56| In Every Way Possible

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I don't know what you would call a relationship that started off professional, turned into being just friends then ended up getting super close then falling in love but not being able to be together. I honestly feel like delusional is the best way to explain it, but that's just me. All I know is that whatever is going on right now is complicated at best and I want to figure it out. Chelsea means a lot to me, everything actually, and I want to tell her that every day. I just don't know how.

So I turn to her as we sit around at her place. I came over for breakfast because she insists that I can't keep eating out but still can't even make scrambled eggs. So she makes me come over and feeds me so I don't starve to death or feed my body poison. I know it sounds like a little thing but it means the world to me. She's opened her home and her heart to me and I love spending time with her. Some of these early mornings where we spend our time eating breakfast together and listening to the radio is some of my favorite memories.

"What are you doing tonight" I wonder as she starts to clean up. I help her load the dish washer since it was the least I can do because I didn't help cook.

"Nothing that I know of, why? Did something come up" she asks.

"Not exactly" I admit. I let out a long sigh as I set the plate down. I turn to her as she looks up at me with those ever green eyes. "I was going to ask you on a date but now I'm thinking I'm about to throw up" I whisper.

"You what" she snickers.

"I wanted to... well... I want to ask you out on a date. And I know we don't need a date because we know each other better than anyone else and we've already been through so much. But I thought that if we can give it a try then we can figure out what's going on-" I stammer.

"Patrick" she yells making me stop. I let out a long sigh once I realize how crazy I just seemed.

"I sound insane, don't I" I ask.

"No. I think you have a lot of good points" she claims.

"So.. what do you say" I ask nervously. I felt like my knees were going to give out right here in her kitchen.

"I will be ready at 5. What should I wear" she wonders.

I feel my heart pound against my chest as I just smile like a idiot. "5 is great, and dress nice but not too nice" I insist.

"Sounds like a date" she smiles casing me to smile too.

"It's a date" I promise.

I skip on home as happy as I can be. I work out and shower and go to get my hair cut. I know we're way past the first impression part of this relationship but I still wanted to look good. I wanted her to tell me that I did because it means the world that it came from her.

And as the hours pass I get more and more nervous. I wasn't nervous that she wouldn't like me or that it couldn't work out with us, I already had the answer to those questions. I was more than worried that she loved me but the love itself isn't strong enough. I'm scared that she would get hurt and I couldn't be there for her, that is not what she needs. I know I make her happy but to what extent? And how much sadness do I bring with me in all the baggage I carry around. If she was to be with me it would change a lot, I'm not sure if that's what she wants. I know she wants to be with me but I'm not sure she really wants to be with me.

Before I talk myself out of this 5 rolls by and I meet her at her place to pick her up. She comes out of her room in this sexy light blue dress and her hair curled. She looked like a little model the way she walked out of there. The smile on my face was permanent as she stops right in front of me. I grab her waist and pull her into me as I get lost in her grass green eyes.

"You look absolutely stunning" I say softly making her blush. She tries to turn away but I pull her chin back so I could get a good look at her. "I love what you did with your hair" I admit.

"Thank you. It wasn't quite as dramatic as Lizzie's hair cut but I think it turned out great" she claims.

"You ready to go" I ask her.

"Where are we going exactly" she wonders.

"I got us dinner at the pier and we're going to see a show after. And we're making it to the show this time" I tease.

"That sounds wonderful" she admits.

She wraps her arm around mine as I take her to my car. We drive out to the pier where out table was waiting for us.

We end up skipping the show and spending four hours at the dinner table just talking and laughing. She was the only person in this entire world I felt like I could just talk to about anything. She doesn't judge me or scold me for my opinions. She is open to any idea and always asks questions when the time is right. I know her things isn't sports or hockey but she's learned so much just to be able to talk about it with me. And now she has hockey memories too she gets to share with me and it seems like our lives are coming together effortlessly. We didn't end notice that we had basically been together since this all started back in the fall and now we're here. Two kids who fell in love and want to see where this thing is going. If you ask me there isn't anyone else in this world I would rather spend my life with. She is perfect in every imaginable way and I don't want a forever if she's not there with me.

After dinner we decide to hang out at her place since we missed the show... again. She we cuddle up on her couch and watch some Nick at Nite. I didn't really care what was on the tv, I just knew that I wanted to be with her, and to actually be with her.

"Can I ask you something" I wonder.

"Of course" she whispers from my arms.

"Do you see us lasting forever. You know, if we decide to give us a try" I ask.

She turns around in my arms and softly cups my cheek. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest as I wait for her answer.

"I do" she finally answers and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, because of you said no I would have cried" I admit making her giggle.

"I love you Patrick, that's nothing new. But us being together is. It's not going to be easy but I can't think of anyone else to go through the hard times with" she admits.

"So we're together then" I question.

"If that's what you want" she promises.

"It's you that I want, in every way imaginable" I admit.

"Then I'm yours" she smiles.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now