26| What Family Means

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After about a week and a half Chelsea's friends and family head back to California for a while. They were comfortable leaving her with me here and trust that she will still be making strides to getting better. The doctors say that she should be good to leave the hospital any time now, they are just being extra careful that there won't be any episodes with her brain where she can get hurt.

And with Christmas around the corner my family was in town to celebrate with me. So as soon as Chelsea's family leaves mine comes in making it that much harder for me to be able to talk to her. Ever since she's been up someone's been with us and we can never be alone. But maybe it's a sign that right now is not the time to get lost in our feelings.

So my family comes over to the hospital where my sisters do their best to make her smile by embarrassing me. And I let it happen because she was laughing and smiling and it made me feel better. I sit next to her bed as we all talk just trying to keep her mind off of things.

"I'm just saying, no one should look that good in a hospital bed" Erica insists. She wasn't wrong.

"Believe it or not Patrick did my hair today" she tells them making everyone laugh.

"I thought we agreed we weren't going to tell anyone this" I whisper.

"Oh come on Patches, you did a good job! It's cute" she argues as she plays with a piece of hair I got into a pony tail.

"Patches" Jessica gasps. "I haven't heard someone call you that in forever."

"It's better than her calling Mr. Kane every chance she had. Drove me crazy" I scoff.

"You call me Princess" Chelsea defends.

I just shake my nod as I smile. "Yeah, I do. And I'm not going to stop" I promise.

"Neither am I" she smiles.

"Good" I say.

"Good" she mimicked.

"Are you sure you guys work together and not live together" Jackie asks.

"Well he won't leave this hospital until I do so I guess we have been living together for the past few weeks" Chelsea admits.

"You guys would be so cute together" Jess claims. My cheeks start to burn and I pray that no one notices my change in behavior.

"So how long are you guys staying" Chelsea asks very much over that conversation that was about to happen.

"As long as you need us to" my mom assures her.

"I wouldn't tell me that if I were you. Because then I would keep you guys here forever and Patrick would hate me" Chelsea claims as I nod my head in agreement.

"Well whatever you need us to do, we'll do it" my dad assures her.

Eventually it comes lunch time and we decide to eat with her. Her diet was pretty strict right now so it doesn't mess with the drugs she had to take or make her feel sick. But I order some food I know I'll be able to stay healthy with but still fill me up.

"What are you going to do when you get out of here" Jessica asks Chelsea. She just shrugs her shoulders as she sets her food to the side.

"I'm sad I didn't get to decorate my apartment for Christmas this year. Ever since I moved out of my parents house I go crazy with the decorating. My first 18 Christmases were spent on a island where they don't even celebrate Christmas. I never really got those precious memories sitting by a fire with my family exchanging gifts. I was so excited to decorate this year but I'm a little too late for that now" she sighs.

And in that moment I would have given anything to go to go to her apartment and decorate it so when she came home it would be all decorated. I wanted her to know that the holidays are a special time not just because it's once a year, but it's one time a year where all the bad seems to go away.

"I'm sorry but your parents are awful" I insist.

"Don't feel bad, I know they are. My brother told me you tried to get them to come out but they wouldn't. I love that you tried for me but no one has even gotten through to them, I just stopped trying eventually" she shrugs.

"I just wanted them to be here for you" I sigh.

She reaches over and sets her hand on mine. She gives me a squeeze as she smile softly my way. "You might not have been able to bring me to my family, instead you brought your family to me. That's even better than being surrounded by my parents telling me that I can't even die right. My parents might be in LA but if you ask me my family is right here. Because to me family isn't blood, it isn't who birthed me or who's last name I have. Family to me is people who don't have a reason to care but they still do. Like you and your family" she explains.

"That's was so sweet" Erica sniffles and I laugh. She's so in touch with her emotions it's kind of terrifying.

"I'm serious. I love you guys and I'm happy you came to visit me. I know you don't want to spend your time in Chicago in a hospital when it looks so pretty out. But it means the world to me that you're here" Chelsea smiles.

"It's our pleasure" my mom smiles back.

After lunch we leave to get ready for the game. There was a few more before Christmas and I was kinda excited for a little break. Not that I've been playing a lot of hockey recently since I missed a few games after the accident, it's just that my mind has been so busy so to step away from the ice and the hospital will be a nice change.

We get to my apartment but I pull my sisters to the side and try to tell them my idea I had. "What's up" Jackie questions.

"I have a plan and I need your help. All of you" I insist.

"Depends on what it's for" Jess claims.

"It's for Chelsea" I say.

"Okay then we're in" Erica claims.

Of course for her they're in but if it was for me I would get told to figure it out myself. "I want to decorate her apartment in Christmas stuff so when she comes home she won't be so bummed that her place isn't decorated" I explain.

"Awh, Patrick. Thats so sweet what happened to you" Jess teases.

"Cut it out! We don't have a lot of time and I want it to be perfect for her. If I give you my card can I trust you to by the stuff so I can help you put it up" I wonder.

"How are you getting into her apartment" Erica questions.

"I have her key so I can get mail and water her plants while she's stuck in the hospital" I explain.

"Okay, then I'm in" she promises.

"Me too" Jessica promised.

"Tell us where to go and we'll get the stuff" Jackie claims.

So I give them my card and instructions for what we needed. Of course a tree and some stockings and lots and lots of warm and fuzzy blankets. We needed lights and ornaments and all the good stuff that we see on tv.

After the game my parents and I go back to the hospital and my sisters go to her place to set up. I tell Chelsea that they're out getting things for the hotel room to make for breakfast the next morning and she doesn't question it. Now all I do is hope we get out of here before Christmas so she can see it.

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