7| Not A Bad Guy

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While life here in Chicago was starting to get better for me I still had a life back in LA where parts of it I missed. A lot of the time when I was there I was miserable, but that was all the times I wasn't I was with my best friends Kanan and Marissa. Marissa was the kind and wise friend, never got into trouble and was the most reliable person I know. We talk every day, it's been like that since we were in grade school. And while we've been on our own paths we make sure we stay connected and see each other as much as possible. She was happy that I moved away and did something for myself for once and not because of my parents wanted me to do it. She knew as well as I did that if I stayed there nothing good would have come of it. She tells me every day that she's proud of me for making my own decision and it honestly means the world to me. I don't hear it from my parents, and even if I did I'm not sure I would care, but hearing her say those words makes it all worth it.

Then there was Kanan. We met in sixth grade and Marissa and I took him in. He's been stuck with us ever since and we've gotten so close. I would take these two relationships over a hundred mediocre ones any day. Kanan treats me like a little sister and I truly appreciate the type of friend he is. He's a little too over protective and over thinks everything, but he does it because he cares. And while his heart is louder than his brain, I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I just don't like this guy" he pleads over the phone making me roll my eyes. I sit on my couch and cross my legs as I let out the longest sigh of my life.

"You don't even know Patrick" I defend.

"Neither do you" he reminds me. "I read about this dude and he's bad news. He's done some questionable things and now you are partially responsible for him and his actions" he argues.

"You can't know someone by reading what people who don't like him have to say about him. Yes he's made mistakes but everyone has. His just so happen to be news because of who he is. His problems are no different than yours or mine, and he hired me to help him figure them out. At least he's trying to be better" I insist.

"But how much do you really know about him" Kanan questions.

"A lot, actually. I've met his family, his sisters are my friends and his parents are more loving than mine ever could be. I've met his teammates and their wives and gotten to hang out with them. I've been to hockey games and I know what he means to this city" I list off.

"That's all the things he's shown you... but do you really know him" he asks.

I sit there for a second and really think. "No, I guess not" I admit.

"And that's what makes me nervous" he insists.

I know Kanan cares about me, even when we were little he was meddling in my life trying to help me out. He took one look at my life and knew I wasn't being treated the right way so he took it upon himself to do so. And he means well, but he can't hide me from the world. There's too many things out here for him to protect me from them all.

"I know you worry about me Kay, and I love that you care. But this is a decision I wanted to make. I feel like my life here is starting to come together. I'm learning so much and I miss you both like hell. This city, this guy, it's unlike anything I know and I'm not going to stop because of what I don't know. I want to keep going because of what I do know" I explain.

"You like him... don't you" he accuses.

I let off a scoff as I shake my head. "If I wanted to date a egotistical athlete who drinks too much and doesn't understand how life works I could have just stayed in LA" I pout.

He laughs at me making me smile a little. "I guess that's true. But I still don't like you being around him that much" he sighs.

The line falls silent as I try to figure out the real reason he's been acting so weird. I know he was bummed I moved away but I thought he was happy for me, like Marissa is. Maybe I was wrong?

"I can handle him. I've spent my whole life surrounded by entitled people who expect the world the fall to it's knees. You've met my parents, you know what I'm talking about.

But Patrick truly isn't like that. That's how he comes across, there's no denying that. There's more to him than anyone knows and I feel like if I can get him to show everyone that, people wouldn't just assume things about him" I defend. Kinda like he is doing now.

"So you being his personal assistant is going to fix all that" he questions.

"I don't know" I sigh. "I just... I have to try."

"Why though" he wonders.

"To make a difference" I defend.

He lets out a huff and I can just see him shaking his brown hair around at my stubbornness. "I forgot for a second that you don't change your mind" he chuckles.

"Some things will never change" I promise.

We talk for a little while longer before he had to go. So I pack up my stuff and decide to meet Abby for dinner since the boys were gone. We find some seats and order food that we didn't need but still ate anyway.

"So what's your deal" she asks me.

"What do you mean" I wonder.

"Why Chicago? Why Patrick" she asks.

"Well I'm from LA so I wanted a change of scenery but nothing too crazy. My other choice was New York but the travel there is too much for me. So I decided that a move from the coast to the Midwest was the best bet so I wouldn't be too far from home but far enough I couldn't feel my mom breathing down my neck" I explain.

"That makes sense. So why Patrick" she asks.

I just shrug as I look at her. "I don't know, honestly. I wasn't even lined up to interview for the job, but I figured I give it a shot. And I know Patrick has some flaws but I don't believe he's a bad guy" I defend.

"He's not, not a lot of outsiders can see that. But you can" she admits.

"Did Patrick put you up to this" I question.

"Yes but it was my Patrick. He's over protective over Kaner, I know he's messed up but he's still a good kid. Good people make mistakes, people forget that. And my Patrick took it hard when he read all those things because he knew that wasn't Kaner. That was a result of what he's been through" she explains.

"That's just the thing. I don't know what he's been through. I tried to figure out why he drinks the way he does. He gave me the "I didn't go to college" and the "when no one else is here for me beer is" but I can see it's more than that" I sigh.

"And unfortunately only God knows what it is" she insists.

"I kinda figured" I mumble. 

"But he really does like having you around. You're the first person since he's got here who wants to know what he does outside of hockey. Who wants to see him do good" she explains.

"I do want to see him happy. To see him be the person and the player he can be. I just hope I can help" I sigh.

"I feel like you're already helping a lot" she assures me.

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