78| One Year

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A year ago today I went to the United Center to meet my future personal assistant. I didn't know what I was look for in a personal assistant? In fact I didn't really want one in the first place. I wanted so bad to prove that I could be independent, but every chance I had I messed it up. I couldn't watch my mouth and I kept bad company. I was missing meetings and not being the man I was supposed to be at the least, the person I wanted to be at the most. No matter how many times I said I didn't need someone in my life to help me figure things out, my non verbal cries for help was much louder.

But a year ago today everything changed. Even I changed and I never thought that was possible. But as soon as she walked through the door I felt in my bones that she was the one. The one for what... well that I wasn't sure of yet. But from the moment I laid eyes on her I knew she was different.

I couldn't have been more right about her. Maybe not in the right ways but she changed my life and in so many ways she saved me. Saved me from drinking myself to death. Saved me from being hung up with the wrong people. Saved me from making decisions that one day in the near future would destroy me.

This morning I get to wake up next to the same person that I met a year ago today. Both of us were admittedly a lot different than we were back then. She was so blocked off and proper and out to prove herself. But now she's open and she lets loose and has already proved herself. She didn't know if she would be a good assistant, little did she know she was the greatest assist ever.

She slowly opens her eyes before wiping the sleep out of them. I smile as I feel her stretch out next to me. "How long have you been up" she wonders.

"Not long" I assure her. "I was just thinking about how proud I am of you" I admit.

"And why are you proud of me" she asks as she moves in closer. We ordered this huge ass bed and every night she sleeps right by my side, just the way I like it.

"Because a lot of people look at me and see the changes I've made but don't realize that I changed because of you. And only because you changed too.

You have overcome so much since we first met. You've faced Jordan and all the demons he gave you. You opened yourself up again even after he hurt you and you let love in once again. Trusting that this time around your heart won't break should it fall. You stood up to your parents, told them what they needed to hear even if they won't listen. You fought for love over family and strengthened your bonds with everyone else. You took a horrible accident and you defied every odd there was for you being okay again. And each day after you woke up you fought like hell to get back to where you were, little did you know you were going to soar right past it. You helped your older sister overcome this incredibly hard time in her life and you gave her a reason to want to carry on. You help so many people and you always do it with a smile on your face. A real one too, not one of those fake ones you used to wear when you weren't too sure of yourself.

But know you know why you're hear and it makes you so confident. And it makes me so proud" I admit.

"And what about you" she asks. "Look how far you've come in just a year. I'm proud of everything you do when it comes to hockey, but I'm more proud of the man you are today. The man who climbed out of the darkness and into the light where he can finally shine" she says.

"And you're right there next to me" I smile.

"Always" she promises.

After laying in bed we finally decide to get up so Clark doesn't poop in the house again. So we let him out and start on breakfast. I had a nice dinner planned for us tonight because even though we've only been dating since May us meeting a year ago today was important for us. That was the start of everything and we still wanted to celebrate. Until then it was just her and I in the house. It wasn't warm enough to swim but wasn't cool enough to sit outside and not have to worry about the bugs. So we cuddle up on the couch with Clark and watch whatever was on tv.

I look down as Chelsea had her head resting on my chest and smile. I really was proud of her, what she has done and who she is. All she wanted to do was make a difference in my life and that's exactly what she did. And because of it I can now inspire other hockey players or sons or boyfriends or whatever it is that people will admire me for. I can help other people who struggled like me and I can only did it because of her.

I used to think she was crazy thinking that her helping me would be better than helping a bunch of people as a PR person. But for the type of change she wanted to happen she can't sit behind the desk monitoring social media and news crews. You have to get to know a person, be a part of their lives and make a difference. A real difference just like she set out to do.

Eventually it comes time for dinner and we get all dressed up before heading out. We get to the restaurant and make it to our table no problem. We both order a wine and some food before the waiter disappears. We end up talking like we always do and she had the biggest smile on her face the whole time. She was genuinely happy and that's all I wanted for. I know she carries so much weight on her heart, her unhealthy upbringing and her parents and the whole Jordan situation. It's a lot of baggage she carries around with her. But no one does it better than her, I'm kind of jealous. She just doesn't look so tired of life anymore, she's revived by it. And I hope the rest of our years bring more moments like this.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now