27| Christmas Miracle

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After a long few weeks in the hospital where I was constantly being poked at and tested I was finally allowed to leave. I had to come back for some check up visits but this is the first time I'll leave the hospital since I got here, so naturally I was pretty excited.

I was also excited because it was Christmas and this was the best present ever. Although I was bummed that Patrick's family had to drive back to Buffalo yesterday so they could be with the family who couldn't drive thousands of miles for the holiday, we were able to celebrate a little at the hospital on Christmas Eve. His sisters gave me a matching bracelet like the ones they had and his parents got me a lot of cute little things to use when I got out of there.

And that day had finally come, I wasn't sure it ever would. But I was free and I promised Patrick that I would spend the holiday with him so that's just what I'm going to do.

After talking it over for a little we decided to go back to my place for the day. It was a lot more home like than his and I don't want to feel bad if I fall asleep his couch with this medicine and him not be able to get rid of me. So we pull up to my apartment and he lets us in.

Before I go in I notice the lights and Christmas stuff put up in my pace. I let out a loud gasp as I look around. It looked like a winter wonderland in here with all the Christmas decorations. It was honestly so beautiful, just the right amount of lights and Knick knacks up all around.

I turn to Patrick who was watching to see my reaction to this Christmas miracle he pulled off. The smile on my face was huge as I run over to him. I pull him into the tightest hug ever as he squeezes me back. My eyes remain shut as I try to take in this moment.

"Thank you" I whisper in his ear.

"I wish I could take all the credit but I can't, my sisters picked the stuff out and put it up. I had them do it after the game the other night to help me surprise you. I realize now that it's pretty cheesy but you seemed bummed that you couldn't make up for lost time with this holiday. I know how hard it is to have to sit by and watch others enjoy this holiday and for you to feel like you can't. We don't get days off for this job and we play during all the major holidays except for one. There's a lot of times I wished I could have had thanksgiving with my family or halloween with my friends but this is the price we pay to do what we love I guess.

But when you told me this was your chance to make up for all the christmases you lost I knew what to do. My family helped me out and I think they did pretty good" he shrugs.

"They did amazing. You... you're amazing" I insist.

He had this sparkle in his eyes as he stared at me. The smile on his face small but genuine and strong. I smile back at him trying to figure out the words that explained what I was feeling right now but the words wouldn't come out.

"Thank you so much Patrick, for everything" I say softly.

"Hey, you do all this stuff for me. I should do it for you too" he claims.

"It's my job to do stuff for you" I remind him.

"Your job is to help me with schedules and answering people and getting me places.

It was never your job to give me a reason to want to be better. It was never your job to be there for me even when I didn't deserve it. It was never your job to become the most important part of my life.

What you do, those are the intangibles. Things that I didn't realize how nice I had it until you were gone. You took my life and you helped me live it. And when you were gone I forgot why I held on so long in the first place. With you around I forgot how dark it could really get and I almost broke. I almost lost my mind sitting in that hospital praying harder than I have ever prayed before.

It was never your job to be the one person in my life that I would put my life in my hands and that I would give up the one thing I know I'm good at. But that's how it is" he argues.

"I guess we have something special here, don't we" I ask.

He smiles bigger than I've seen him smile in the last few weeks as he nods his head. "I think we do" he agrees.

We get in and I make us some hot chocolate. We sit on my couch and find some Christmas movies to watch. There was so many that it was hard to chose from but we settle on elf.

"Oh! Before I forget, I got you something for Christmas" I say as I reach into my pocket.

"How? You haven't left the hospital in weeks" he admits.

"I actually made it there with some of the kids in the hospital" I explain as I hand it to him.

It was a black bracelet that said "patches" on it. I had a matching one that said princess and I show him it. "I know it's not much but it'll have to do until I can get you something real" I explain

"I love this. It's perfect" he claims making me smile. "Can you put it on for me" he asks.

So I put on his and he puts on mine. We take a picture with our arms together and I have to admit that was really cute. They turned out pretty great and I couldn't wait to show them off.

"I have something for you too" he claims as he reaches over into his back pocket.

He pulse out a envelope and hands it to me. I open it up and there was a card inside. I see his handwriting and I smile at how messy it was. But it was cute he tried so hard.

Dear Chelsea,
For the longest time I knew exactly what to ask for when Christmas time came around. I had a list of things I wanted or could use in the future. I would send it off and that's what I expected under the tree on Christmas Day.

But for the first time in my life  I didn't want anything under my tree. I didn't want a single gift because all I wanted was for you to be better. And so I prayed for a Christmas miracle and I was lucky enough to get one. My wish was granted and now we can celebrate together like we hoped.

I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to be better and pushing me to make the changes necessary to be a good person. Many have tried and failed doing what you did for me, I'm so thankful to have you in my life and I hope that I will never have to do life without you ever again.

Merry Christmas, Patrick."

I see a gift card to Taco Bell in there because it was my guilty pleasure and he knew it. But I didn't even grab it before I toss the card it the side. I pull Patrick into another hug but this one was deeper than the last.

I realized that everything I needed form this life was right here in my arms.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now