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There was no denying the fact that everything that was going on in my life was changing, I could feel it in my bones. Whether it was a good change or a bad one, that I'm not sure of. We don't usually figure that out until we're celebrating or grieving, everything up until then is what decides whether we are celebrating or grieving.

So when my sister told me this morning she wanted to talk to me I wasn't sure what was happening. I thought she had been doing really good, but the bottom line is that I'm not her and I can't just assume she's doing good. People assumed I was okay too and I tried to end my own life, so I wasn't sure what was going to happen as I walked in her room. She was sitting there on her bed playing with the hair in her lap. I sit down next to her as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay" I ask carefully.

"I am, it's just hard for me to tell you this" she claims.

"You can tell me anything" I promise her.

"I think I found a place to live" she says and I stop. "It's actually in this same complex, just a few floors below you. It's only a one bedroom but it's the same size so I can get around without a problem. I have plenty of money saved up for it and if I ever need you I know you're just a few floors away.

I don't want you to think I'm rushing to get away from you, trust me, I'm not. I'm forever grateful for what you did for me here and I love being able to hang out with you every day like I'm back in high school. I just know that if I stay much longer I'm never going to leave. I need to go out on my own and see the world through my eyes now, not what I used to see. This world is changing and I have to change with it. Only I will know what is best and I need to go out there in the world and find out what that is.

I love being here with you, but if I rely on you for the rest of my life neither of us will get to live much. I want to be with you but I want to know a life that I create, not one you create for me. I know this is hard for you, it's hard for me too. You just want to protect me and make sure I'm happy. But just as I had to let you go now you have to let me go" she explains.

"Don't feel bad for wanting to live your life. Of course I want you with me and I want to know that you're doing well. But I'm okay with you figuring out your life by yourself as long as you come around when you need help. You know what you want, I don't. I'll support you in your journey to find out what that is but only you will know what's best in the end. You're going to know what you need and I'm just going to be here supporting you along the way. If you need anything, and I mean anything, I'm right here for you" I promise.

"There's more" she claims.

"I don't know how much more I can take" I tease.

"This is good news" she insists. "I got my prosthetic leg in today. I'm starting therapy and I'll be getting rid of the wheel chair really soon" she explains.

"Seriously" I gasp as she nods her head on my shoulder.

"That's awesome Liz. I'm really happy for you. I know this whole situation sucks but you're handling it like I know you could" I admit.

"This accident was kind of a blessing in disguise. I spent the last seven years in my life fighting a war I had no business in because I thought there I could change things. But I would come home and everything was always the way I left it. Now I have no choice but to change my ways and I don't think that's a bad thing. I relied so much on my physical stature that now I have to rely on my morals and my quick whit. I've learned more about myself in the past few weeks thank I had years over seas.

I think I'm going to be okay" she sighs.

"Since we're sharing things I think I should tell you that I had sex with Patrick" I confess.

Lizzie slaps me on my arm so hard making me squeal real loud. Her leg might be gone but she's still the strongest person I know so my arm hurts now. "What the hell Lizzie" I screech.

"What the hell yourself!?! Since when did you guys start messing around" she yells back.

"We're not messing around! It was just the heat of the moment kind of thing, he was saying all the right things and I couldn't stop myself" I defend.

"Oh my god I can't believe you guys actually had sex! How was is, was it good" she pleads.

"Oh no, we're not getting into this" I defend.

"Come on Chels, this is huge. You guys have done everything but it and now that's done you guys have to get together" she begs.

"It's not that simple and you know it. He just got kicked out of the playoffs and he doesn't know what to do with himself. I'm still working as his personal assistant and I still have a agenda here" I defend.

"God. I don't understand how someone who is so smart can be so naieve" she shakes her head.

"I've been in a relationship with a professional athlete before, I've been through this. And while Jordan and Patrick are nothing alike that doesn't mean things will change. I don't even know if he is staying in Chicago or going back home for the summer" I try to explain.

"Here's a crazy idea, talk to him. Not as his personal assistant or even best friend. Talk to him as someone who loves him and cares about him" she insists.

"We'll talk about this. I'm sure we will. But for right now we're worried about this" I explain.

She just rolls her eyes before shaking her head. "You know too much for your own good" she accuses.

"Must run in the family" I smirk.

"Speaking of them I should probably tell mom and dad that I'm back int the states for good. I'm sure they'll be mad but they can't hurt me here" she shrugs.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. They came here not to long ago threatening to leave only if I came with them. It wasn't pretty but Patrick and I convinced them to leave, I don't think they're above coming back here for you though. Especially now that they're favorite daughter is here" I joke.

"Yeah I'm sure they will be happy with my decision. But this place has everything I need in order to get better. The doctors are great and they work with me in the best ways. The Wounded Warrior project is huge here and there are so many places that will accommodate me and things that are specially made for people like me. And Jon is sticking around to help me out and we can go on more dates. I'm sorry but there isn't anything they can offer me that would make me want to leave" she claims.

"I believe you. But I tried the same arguments and it didn't bode well for me. And they don't even like me" I laugh.

"Well they are going to have to live with it" she announces.

"Look at you getting a backbone" I tease.

"With you it's a lot easier. I know you got my back and you'll stand up for what's right.

The Greatest Assist (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now