61| Two Client Woman

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Today was the day I was going to meet with Derrik Rose and his agent to talk about me possibly being his personal assistant. I was a little nervous for a lot of different reasons, but the biggest reasons was because I really did want this to work out. Even though I might just go insane following these two around this city, it was a honor that he wanted me to help him and thought that I could be what he needed in order to become more than just a good ball player. Patrick insisted he could tag along and help me out, but I needed to do this on my own and he had to call the power and water companies to see when we can start breaking ground on the house.

So I walk into Michael Jordan's Steak House and the place was packed, as you would imagine. I haven't been here before but Derrick's agent BJ said it was good food and he was going to cover the tab so I happily agreed.

Once I find them I walk on over to the table near the back of the restaurant. Derrick pulls the chair out for me and I was a little flattered, I wasn't really sure what he needed help with but I guess that's what we're here to find out.

"Good evening Miss. Chelsea. You look stunning" BJ starts making me blush. I tried a little harder today, like when I first started to work for Patrick.

"Thank you. It's great to finally meet you guys face to face" I admit.

"You too" Derrick assures me.

We start off the evening by ordering some steak and wine. We get our glasses and start to drink before jumping right in.

"So you're interested in this job but have some concerns" BJ starts as I nod my head.

"Yes. And it's not that I'm worried that I can't help or that Mr. Rose can't be helped. I have the upmost confidence that this city needs you just as much as you need it.

My concern is what all I can do for you. I can handle the spread sheets, taking calls, checking emails, attending events and all that jazz. But I don't believe in doing something if you're not going to give 100 perfect. Even 99 percent isn't enough for me and I want to make sure I will be able to be all that you need. If I can't give you 100 percent then I will have to give you nothing" I explain.

"I get that" BJ agrees. "Derrick isn't my only client and I often times get mixed up somewhere else even though I'm needed here. There's not much we can do about those kinds of things, but I'm curious as to how you would handle working with Patrick and Derrick" he claims.

"That's the thousand dollar question, isn't it? But being a personal assistant isn't about learning what I can do for Derrick, but learning what Derrick can do for Derrick. What we need most in life has always been inside of us, somewhere locked away by things we tell ourselves that we need in order to be strong. Hidden under all the other stuff we fear that if we let it out there's no going back.

But our lives aren't meant to be handled for us. They're meant to be lived by us and sometimes we need a reminder every now and again that there's some part of us like sports that's temporary, but there's other things like love and family that's forever. The moment we forget that is the moment that the whole meaning of this life we live is gone" I explain.

"How do you stop players from letting the game rule their life" BJ questions.

"Remind them of who they were before they made it big time.

For Derrick it's remembering that this is his home. This city has been behind him from day one, before he was D-Rose number one over all pick and youngest league MVP in NBA history. His family and his friends who has had his back are still here. Even after the good times are gone, through the bad times he is still able to stand tall because this city is behind him no matter what.

I know you didn't come from the best parts of the city. I know growing up you were faced with decisions no kid should ever have make. And now that you're here you want to make a impact but you aren't sure what it is. Trust me, I know the feeling. As you personal assistant I can only do so much for you. It's up to you to dig deep down and find what it is that you were put on this earth to do. Because one day basketball will be gone and you'll be left with what? Your trophies that dozens of other people have won since you last did and a bunch of highlights on YouTube? Or... you can come home to this city every night and see what real difference you can make in the lives of the little boys out there wearing a Derrick Rose jersey playing make believe that they're you" I say to him.

He just smiles at me and it made me happy to see him smile like that. "I knew I would like you" he claims.

"Well that's good to hear" I admit.

"When BJ pitched the idea of a personal assistant I was on the fence at first. But he showed me what Patrick had said about you and I talked to some of my buddies on the Lakers and they said nothing but the greatest things about you. In order to go to the next level and not trip up and hurt everything I worked for I knew I needed someone to help.

I'm really hoping it's going to be you" he claims.

"You still want me even though I'm still working with Patrick" I question.

"I do" he nods. "I know that you can't come in and fix me, I need to do some of the work too. So while I trust you to help me I know that you have other responsibilities too. You have some things of your own you have to do and I do too. As long as we work together and use our time to the best of our abilities I don't see why this wouldn't work" he says.

"Well in that case I would be honored to help you" I smile.

So we make a toast and celebrate the verbal agreement. BJ would write up a contract and we will get started up in about August once things get closer to basketball. For now I was going to keep working on the house and getting ready for this new chapter in my life.

After dinner I head to the apartment where Patrick was waiting for me. He too had a glass of wine in his hand as he watched HGTV like the good house wife he is. He thought he was a home improver but we don't even have a home to improve yet.

"How was your meeting" he asks as I sit down next to him.

"I think it went well. We have a verbal agreement and once I sign my contract I am now a two client woman" I say with a big smile on my face.

"I'm proud of you babe" he says as he wraps a arm around me. He pulls me into his side and I happily mold to his body. "I know this wasn't a easy decision for you but you did what was best, not what was easy. And I think in time you'll see that this is what you needed."

"Thank you Patrick" I smile.

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