69| Moved In

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We finish up the house at the beginning of August and once the finishing touches were added we move right in. It didn't take that long for I didn't have a lot of personal belongings at my apartment that I had to take with me and Patrick even less considering he had been living at my place since we got back from Spain. Once we got all of our things into the house it was official, we were now living in our new home.

But there was one thing I got for him that I didn't tell him about. I had it be one of the last things the movers brought over and installed so he didn't see it.

"Can I open my eyes now" he asks as I open the back door. We step out to the porch before I stop him.

"Almost time" I assure him.

I move to the other side of him before smiling big. "Okay. Now open" I tell him.

His eyes shoot open and he looks around the back yard. He lets out a loud gasp as he jumps up in his spot.

"Oh no way" he yells.

I had two slides put into the pool and a rope tied to the tree to swing into the pool from. There was also a diving board and a little waterfall on the far side where the water was a bit deeper. I know he wanted a pool really bad so I figured I would do one better and get him some toys to go with it.

"Holy shit" he yells again and I giggle at his reaction. He runs over to the slide and looks at it real hard. He turns to me with the most mischievous smile on his face. I have this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that he was about to do something real stupid, and I was on the receiving end of it.

"Why are you looking at me like that" I ask cautiously.

"Do you have your phone on you" he asks.

"No" I reply slowly.

"Good" he smirks.

He runs over to me and tosses me into his arms. He walks over to the side of the pool and I knew what happens next. I tried to cling to his shirt but I'm afraid that wouldn't make much of a difference.

"Patrick Timothy Kane so help me god-" I start but I get cut off.

He tosses me into the air before I drop into the water below. I resurface and see him laughing as I move my hair out of my face. I had to tread water because I was barley above 5 foot and there wasn't a place around the part of the pool I was in that would let me touch the ground.

"I hate you" I tease.

"You love me" he accuses.

"I'm not so sure right now" I laugh.

"It's okay, I'll come join you" he promises me.

"No, no need for that" I beg.

But he hops up on the slide before launching himself off of it. He lands next to me making a big splash and I get again have to fight my hair out of my face.

"Nope, I defiantly hate you" I accuse as he resurfaced.

We swim to the side and he just smiles down at me. His hair sticking to his face and both of us fully clothed sitting in the pool.

"The neighbors probably think we're crazy now" I shake my head.

"Two things. One: this is a half a acre of fenced in private property, I made sure of it. I don't think the neighbors can hear much from us out here even when we're in the open like this. And two... we are crazy. Did you forget that" he asks.

"Maybe I have too much water in my brain" I shun.

"Well we have to get out because I have a house warming gift for you too. And if we wait too long it might end up worse than this surprised ended for you" he warns.

"I seriously doubt it" I mumble.

He gets out of the pool and helps me out. Then we had to wait to dry off because genius over here didn't think this through and no way in hell was I going to let us walk through this brand new house soaking wet. So we stand by the sliding doors making fun of each other with our hair stuck to our faces.

I suddenly hear a scratching noise at the door and I stop what I was saying. The blinds start to move again and there was something defiantly inside trying to get out.

"What's that" whisper.

"You know how you said you wanted to start a family but you don't want to have kids for a while" he asks.

"That's a terrifying way to start a conversation" I warn.

"Well I figured if I got us a dog it would be easier than a baby but not as lonely and it just being us two" he says sheepishly.

The next second the blinds get ripped away from the door and I see the cutest little puppy with a blue bow on its collar.

"Uh oh

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"Uh oh... looks like he got out" Patrick gasps and I stop.

"This is your dog" I question.

"Technically he is yours. And while you gave me the slides as a move in gift I got you him" he explains.

I open the door up and he scurried out to the porch. He realizes we were standing at the door and does a u turn before coming over to us. He starts to sniff my feet so I pick him up and get a good look at him, he was precious.

"Oh Patches, he's perfect" I whisper. I give him a little hug as I hold him close to me. Patrick smiles big as he watched me fight back the happy tears.

"His name is Clark and he's all yours. He's trained but he gave me some issues when I picked him up this morning. I'm just praying he didn't destroy anything in his escape" he admits as he pets the puppy.

"Oh he is a angel, he couldn't do any harm" I coo.

"Please remember that if he ends up destroying the pillows or peeing in the house" he begs.

"How about we get him his own bed and a doggie door so that doesn't happen" I say.

"You're going to treat that dog better than me,.. aren't you" he asks.

"The dog doesn't throw me into the pool fully clothed" I tease.

"No. But he doesn't buy you dogs either" he smirks.

"Alright... you got a point" I admit.

Once we dry off we go inside and set up the things Patrick got Clark. We had a doggy bed we put in our room so he can sleep with us and a food and drink bowl by the dining table so we can eat together. We never talked about getting a dog but our yard is fenced and this is easier than trying to have a kid any time soon. I think it was a perfect gift.

"So this is our life now" I ask as I watch Clark sleep in my lap. He was actually the cutest thing ever.

"I can get used to this" Patrick admits as he wraps his arm around me.

"Me too" I smile.

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