42| Best Day Ever

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St. Patrick's day in Chicago is always a lot of fun, they've been celebrating this holiday almost as long as the Irish have. Of course it was a lot more fun when I was able to drink all the time, but it was a nice change of pace to not start drinking at 9 am this year. That and after the pictures of me partying last year surfaced I think it would be best for everyone if I didn't embarrass myself, my family and the organization I represent. I'm lucky to be a part of a staple of this city and this great sport I play. I want to represent myself in a good way so this year I am making sure I don't wake up the next morning to texts saying "you're a fucking mess bro."

So I pull on a green shirt and a pair of shorts since it was a nice day in the city. I cap it all off with a blackhawks hat and head over to Chelsea's place to pick her up. I find her at the bottom of her apartment complex all dolled up with a black mini skirt and a green long sleeved t-shirt. This was the first time she's worn something kinda tight that showed off her body. It shows that she is more comfortable and positive about herself and that made my heart happy.

"You coming Princess" I ask her.

"Right here" she assures me.

So we take off into the city and find a good place to watch the river turn green. Surprisingly enough I haven't seen it in my three years I've been here for the holiday and with this being her first year here she hasn't seen it either. I'm not going to lie I was kind of excited to see such a big event in this city first hand. I'll be the first to admit I haven't the slightest clue as to what this holiday is about, but I'm still going to have fun.

"You look amazing" I mention as we approach the water causing her to turn to me. She smiles big as she tucks a long strand of hair behind her ear.

"Thank you. I went shopping the other day and I didn't think I would ever actually wear this stuff out" she admits.

"Well I think you look beautiful" I insist. "I mean, you always look beautiful. There's never a time you don't look beautiful. It's just that right now you look extra beautiful" I try.

I stop feeling so flustered when I feel a warm pair of lips on my cheek. I immediately start to blush as I smile like a idiot. There isn't a better feeling than this one she gave me and I hope it never goes away.

"Oh" I whisper as she giggles.

"Come on, it's time to go" she insists.

"Where are we going" I wonder as I trail behind her.

"You'll see" she smirks.

So they turn the river green right in front of us and we celebrate like we were supposed to. We end up down by the water and I try to figure out what the hell was going on.

"What is this" I question.

"We're going gonna boat ride while the river is green" she explains and I gasp.

"Really" I squeal.

"Yeah! It'll be fun" she smiles.

So she pays for us and we get some good spots on the boat. She leans against the railing and I stand behind her. I rest my hands on the railing on either side of her and she leans back into my chest. Her hair flies around between us but I don't mind. I had the best view in the world with her in front of me and this city turning green around us.

We stay like that for what felt like forever as we floated on top of the water. We move closer and closer up until she was right up against the railing and I was right behind her. The smell of her perfume danced around in my head as we look out into this amazing city we called home. I felt like I was in a dream considering I was with a girl like her in a place like this. I've lived in this city for years and never knew it was so beautiful. I guess life comes at you fast when you move out here at the age of 18 and people already expect so much from you. I never had time to stop and smell the roses, or see the river turn green I guess. If I did have that time I spent it pissing my life away in the bars never knowing that experiences like this were always out there for me to have. I could have gone my whole life never knowing the wonders this city holds if it wasn't for Chelsea opening my eyes. Getting me to see that what I was doing wasn't living, just slowly killing myself.

And I wouldn't trade moments like this with her for anything in the world. Where I won't remember what we say or what we did, just how we felt. And I felt on top of this world with her in my arms. There isn't a place I would rather be than right here with her.

"You look happy" she notices. "It's a good look on you."

"You make me happy" I assure her as she smiles big.

"I'm glad you're having a good time. Because I wasn't sure what else to do with you to keep you out of trouble" she teases.

"Have you no faith in me" I gasp.

"I have the upmost faith in you. But when it comes to the peoples perception I have no faith in that. If you're near a bar people will start spreading lies. The people who you once thought were your friends could be trying to hurt you. At least when you're with me I know you're right where you're supposed to be" she argues.

I smile as I rest my chin on her shoulder as we both look to the waters. We see nothing but green as the river was completely dyed by now. "You're the best, you know that right" I question.

"I try to be, just for you" she claims.

After the boat tour we decide to go out to eat. She didn't feel like cooking and I don't cook so we stop off for some hamburgers. Once we pick up the food we just sit outside the restaurant and eat in peace. I get recognized all the time now but people are good at giving me space which is nice. Plus Chelsea hates the attention so it made me feel better knowing she was comfortable.

"Today has been one of the best days of my life" I claim as she looks at me weird.

"Seriously" she wonders. "You've been to the olympics, won the Stanley cup, grew up in New York and live in Chicago and this is one of the best days of your life?"

"Yeah. I mean, I know it wasn't anything special. I didn't break any records and my life didn't change, but I spent the day doing what I wanted with who I wanted to be with and for someone who never feels like he controls what happens in his life that's pretty special. So thank you for that" I insist.

"Any time Patches" she winks.

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