52| Show Me

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The Blackhawks climb back from a 3-0 deficit to send the series to a win or go home game seven. Against all odds we clawed our way back into relevance and gave ourselves a real chance to defend our title. Then all that hope went away in over time when we lost and there was no more chances to make things right. It was all over.

So we do the post game interviews and we shower before heading to the airport. We take a late flight back to Chicago before getting in around 3 am. I didn't sleep a wink on the flight and to be honest with you I wasn't even tired. I had three more series worth of energy left and now it's going to go to waste. After last season I was hoping it would be nothing but deep post season runs from here on out, but it wasn't. I guess not everything is going to work out no matter how hard I try. I have to accept that some things, they just aren't meant to be.

Once we arrive back in Chicago I head on home. After I arrive there I let myself in but I see all the lights on. At first I was scared I was being robbed but then I see Chelsea standing in the kitchen and I let out a sigh of relief. She was just the person I wanted to see right now. The only person I wanted to see really.

"Hey" I start as I walk over to her.

"Hey there. How you doing" she wonders.

I open my mouth to answer her but I realized that I didn't know what to say. What words could describe how I was feeling right now? The only thing that comes out was the tears as they trickle down my face. I might not have been heart broken by a girl before but I have had my heart broken by hockey many times. This one just might be the worst.

She quickly pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around her. My face rests between her shoulder and her head and I hold on for dear life. Immediately I feel my muscles relax when her skin met mine, just being here with her like this made me feel so much better.

We just stand there for a while not saying anything or moving at all. We were just embracing each other as I try to figure out what happens next. It's been a while that I've had this much time off between seasons. For the first time in a few years I could do a lot of different things but I'm not sure I really wanted to leave this place. This is home now and I found it in the arms of the woman I love. Even if I can't love her in the way I want to I do love her and I don't want to stop. Not ever.

Eventually we break apart and I look into her beautiful green eyes. I see tears in her eyes because she was a sympathy crier. She didn't cry over things that happen to her but to other people. She has such a connection with people that she feels the way they feel and she always cries when others do. She couldn't help it.

So I reach over and wipe the tears out of her eyes. She chuckles as she shakes her head. "I'm not supposed to be a mess too" she teases.

"You're always a mess" I joke.

"I know" she sniffles. "I just hate knowing that you're not happy."

"I'm with you, I can't be anything but happy" I insist.

She just rolls her eyes as she turns to the window. She walks over it before looking down at the city. "What? Do you not believe me" I ask her.

"I believe you, that's the problem" she claims.

"I don't see how that's a problem. Everything else in my life right now is a problem and you being my source of happiness is the only solution I have" I explain.

"And what if I let you down" she asks. "What if I... what if I can't make you happy" she whispers.

I move so I was standing in front of her and she couldn't get away from me this time. I grab her shoulders she she had to look me in my eyes. "Chelsea you are the greatest thing to ever walk into my life. From the very first day you have had the biggest influence on me and my happiness. I don't want to know a life without you and you have to believe that. I don't care about what happens on that ice as long as I know that as soon as I get off it you're here waiting for me. And you were, you always were" I insist.

"I just don't want you to feel bad" she insists.

"And I don't. Because I have you" I say.

The next second she stands up on her toes before crashing her lips into mine. I grab her hips and lift her up before she wraps her legs around my waist. The kiss gets deeper and deeper until we get to the point of no return.

I feel her hands softly caress my face over the week old playoff beard that was threatening to grow. My heart was pounding as I hold her tight, she was so small I was afraid to let her go.

I move us into my bedroom before I carefully lay her on her back. Her lips don't leave mine as she keeps her hands on my face. I let some of my weight fall on her as I hold myself up with my arms. She finally takes a second and breaks apart before opening her eyes. They looked a little brighter now which made me smile which made her smile. I feel my lips throbbing as I wait for her to make the next move.

"Are you going to take your pants off or just stare at me" she questions as my eyes get big. I just laugh as I remove my suit jacket and work on my pants. I already hated that we had to travel in suits, this is just ridiculous.

She removes her top and shorts leaving her in her underwear. I stop in my tracks as I just stare at her, admiring everything about her. "You're so beautiful" I whisper.

Her cheeks turn red as her smile grows. "Come show me" she demands making me raise my eyebrows. She calls me over with her little finger and I just knew that there was no way I was going to think about this game that took place just hours before.

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