entry #34 | вå¢кdσσя

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The deaths steadily rose each day. The Seeker was on the move and hunting down Numbers with brutal efficiency. It's been two days since the game started, (Y/n) vaguely remembered, and already the Seeker has killed three more students, making his kill count a grand total of four. Fortunately, those three people weren't people she recognized.

But unfortunately, it just meant her friends would be next if they didn't somehow take the Seeker out. But taking whoever that may be meant killing him. She wasn't sure any of them was capable of doing so.

(Y/n) was both a lucky and unlucky person. Lucky for finding things and people when she didn't mean to look for them but unlucky when finding things she's purposefully trying to find. She and Jaehyun only wanted to seek shelter in an empty physics classroom, but Fortuna struck again as they pushed open the door, only to see two very familiar faces, both in a highly suspicious position.

They stared at her. She stared back.

"Jas?! Campboy?!"

"W-wait, it's not what it looks like!"

Jasper was sitting on the teacher's table with his legs hanging off the edge. Keller was in front his him and they both stared wide-eyed at the two newcomers. Even Jaehyun didn't know what to say. But what was really suggestive about their position was their hands, tightly intertwined with each other.

They seemed to finally notice what the (h/c)-haired girl was staring at and they sprang away with a shout. Keller coughed awkwardly into his fist and turned around, his back to them, but the tips of his ears were red. 

"T-this is—um, not what you think it is!" Jasper tried again, but his blush betrayed him. "Nothing happened, honest!"

"I didn't even ask yet," (Y/n) snorted. Then her gaze turned teasing. "So...you and Kels, huh?"

"I-I said nothing happened!"

"But I heard that unsaid 'yet.'"


"Okay, okay, I'll stop."

It was a wonder, but their little action of holding hands was enough to bring her mood up. It was just holding hands—nothing big, nothing special, but it was the piece (Y/n) needed to feel normal again. A small white spot in the patchwork of blood that was slowly becoming their school.

She noticed how despite the navy blue-haired boy's insisting that their relationship was platonic, they stayed close to each other. There was something new in Jasper's violet eyes that was missing before as he gazed up at the brown-haired boy, and it brought her more warmth than any number of pillows could. And Keller smiled back, a shy blush on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay this is sweet and all, but we kinda gotta start...you know, talking."

Pro moment ruiner is back in action, folks.

The two separated with a cough and sat down in the chairs. (Y/n) had almost forgotten Jaehyun was there—she had been too caught up in the moment—and glanced at him. But he wasn't there. He was hiding outside the room, she saw. Oh yeah, he's not supposed to be here in the first place.

She still caught a glimpse of his face before he ducked away. Much to her relief, he didn't look disgusted or anything. Many students at Fortuna would've criticized homosexuals, she knew. In fact, the blond looked thoughtful at most. And...relieved?

"We should go over what we know," Keller began their discussion. (Y/n) sat down in a chair in front of the two. "(Y/n)."

"Yeah?" She looked up.

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