60| House Warming

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Once we get settled into our new home we have a house warming party. My family comes into town and of course Jon and Lizzie come over. Tatum makes it in but with Bryan running a city he stays and we would have him out for the holidays or something. He will be able to see the house eventually, we will make sure of it.

As for today I get to man the grill and Chelsea works the kitchen as we make food for everyone. Clark hangs outside with me because he loved the backyard. I had Jon on one side of me and my dad on the other as the girls hang out with Chelsea as she gives them the tour and they help her set up for when the food gets done.

"This is a real fine place you got here son" my dad admits and I smile. I showed them around earlier and my dad seems really impressed. And that's saying a lot.

"I think it's pretty great" I admit.

"Is it eco friendly" Jonathan asks and I stop messing with the food. I turn to him as he stops sipping his beer. "What" he asks.

"Did you really just ask that" I shake my head.

"It's 2011 Patrick, if we don't start taking care of the world we live in then when will we start" he questions as he points his finger at me.

"How about you build your own house then worry about what it does for the environment" I tell him.

"It takes us all to make a change" he tells me.

"Can I please, for one day go without you giving me some kind of lesson about my impact on the environment and watching what I put in my body" I ask.

"You could but if you did then would you ever learn" he asks me.

"Hey, can you grab me the buns from inside" I ask him totally ignoring what he was saying.

"But you just put the meat on the grill" he whines.

"You can grab another beer while you're in there and you can check on Lizzie" I tease.

"I'll be back" he promises.

He takes off and I see my dad just shaking his head as he looks at me. "You guys are the weirdest duo I know" he admits.

"He's dating Chelsea's sister, it's only going to get weirder from here" I promise.

"How have you and Chelsea been? I know you guys were doing really good when you visited home not too long ago but building a place like this couldn't have been easy" he insists.

"Actually it was" I smile. "Like always she was easy to work with. She knew what she wanted but she was okay when something came up and plans changed. Nothing happened that she couldn't handle, she just went with the flow and did what's she could to help me and everyone else out. She designed the whole house and dealt with me the whole time. I think she did amazing" I insist.

"That she did. This house will stand for a very long time" he says.

"That's the plan" I smile.

I finish up with the meat and bring it all in. We keep the door open so the house won't smell like hot dogs for the next month. We all fix a plate and head to the dining room/ living area to eat. We stand around and talk and talk about this place. It turned out even better than I imagined, I'm happy Chelsea said that we should be a part of it. It really makes it all the better.

"I would like to make a toast" Lizzie says as she taps her beer can with a plastic fork. Not how I imagined this going but I think this is even funnier this way. "I would like to thank Patrick for coming into my sisters life and changing her. A feat, must I add, I have tried for two decades and failed. I would also like to think him for all he has done for me and my family. I couldn't imagine life without him.

And to my sister... you never cease to amaze me. You're beautiful and smart and passionate and kind. Everything anyone can hope to be and more. I love you with all my heart and I'm so happy you found someone you can build a home like this around. Some place where your love will only grow" Lizzie says.

"To Patrick and Chelsea" Jon says.

"To Patrick and Chelsea" everyone repeats.

"I would lie to say some words of my own" Chelsea says from under my arm. I hold her tight as I wait for her to keep talking because I love the sound of her voice. "Not too long ago I was in a very dark place. To me there was no light and no fight for a better tomorrow. For a while I didn't want there to be a tomorrow, I wanted a end and that was it.

But standing here today and looking around I am so happy that I'm still here. I am excited to see what the future holds, the memories this house will bring and all the amazing people we can fit inside of it.

For the longest time family meant nothing to me, you can ask Lizzie and Tatum, family didn't mean much to us. We were put against each other to see who could make our parents most proud. And for a while we did that. But then I got hurt and it all changed. Everything changed and now I have a family that is blood and that isn't too. And we have a place to come to be together and be happy that we are.

I know to most this is just a house, but to me this is home. And thanks to all of you here today I am happy to be here" she explains.

"I'm happy you're here too" I smile.

I pull her into a short kiss which I am sure I will get shit for sooner or later. But I didn't really care because I could feel what she was feeling, and it wasn't just accomplishment. It was pride and love and so much more.

"Alright you two" Tatum teases and we break a part.

"I think it's time to eat" Chelsea admits. Now there's a concept we can all get behind.

So we eat the food on our plates and all go back for seconds. I sneak Clark a few pieces of hamburger and I'm sure his mom did too. After the food was eaten and the s'mores were cooked we gathered around the tv to watch a movie. I put the Avengers movie on and we relax as the food in our bellies settled. We had full stomachs and full hearts as the first gathering in this house was a huge success.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now