea. It was pretty much away from everything we knew, you had to take a boat to get there and there was no place to get groceries or stuff like that. Luckily they had plenty on the island available to us that we can live off of. We get to the four seasons hotel early and make ourselves right at home. Most people who come here don't sleep in separate beds but like everything else with us, we weren't the average couple who comes here.

But I didn't mind any, I don't sleep well in the same room with others I'm told. Jonny is just begging to room with someone else on the road because my sleep habits are so annoying. Plus Chelsea has insomnia and I'm sure she will be up for a long time after I've fallen asleep. Once our rooms were set up to our liking and we get changed we head straight to the beach. While Chelsea was used to the nice beaches I was born in Buffalo, moved to Detroit then stationed in Chicago so let's just say I'm no beach babe.

Once we get to the sand I shed my shirt and put on some sun screen. Chelsea sits on her towel as she looks at the ocean. She watches the waves crash into the shore and just smiles.

"Are you getting in" I wonder.

"Oh, I don't know yet" she claims. I look at her weird because she said she spent whole summers on the beach getting tan on the sand, I wanted to come here so she could still have that but be away from everything else.

"You said you love the beach" I argue.

"I know. I just... I don't really want to get in. It messes with my hair" she tries.

I raise my eyebrow as I look down at her. "What's really going on" I wonder.

She lets out a sigh as she closes her eyes. I sit down next to her and pull her over to me until she was under my arm. "What's up" I ask.

"To be honest with you... I don't like my body. I never have. I don't really want to take the cover up off" she whispers.

My face falls as I try to look in her eyes but she avoided me at all costs. "Chelsea that's ridiculous" I argue.

"Why? Because you think I look like some kind of princess" she asks.

"No" I insist. "It's because everything about you is beautiful. From your eyes to your smile to every inch of your skin. This girl sitting right next to me is my most favorite person in the world and I wouldn't change a damn thing about her.

I can see that your beautiful and I know that I mean it when I say it. I just wish you could see the same" I sigh.

"It doesn't help when I see someone like you who looks so good in anything or Abby who could be a super model. I swear everyone in Chicago is some type of beautiful and I find it hard to love what I look like in return" she says softly.

"You can't compare yourself to anyone else, you don't want to be them so why should you look like them too? Beauty is in everything. Especially you" I argue.

She tries to hide a smile as she looks at the sand at her feet. She sinks her feet in until her toes disappear. "I guess it's time for me to stop listening to what people used to tell me and listen to you huh" she asks.

"It would be appreciated" I joke.

She playfully pushes my shoulder and I laugh along with her. "Alright. Lets get in the water" she smiles.

So she sheds her shirt and shorts and I try not to stare but it was hard not to. I'm not sure what she was so conscious about, her body was incredible. She wasn't super toned and she was quite petite but for her size I thought she looked really good. I know she said her parents used to shame her and she had a eating disorder but she looked healthy to me. If she needed a new voice telling her that all those voices she's been listening to is wrong and that she's beautiful I happily accept the job.

Once the sunscreen was applied we hit the waves. We were the only people out here considering most people don't take a vacation right now at the beginning of March. So we splash around like we're in some cheesy knockoff version of Grease. We finally let the past go and work on a better future for us. After the sun drains us we head to the towels to get our energy back. Chelsea packed us some goods to keep us going and is still healthy. I sit there and watch her carefully as she just smiles at the sky. No reason for her smile besides the fact she's genuinely happy. For the first time since we met she didn't look so worried about what had happened or what's going to happen. She was in this moment and this moment was simple. Just her and I and this beautiful island full of adventures. I couldn't wait to waste a few days where I can't win a trophy or a medal but something more valuable. I can find peace and hope and... and love.

"Why are you looking at me like that" she questions as I finally blink.

"I just... I was admiring you" I admit.

"Please stop" she begs and I laugh.

"Why would I do that" I tease.

"Because I'm not the world famous athlete here" she says.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. I would be back in Chicago surrounded by beer cans probably passed out on the couch praying that I don't choke on my own vomit or get alcohol poisoning. If it wasn't for you I would be feeling so alone in this world, like there isn't anyone out there who wanted to help me. If it wasn't for you I'm not even sure I would be here right now, living my best life with the one person I couldn't live without" I explain.

"We do make a pretty good team huh" she smiles.

"We would make Gretzky and Messier jealous" I joke.

"I don't speak hockey" she reminds me.

"Alright. How about Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith" I try.

"Ohhh. I get that one" she admits.

"Of course you do" I laugh.

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