entry #39 | fяåмє

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Anger—she was too tired to feel anger. There was nothing left but desperation and cold, cold agony. (Y/n) shook her head furiously. "Please, Mr. Howards, kill me instead—"

"That wasn't the choice, was it?" The blond man smiled threateningly. "Either Myers or Summers, unless you prefer them both to be gone? I can happily send them off—"

"No!" She interrupted with a shout. "No...I'll choose." (Y/n) closed her eyes and pushed the dreaded words out of her mouth, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. "Isla," she rasped. "I choose Isla."

Lucinda smiled gratefully at the other girl and whispered, "Thank you." Isla started crying harder and shaking her head, her words coming out in incomprehensible slurs.

Mr. Howards stopped counting and clicked his tongue in irritation. "It was about time. Here you go"—he cut the purple-haired girl out of the ropes and threw her forward—"That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

(Y/n) reached out to catch the crying girl before realizing she was still tied up. She turned her hate-filled eyes at the teacher but didn't say anything. Her hate dissolved as her gaze landed at the blonde, whose aquamarines were filled with contentment, resolution, and a tinge of fear she quickly masked when she caught the other girl looking at her.

Lucinda smiled. (Y/n)'s heart broke.

"Don't do this, Charles," Mr. Brooks hissed, as he worked faster at freeing himself behind his back. "Don't pull an innocent student into your problems. It's between you and me, and let's keep it that way. Let the girls and Elijah go, and I'll comply with whatever you want."

Mr. Howards burst into laughter. "Let them go?" He cackled. "Let them go? Edward, you always talked about what's right and what's wrong, justice and injustice, and I hated that about you. What is right without a wrong? What does it mean to be wrong? Is it a crime to not adhere to the justice of the general population?"

He smiled cruelly. "Don't worry, you'll get what's coming for you. After I do this."

With a swift strike, his hand whipped towards Lucinda's neck and the blade sank into her jugular, tearing through the flesh and ripping out in one fluid motion. There was horrified silence as the blonde's mouth opened in a perfect "o," her eyes lighting up with surprise before death dulled her orbs. Blood splattered wetly across the floor, her clothes, and her killer's face, before her body slumped over onto the floor.

Then the screaming started. Isla doubled over on herself as she cried freely, the tears blurring her vision as she shook her head and reaching blindly for the blonde. "No," she sobbed in a hoarse voice. "No, Lucy, please...you're lying to me, right? This can't be happening!"

Elijah looked away as he bit his lip so hard it drew blood. Rage and anger—at himself or Mr. Howards—clashed on his face. Mr. Brooks' harsh mask had fallen, replaced by nothing but pure, primal anger.

As for (Y/n), she didn't know what happened next. All she felt was that she was drowning. Drowning in something unnamable, something that dragged her down, down, down into its bottomless depths.

"How did the exam go?"

"Another fail. Throw him out."

"How about these two? 404 and 403? They're still alive."

"Give them two shots. Straight to the neck. Report the results directly to me."

"Yes, Professor ���."

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