9| Sister Sister

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For the first time since I moved to the great city of Chicago I have a family member come visit me. And to be more specific it's the only family member I really wanted to come see me. So I meet my sister at O'Hare as she sticked out standing there in her marine gear. She had a little break from the action and decided to come visit me instead of going home. As soon as I picked her up I bring her to the apartment and let her crash in the spare. She makes herself at home as I smile just happy knowing she was here again.

"You got a nice place" she notices as I finish giving her the tour.

"I made quite a few bucks working with the Lakers and this job doesn't pay too bad either" I admit.

"How is the new gig? I assume you haven't told mom and dad about it" she accuses.

My face turns red as I turn away. "Maybe not" I mumble.

"Oh Chels, what do they think you're doing" she asks.

"They know I'm here for work, they just don't know I'm working as someone's personal assistant. If they found out a Tyler is doing something like a servant they might actually kill me. They think I work for the team which isn't wrong but isn't the whole truth either" I explain.

"They are going to be so pissed at you when they find out" she laughs.

"Me!?! You're back in the states for 3 days and you're here with me and not them. Who do you think is going to get yelled at here" I ask.

"Listen... I moved out when I was 18 to go fight a war hundred of thousands of miles away from my so called perfect life because I knew that was a war I could actually win. This one with mom and dad, that's a fight I was never meant to win.

I'm not like you, I can't take listening to them continuously lie to everyone so they feel better about themselves. I can't look them in the eyes and tell them that "no I'm not following this path they laid for me." You're the only one of us kids who isn't doing what mom and dad asked of us and I just don't want to deal with them for the few days I am back where everyone's main language is english" she explains.

"You can't hide from them forever you know, you're going to have to see them again" I insist.

"Maybe after my next tour" she claims.

"You shouldn't be scared of them" I argue.

"I'm not you Chelsea" she reminds me.

"Good, because I don't want another me. I want my big sister who I haven't seen in months and is finally here. What do you want to do first" I wonder.

"I don't know, I've never been here before. What do I need to see to say that I've seen Chicago" she asks.

"The bean for sure. Then we can go shopping and I can find some cute "marine sister" shirts to wear" I smile. "But first I need to check up on Patrick. I haven't talked to him all day and that usually means he's doing something he shouldn't."

"You're his personal assistant, not baby sitter" she claims.

"It's... difficult to explain" I sigh.

"Sounds like it" she laughs. "But I'm excited to meet him. He seems like a cool guy."

"That he is, among other things" I mumble.

So we take off and head to Patrick's place to check up on him. This wasn't in my job description but he made me nervous, I can't lie. There's some things we've talked about trying to work on and it had no benifit to me, I didn't have to do it. But I have these things called morals and I can't sit by and take his money and not help him to the best of my ability.

So we drop by and he was indeed at his apartment like I thought he would be. He wasn't here all that much, he liked to be away from this place every change he got but pre game naps are a must and he showered about 3 times a day. So I let myself in and find him on the couch watching some game tapes getting ready for the regular season to start up.

"I didn't know you were coming by" he admits as he rises from the couch. I see a few beer bottles by where he was sitting and let out a defeated sigh. He was doing so good, but it's 10 am and no mentally stable person is drinking before they sell lunch at McDonald's.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. My sister is with me and I promised to show her around a little bit but I wanted to stop by here, make sure you were okay" I explain.

"So this is the sister I've heard so much about" he claims as he shakes her hand. She might have changed out of her military gear but she was still the strongest person anyone around here has seen. So she gives him a good shake and I could tell it intimidated him a little, which I enjoyed.

"I'm Lizzie, it's nice to meet you" my sister says.

"Thank you for your service to the country. My family and I always appreciate what you and your friends do" Patrick claims.

I raise a curious eyebrow because that's the most genuine thing I've ever heard that man say. I didn't know he had such a weak spot for service men and woman but if it's a family value then that makes sense. "It's my pleasure" my sister smiles.

"So what are you guys doing next" he wonders.

"Probably going to the park them we will figure it out from there" I explain.

It's October but the leaves were falling off the trees and my sister doesn't get to see a lot of trees now a days. I'm sure she'll love the park.

"Mind if I join" he randomly asks.

Now I was really taken back because he was one of the highest paid athletes in Chicago and he just won a world championship. You would think he had something better to do than to follow my sister and I around.

Right before I was going to explain that I haven't seen my sister in a while and would like to spend time with her she interrupts me. "We would love that" she says. I turn and give her the evil eye as she smiles. "Meet us down in the lobby in 5. Sound good" she asks.

"Sounds good" he promises.

Lizzie grabs my hand and pulls me out of his apartment. She tries to go to the elevator but I stop in my tracks. "What exactly are you trying to do" I pout. "I don't want him with us."

"I know you don't. But he is totally cute and he totally has a thing for you. I'm gonna make it happen" she insists.

"Going to make what happen... exactly? Because in case you forgot that is my boss Lizzie. I'm in no way interested in dating and certainly not him" I defend.

"Look at the facts! You two should not work well together, you're high class and he's working class, he day drinks and you go on walks, you're from LA and he's from Buffalo. You didn't even have a interview set up with him and somehow you still became his personal assistant. Can't you see the universe wants you two together" she questions.

"My god what do they fill your head with over there" I question.

"All of the guys in my platoon are in relationships or don't want one. This is all I got" she shrugs.

"Well you got nothing, because it's not going to happen" I promise.

"We'll see" she winks.

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