71| Don't Get Points For Almost

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After we moved into the house we didn't have a lot of time to actually enjoy it. Hockey season was around the corner and so was basketball, with the conventions and training camps being early next month the last of August was being spent by the pool. Clark even joins us as he jumps into the water to cool off.

I take a pool chair to myself and try to get a little tan. The Chicago sun wasn't half as brutal as the LA one but it still gets the job done. I needed a little tan to get me through these long winters.

I feel the sun leave me and I open my eyes to see a cloudy passing by the sun. But instead I see my boyfriend standing in front of me smiling extra big as he was dripping wet.

"What a unusual looking cloud blocking my sun" I tease making him laugh.

"How much longer are you planning on being out here" he asks me.

I lift up my bikini to see where I was and nod pretty satisfied with my progress. "About a hour, hour in a half" I tell him.

"Okay. That gives me up to 90 minutes to show you all my awesome dives I've been working on" he cheers like a little kid.

"Why" I ask.

"Because I can do a backflip, watch" he cheers.

He runs over to the edge of the pool before jumping up in the diving board. He makes sure I'm watching before jumping a bunch of times and flipping into the pool. Honestly didn't believe that he had it in him but he actually did really good.

He comes back up and jumps out of the pool. She goes right back to the diving board before jumping up and down again.

"You're 23 right" I ask him.

"Most of the time" he admits.

Next thing you know he slips and slides off the diving board and into the pool. His head smacks against the diving board causing it to jump up and down on its own. There's a big splash and Patrick's body goes under the water. Out of pure instincts thinking my boyfriend just knocked himself out and is about to drown I jump up out of my seat and over to where he was. Without thinking I launch myself into the pool and try to make my way to him. I help him get to the side as he lays against the side.

"Oh that hurt like a bitch" he chuckles.

"You scared me half to death" I say as I playfully hit his arm. "Don't do that again."

"So is this a thing, us trying to rescue each other" he asks.

"Let's not let it be a thing" I beg.

"I can't believe you jumped in after me" he admits.

"I can say the same to you" I tease.

"Yeah but that was a accident. I kinda deserved this one" he claims.

"Kinda? Patrick you almost ended yourself trying to show off tricks you taught yourself in the pool" I remind him.

"But I almost ended myself. I didn't really do it" he states proudly.

"You almost ended your career on a diving board, that's what you did" I accuse.

"You don't get points for almost" he reminds me.

"No, no you do not" I smile.

We get out of the pool and I notice that he was scraped up and bruised his neck and back pretty good. So I get him inside and make sure the dog dried off. I send Patrick to the couch before getting a bag of ice made up and a drink with some ibuprofen.

I walk over to the couch and grab some Neosporin. I straddle him as I sit on his butt and start to clean off his back. The chlorine from the pool was burning it but I still wanted to clean it up a little. So I wash it off before it scars over and put on Neosporin. I put a patch on top of it so he doesn't bleed all over our new couches. I put ice on his head so it doesn't hurt too bad bad he was set.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to finish tanning" he mumbles into the pillow he was biting down on so I couldn't hear him yelling. But trust me, I did.

"I'm not worried about that right now" I assure him.

"But this is our break, you shouldn't be working yet" he insists.

"I'm always going to watch over you Patches" I promise.

"Good" he mumbles.

After 20 minutes I take the ice off and check the bandage. It was holding up pretty well so I put it back and I'll change it when we go to bed.

I lean over and give him some soft kisses on his back. He starts to moan a little and I smile to myself.

"Don't you start. That's not fair" he pouts and I laugh.

"Maybe you shouldn't have launched yourself off a diving board while forgetting how to use your own two feet" I accuse.

"I didn't realize how that would make you sit on me like this then kiss my back and now I can't be on it" he defends.

"Who said you need to go on you back" I say softly.

His head shoots around as I start to giggle. His eyes all big as he tries to see what I was trying to do.

"You are seriously killing me woman" he begs.

"If you behave for the rest of the night I'll think about it. For now rest and I'll start on dinner" I say as I swing my leg around. I slide off of him and clean up the mess I made. He does as he is told and relaxed for a little.

I make us dinner and he sits up to see how his back was going to feel. He claims he is okay but I know that's the hockey in him talking. His back was already shades of red and black and blue. But he will be fine, eventually.

"Can I ask you something" he says.

"Of course" I assure him.

"Why do you deal with my crap" he questions.

"Honestly," I start, "I don't know. You're the oddest twenty year old I know. I've spent a good part of the last year trying to figure you out. Predict you. But what makes you so interesting is that you're so unpredictable. I never thought you show your love in the way you do. This whole house was a surprise to me. And I like that I don't know what's going to happen next. And I can't wait to find out" I admit.

"Most people see that as a problem" he admits.

"The way I see it is that there's two ways to look at it. If you see it as a problem then you're a part of the problem. If you see it as a solution you're a part of the solution. Life is unpredictable. That's not what's wrong with life. What's wrong with life is how we try to control the unpredictability. Like drinking or keeping things in, that's a problem. But a solution is going with the flow and controlling what you can. That's why I deal with your crap" I admit.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now