13| Spotlight

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Being Patrick's personal assistant has been pretty good for me because I get to stay out of the spotlight. He does his thing, I make sure he doesn't get into the spotlight for a bad reason. Growing up in LA with parents who wanted everyone to know who they were was hard for me. I just wasn't that kind of girl. I found success in silence, I didn't need everyone knowing who I am and what I did. I was just Chelsea, happy to be here.

So when Patrick came to me talking about him wanting me to bring be to this big suit and tie event for the Blackhawks I originally said no. And when he asked again I said no again. But the third time I felt kinda bad because he didn't have anyone else he could take so I agreed to come with him. While it's not my job as his personal assistant to go with him, as his friend I wanted to be there for him. And for him to stop asking me to go.

I had to go out and buy a dress but the one I found I loved, maybe I'll have a chance to wear it again

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I had to go out and buy a dress but the one I found I loved, maybe I'll have a chance to wear it again. Since I was already pretty small in stature the train on it might be a problem but I just have to make sure to pick it up when I'm walking. I put on a little makeup and curl my hair before deciding that it was more than enough. I swore I was going to stop dressing up like this when I left LA, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss feeling like a princess.

Once the outfit was complete I go over to Patrick's place and find him waiting outside for me. So I hop out of my car and over to where he was waiting for me. When I get there he had the biggest smile on his face as his eyes search me. I swear he doesn't miss a single inch of me before letting out a sigh.

"Wow. I have to admit you clean up nice" he nods his head.

"I've gone to my fair share of high end events like this one, I know how to present myself" I defend.

"I would say. You look... beautiful. Absolutely beautiful" he sighs.

I feel a blush form on my cheeks as I try not to make it so noticeable. But he was nothing if not modest, always has been. "You're not looking too bad yourself" I tease.

After we get that awkward encounter behind us we head on over to the conference room. I wasn't really sure what this was about, I just know a lot of important people will be there and that I didn't belong with them. I never did even when it my parents hosting events like this. Now I was just the personal assistant, what business so I have in a place like this?

We arrive shortly after leaving his place and we start to head in. He sticks his arm out and I look at him questionably. I wasn't sure who he was trying to fool tonight but it might be himself if he isn't careful. But I reluctantly wrap my arm around his anyway not really wanting to get separated from him in a place like this.

Once we walk in a spotlight finds us and my heart literally stops. I feel everyone looking at us as I try not to freeze and embarrass Patrick. But I didn't like attention and right now that's all I have.

"They're all staring at us" I whisper.

"Trust me Chels, they're staring at you" he claims. Well that didn't make me feel better.

We find a table to stop at and the spotlight goes away. I let out a sight of relief as I shake my head. I must be out of my mind.

"I'm sorry, but a girl who looks and thinks like you do shouldn't be afraid of a spotlight" he accuses.

I roll my eyes because that was one shitty way of giving a compliment. "Thanks... but I like being in my own little corner. I'm safe there" I defend.

"You don't belong in the corner. You belong where everyone can see you" he says.

I let out a sigh as I try to think of how to explain to him that I'm not like him. I don't love the attention or people telling me that I'm pretty. I'm just... me.

"I can't get over how great you look in this dress. Your skin looks great in that color" he admits. I know he said he hates having three sisters for siblings but it makes him a great help for picking out outfits.

"Baby blue is my favorite color" I tell him and his eyes go wide.

"I didn't know that" he admits.

"There's a lot that you don't know about me Patches" I smirk.

He just shakes his head as he looks at me. "Then what else do I need to know" he questions.

"I'm your personal assistant, you don't need to know much of anything" I insist.

"I know that you said that I couldn't get to know someone by just asking who they were. But I want to know you. Everything about you" he claims.

I look into his deep blue ocean eyes and let out a long sigh. If I'm going to be stuck here all night we might as well talk about something.

"My favorite movie is Ace Ventura, the first one. I have meet many many many famous people in LA but my favorite person I ever met was Oprah and that was at the grocery store. She took a picture with me and told me about Chicago and that had a little with why I wanted to come work here, like she did. My favorite person in the world is my sister, she's my hero. She says I'm strong but she's the strong one, I could never run towards a war like she does. And my older brothers are pretty cool too but we bump heads a lot. They fall in line with my parents where I'm the one break in the chain. They don't always agree with my decisions but they still support me for the most part.

I don't mind being the troublesome child. I spent my whole childhood trying to make my parents happy and that hurt me in the process. I finally went out and did what made me happy and they hated it. But it's what was best for me and they have three more kids they can belittle. They'll survive without trying to control me too.

Honestly I'm not all that interesting. Working with the Lakers was a lot of fun and I still talk to some of the guys, when they came to Chicago for a game we hung out and I made sure they weren't giving the new PR person a hard time. I'm just trying to look forward and not behind" I explain.

"And where are you going" her wonders.

"I don't know. Somewhere wonderful I hope" I smile.

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