entry #52 | ѕ¢åм

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(Y/n) White was very much tired and not at all amused. Spending the day following Jaehyun's whims and trying not to get caught in the crossfire between Kieran and Leon had really taken its toll. And the cryptic message from June didn't help. What did she mean, Jason had been dead from the start? He was a player, was he not? Keller even swore he saw him.

So then...was June lying? She had no reason to lie to the (h/c)-haired girl, did she? And if she was telling the truth, who killed Jason?

Not to mention the fact that (Y/n), being the smart and sassy little sh*t she is, got herself locked out of her room when chasing Tristan 2.0. What made it worse was the fact that she didn't get locked out of the room in the hallway.

Oh yes. She was currently standing in the balcony, shivering under the full brunt of the night breeze. At least there were comfortable wooden seats she could rest her legs in and a beautiful night sky with multicolored star points and dark gray clouds smudged across the starry blanket. The moon hung like a pearl in the sky, a pearl eaten at and eroded by whatever monster lived up above her.

The gardens and woods surrounding the dormitory were silent save for the occasional bird song and cricket. She could no longer hear Kieran's mocking laugh, Leon's furious growls, or Tristan's irritated groan as he watched the two. That was nice at least. She didn't know where Jaehyun went when she left him, but she was willing to bet it was to his studio.

At least she had Tristan 2.0 with her. When she got out of here, she was taking the dog with her and renaming it. Tristan 2.0 was just a nickname to get on the real Tristan's nerves. Why call a perfectly good dog by that prick's name forever when there were better names to give? (Y/n) was going to need a lot of intentionally inflicted amnesia after all this. Maybe a few tumbles down the stairwell would do the trick.

Okay, I'm starting to freeze, she shivered, hugging Tristan 2.0 tight enough to regain some heat but not so much as to hurt it. The canine lolled its tongue out, obviously not feeling the cold or its owner's pain, and bounded out of the girl's arms. (Y/n) stared after its fluffy tail with a frown. You traitor. Just like the real thing. Cold much.

Then, voices. She heard a couple of voices slowly come into earshot. She didn't know whether to be relieved or dismayed by the sound, but considering her current situation, she was leaning towards the former. (Y/n) wasn't quite ready to freeze to death right now, thank you very much.

"Traffic?" She heard Kieran scoff as he and another pair of footsteps came closer to her door. "I've never experienced traffic in my life. Not on the road, at least."

"Manchester's traffic is already bad enough," Tristan mused. "Rome's will be worse. It should be enough to deter your parents, however."

(Y/n) frowned. Parents? She almost forgot those four humanoids had parents.

"Are they coming here?" There was a hint of disgust and contempt in the white-haired male's voice that surprised her. Did they all not get along with their family?

"Perhaps. I'm not sure."

She heard Kieran let out a long sigh as they stopped just outside her room. "It's fine. Whatever. We can leave anytime. And if traffic gets bad, we'll get Leo-chan to carry the car on his shoulders and run down the highway. Right, Leo-chan~?"

"I'll lift you over my shoulder and snap you in half, you piece of sh*t," was Leon's unsurprisingly irate reply.

"Your love is brutal~ Musicians should be gentler, especially to the ladies. (Y/n)-chan won't like you if you keep acting like that."

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