entry #44 | єη¢яуρтïση

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The sudden declaration made her pause and run his words over and over again in her head before the realization hit. And when it did, it hit hard, brutally and mercilessly. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish as she struggled to put her feelings of shock and betrayal to words. He watched her quietly and for once, he wasn't smiling.

"Jay," she managed to say. "He knew Wei Wei would die."

A dip of his head was all the answer she needed. "And Reese? Nick? Noves?" His expression didn't change but that was all the confirmation she needed. (Y/n) turned around and paced in circles, anger pushing away her initial fatigue caused by the morning. Neveah was right. The P4 knew more than they let on. She almost didn't believe it—even Jaehyun? 

The blond had been acting a little suspicious when they crossed paths in Autumn Hall but she had brushed it off as his awkward personality. But if what Kieran was saying was true and Jaehyun already knew all the others were going to die, then why didn't he tell her? Why didn't he warn me? That made his claims of helping her bullsh*t.

"You expect me to believe your stupid clique thing already knew who's going to die?!" (Y/n) shouted incredulously. "What, do you have a list or something?"

He winced. "That's not a farfetched idea either—"

"So instead of a game of luck, this is an organized killing spree?" She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. "None of us had a chance, did we? The richest would win because of the headmaster's stupid, fudging, twisted mind. And you fudging knew this, Kieran. So why tell me now? Tell me, Kieran. Why?"

Pain flashed across his face, almost taking her by surprise until she reminded herself of the reason for her anger. "Talk," she seethed. "Stop keeping things from me!" Everyone seemed to be doing that ever since the start, and I'm tired of it.

He ran a hand through his hair tiredly. His golden eyes lost their shine and she could see a hint of sadness in them. "You weren't supposed to be on the list," he said finally. "Every Game the headmaster has a list of participants and the people he's chosen to pick off. It's a Game where only one is guaranteed to win, but things changed since the 24th Game where we cleared it without deaths and the 25th Game, where no one won but two people survived—"

"Get to the point." Her voice was biting and harsh, but she didn't have any room for remorse.

"Trish-chan's plan was to use this year's Game to secure himself the spot as headmaster," the white-haired male sighed, defeated. "The rest of us weren't going to do anything at first, but the idea of getting him in our threat and using his family's power to grant any of our wishes was rather tempting. We all had things we wanted. Leo-chan wanted safety for his brother, especially since he's given up his family's wealth."

"And you and Jay? Why are you helping him?"

"At first it was to pass the time," Kieran admitted. "School is boring. Life is boring. Everything comes too easily for me. I don't even know the meaning of hard work." In any other context, (Y/n) might've smacked him for the arrogant words but his tone was anything but. He almost sounded resentful.

"But things changed," he continued, his eyes shifting from the side and the faraway look left his eyes. "The first thing Tristan didn't calculate was you."

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