44| Pretty Boy

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As they do a few times every year my family comes into town to hang out with me. Thanks to Chelsea I was feeling a lot better and was ready to finish this season out and try to win the cup again.

As for tonight my sisters wanted to go to the bars and I sure as hell wasn't going to let them go alone so I join them. Naturally Chelsea comes but she came to hang out with my sisters, not me. They have basically adopted her as a Kane already and I wouldn't want to be the one to tell them they're not actually sisters. They clicked the very first time they met and have been going strong ever since.

I didn't mind the fact that when they were in town they hog her. All my favorite people are together and they're getting along, I have nothing to complain about. But I wasn't crazy about going to a bar because the environment in itself is a little crazy. I know I won't drink and risk everything I've worked so hard on in the past few months but that doesn't mean trouble won't come. It's me, trouble will find me. I just hope it stays away from them.

My other issue with this little adventure is that even though Chelsea and I weren't together we weren't exactly single either. I didn't know how to explain that to other girls and make sure the other guys get that message too. I don't think she's the flirty kind, but to drunk guys that doesn't matter. And I had no problem reminding them that it most certainly does.

So we get to the bar nice and early and I get my sisters some drinks. All of them but Jackie was of age so they sneak her some. I stick to my water and keep my eyes out for anything that would get me in trouble.

Eventually the music gets to me and Chelsea convinced me to come dance with her. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell her no when she was looking that good. So we move and grove to the beats of the music as we just hang out with my sisters. I enjoyed these kind of moments a lot more when I was so drunk that their terrible singing voices didn't bother me as much. But I was still having fun making memories that I'll actually remember this time around.

That is until I see a guy come over and start to talk to Chelsea. She tries to scoot away from him but he matched her step every time she moves. He whispers something in her ear that makes her flinch. Immediately I could tell she was uncomfortable, it was written all over her face. Her eyes were big like she didn't trust him and her body got so tense it looked like she couldn't move. I had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach like that trouble that was usually looking for me found her instead.

I decide to insert myself in this conversation because maybe the guy was too drunk to see that she was uncomfortable but I wasn't. So I step between them causing the guy to become upset, but I didn't really care.

"What's up" I ask as Chelsea turns to me. She has a worried expression written all over her face and it broke my heart someone can make someone else feel like that in the matter of seconds.

"I was just leaving" she says softly and I look at her weird. It wasn't even midnight yet.

"Seriously? I don't think my sisters are going to go" I insist.

"No. You stay with them, I'll get a cab" she says.

She tries to slide past me but stops in her tracks. She lets out a huff before trying to turn around but she couldn't. I see the man grabbing her arm and pulling her back onto the dance floor.

"Where do you think you're going" he asks her as she gets yanked back. She tries to twist her arm out of his grasp but he had her really tight.

"Please, let me go" she begs. But he keeps a hand on her and I had already seen more than enough.

I pull her away from him and tuck her behind me. The man who was much larger than me steps in front of me ready to lay me out.

"Watch it pretty boy" he slurs obviously too drunk for his own good.

"You're the one who needs to watch it. You must have lost your mind laying a hand on someone you don't know. She said she was leaving and if she wants to go she can go" I yell.

"Move out of the way I'm not finished here" he argues.

"Yes... you are" I say.

"And who is going to stop me? You" he scoffs as he looks me up and down.

"If I need to" I promise him.

"No" Chelsea says as she comes up behind me. "You're not going to do anything. Patrick lets go."

She grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bar. I keep my eyes on that dude until the door closes behind me and we get to the sidewalk.

"Have you lost your mind? Trying to get in to it with that guy" she shuns.

"He was going to hurt you! I wasn't just going to sit back and watch that happen" I yell.

"What we're you going to do Patrick? Fight him? The only person who would have gotten hurt was you because after everything you worked so hard for you just have to mess up once and it all falls apart" she argues.

"I don't care about that shit, I care about you" I argue.

"I love that you love me. I love that we can still be together even if we're not together right now. But if you loving me gets you in trouble then maybe we need to rethink this. I can't be the reason people think you're anything less than the amazing person you are" she insists.

A long sigh passed my lips as I shake my head. I run my fingers through my hair as I start to pace the sidewalk. "I know that he would have leveled me and I know that if that went any farther I would be the only one getting in trouble. The leash I'm on is short enough already and I don't need to give the organization a reason to hold it tighter.

But when I saw him grab you and the fear in your eyes, I wanted to die right there. It was the same fear I saw right before you fell through the ice and I never wanted to see you like that again. You knew he wanted to hurt you and you wouldn't have been able to get away. I'm sorry but I wasn't going to let him hurt you" I defend.

"I know you wouldn't, but you didn't need to punch him in order to help me either. Trust is funny because you have to do so many things for so long in order to gain it but it takes just one incident for it all to be redacted. You've been doing so well for yourself I didn't want to see you throw it away because a guy can't handle a rejection" she insists.

"Well maybe you shouldn't look that good and this wouldn't be a problem" I tease.

She giggles as she just rolls her eyes. "I'm going home for the night. I'm tired and I'm no mood to party anymore. I want you to stay with your sisters and make sure they're safe. I trust you can do that without me having to save you from doing something you'll regret... again" she smiles.

"I think I can handle it" I promise.

I pull her into me and softly kiss her forehead. She finds a cab and gets in before they take off. I head back inside to find my sisters at the bar trying to get more drinks. I watch over them and make sure no other guys get any bright ideas.

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