62| Simply Beautiful

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After continuous calls with the city, state, water company and everyone else that is involved with being able to build on the grounds here in Chicago we were finally approved to start building our home.

And while we wanted to do this on our own we would ultimately need some help from professionals who know what they're doing. Neither of us could get the ground up unless it was with a shovel and if we're going to lay the foundation in the ground and the driveway and everything else we were going to need someone who has done this before. So Chelsea and I take a picture breaking the ground then they get to work. We were hoping to have the ground up and the wood down by the end of the day today so we can pour the concrete tomorrow. It was a tall task and we didn't give ourselves a lot of time but they think we can get it done. When it's all said and done the whole thing will be half a acre big, so there was a lot going on today. Chelsea and I still wanted to be involved so while they were digging we were talking with the contractors about our plans.

"You know, not a lot of professional athletes are willing to build a home wherever they are stationed. You never know if you will be traded" the man says to me.

"The way I see it I'm spending my whole career here if it's up to me. I'll take less money or sign multiple contracts if that means I can stay here with the Blackhawks. But I really don't see me going anywhere any time soon. I'm locked up for 6 years and I can't imagine playing anywhere else. This city is my home, this house is my home. No matter where I am or why I'm there I will come to this exact place because it's my home" I explain.

"In that case let's build you a house" he smiles.

So we start to discuss what goes where so once the land was dug up so we could get right into it. And once the dirt diggers were done the contractors start laying down the wood. This part Chelsea and I were able to help with so we put the gloves and followed orders. We laid the wood down so the concrete pourers could come out tomorrow and set the foundation. But for now we're getting down and dirty.

"This is a lot of work" Chelsea sighs as she wipes some sweat from her forehead. She was wearing the overalls that made her butt look extra good which always made me stare.

"We just started" I laugh as she starts to pout.

"I don't play a sport for a living! This is a lot for me" she defends.

"This was your idea" I remind her.

"I know, but I never said I had to like it" she smirks.

I put my hammer on my buckle before walking over to her. I pull her into a long kiss before we finally break apart. I hold her face in my hands as I stare into her bright green eyes.

"What was that for" she whispers and I smile.

"Because I can" I tease.

She playfully pushes me away and we get back to work. It felt like days we were out there, but this house is about to be huge so even just laying down the floor was taxing. But we finish before the daylight fell on us and tomorrow the cement company comes to start pouring. They had the house, the driveway and the garage to do but their job shouldn't be too tall of a task. Though it will take a while for it to set then the real fun comes with putting up the walls and filling them and all the good stuff. I couldn't wait to watch my future to unfold in front of my eyes.

But like with all good things I had to wait. And I was okay with that. I had the perfect distraction from life right now.

"You are so beautiful" I whisper as I pull Chelsea into my chest. She just moves in closer as we cuddle up on the couch.

"Uh huh" she mumbles sarcastically completely ignoring my sincere compliment.

"Why don't you believe me? Or anyone in that case because no one can deny that you're beautiful" I argue.

"Because I'm not" she scoffs like what she's saying isn't absolute heart breaking.

"Look at me" I demand. She rolls her eyes but they do eventually land on me. It wasn't the same eyes I looked into when I kissed earlier. Those ones that believed in the world. But something has changed and I wanted to know what it was.

"When I tell you that you're beautiful the only acceptable answers are "thank you baby", "you are too", or "I'm only beautiful because of the love we share." None of this "Uh huh" or "I'm not" shit.

I've been around so many girls who I would to think were pretty or cute. But you're beautiful Chelsea and there's nothing you can tell me that would make me change my mind" I argue.

"Then why don't I feel beautiful" she asks me. "For the longest time people just told me I was pretty and I accepted it. People said I was stunning and I said "thanks, I got it from my parents" because that's what I was told to say. But it wasn't until you called me beautiful was I afraid of what that really meant. Because what you say about me means a lot to me. I know it shouldn't but I love you and I care about what you think and what you say.

So when you say I'm beautiful I get scared because if I'm just beautiful to you... what if that's all I will ever be" she asks me.

"You're beauty isn't skin deep, it's deeper than the deepest part of the ocean. Every single time I look at you I say to myself, "damn, she is so beautiful." And every time I think about you when we're apart I say the same thing. And when I close my eyes at night that's the last thing that goes through my head, then when I wake up it's the first thing I say to myself in the morning.

I don't have to see you to know that you're beautiful, because you're always beautiful. The way you think, the way you speak, the way your heart beats so loud when I hold you like this... I couldn't describe it other than being simply beautiful" I promise.

"Oh" she gasps and I smile.

"So were gonna to try this again" I insist. "Chelsea May Tyler, you are so beautiful" I say.

"You are too" she smiles and I just shake my head.

The woman doesn't have a off switch, does she?

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