entry #7 | ℓïηк

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(Y/n) didn't have a lot of major accomplishments in life, but surviving physics with Mr. Brooks was definitely at the top of her list. She mentally patted herself on the back as she went to her next class, conveniently with all her friends with the exception of Jasper, history.

Mr. Wright was continuing the unit from where he'd left off yesterday like usual, which meant she had plenty of time to rest. The (h/c)-haired girl took her usual seat behind the three girls and next to her red-haired friend. He noticed her haggard state and his smile turned worried.

"Mr. Brooks again?" He said knowingly. Reese had the same teacher, only his class was right after lunch. She nodded in confirmation and laid her chin on her folded arms.

"He yelled at me for talking," (Y/n) mumbled with an eye roll. "Are we not supposed to...talk during labs? Then...how do we get anything done...?"

"I'll bet you that guy has no love life," Reese sniggered. "Or he's salty about breaking up with his girlfriend."

Her face turned confused. "Mr. Brooks was in a relationship?"

Isla turned around and gave the two an incredulous look. "Do you think someone with a face like that could get a girlfriend?"

"No, madam," Reese answered.

"That's what I thought."

I wouldn't know, (Y/n) mused as she flipped idly through her textbook. Mr. Brooks needs to take a chill pill. Or eat a cucumber. Or take therapy sessions from Mrs. Richards. It would do him a lot of good.

"Eyes at the front, please," Mr. Wright yelled, his hand hovering in front of the blackboard.

Isla sheepishly turned around and muttered a quick apology. Satisfied, the salt-and-pepper-haired teacher continued with his lesson. A smug look appeared on Reese's face at the sight of the purple-haired girl getting called out on. She flushed pink and shot him an embarrassed scowl, although there was no force behind it.

(Y/n)'s eyebrows shot up as she looked between her two friends. What's up with them? Her gaze caught on Lucinda's sea-blue ones and the blonde winked at her. The (e/c)-eyed girl only grew more confused. What? Do we have some kind of new secret code or something?

She didn't understand why Carmen was waggling her eyebrows at Isla who was still blushing, and Lucinda was smirking while elbowing her. Did something happen? She thought with confusion, turning towards the redhead. But he looked just as clueless as she did.

A note landed on her desk with her name written across it in neat, flowing letters. The 'i's were dotted with hearts, meaning it was written by Lucinda. (Y/n) snatched it up before Reese could take it. He pouted and watched her open it with visible curiosity in his bright eyes.

Don't let Reese see this, was the first thing written across the top. Not sure why, the (h/c)-haired girl complied anyway, angling her body away from the redhead in question. She began reading.

I swear you're even denser than Carms, Lucinda wrote. (Y/n) scowled but decided to ignore the comment for the sake of world peace. Meet us in the third-floor bathrooms at lunch. Isla will tell you everything then.

Okay...? She wrote and handed the note back to the blonde with new questions brimming but none answered. I'm so confused, she thought as she watched Carmen whisper something to the purple-haired girl, making her blush darker. Is she sick or something? Then she blanched. Don't tell me Izzy has a super rare disease or something! Oh no, no, no! 

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