♥ Kieran Ending | є¢ѕтåѕу

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You choose to find Jasper
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Her mind flickered to a certain navy blue-haired male that she was sure was still lurking around the Tempus Dormitory premises. Jasper has always been a strong-willed person unless it came to his family situation. Couple that with murderous rage at the white-haired male and he becomes someone akin to a juggernaut. There was no way he would've left. He had already proven that his judgment was clouded by his anger when he tried to kill her. He wouldn't have chosen the logical path of seeking out the authorities.

He'd want to make Kieran pay with his own hands.

I have no time. Her eyes flicked to the approached pairs, one coming from the stairs and the other from the other end of the hallway. She cast one last look at the open passage, knowing full well even if she went down there, she wouldn't be able to get out with the elevator broken, and she'd be trapped all over again. 

So she made up her mind. (Y/n) quickly slinked away as quietly as she could, pressing herself against the wall behind a particularly tall sculpture of a lion when she saw Tristan and Leon's tall shadows approach.

"The combined cost of all my glasses you've broken is more than the cost of your coffee addiction," the blue-haired male was saying in a heated fashion as he inspected a pair of shattered frames in his hand. From her hiding spot, she could see that the lenses were thoroughly smashed and the frame had snapped in half. He breathed an annoyed sigh and slipped the remains into his breast pocket. "You and Fujikawa both."

Leon said nothing. He only grunted in response and continued walking a brisk pace. Tristan rolled his eyes and patted his hair down. It had gotten messed up from his earlier fight.

"My back hurts from carrying this conversation, Matthews."

Only when she could no longer hear their voices did she dart for the stairs. She ran all the way up to the fourth floor where her room was. In there, she quietly locked the door behind her and turned on her laptop. 

Where did he go? She impatiently waited for the application to start running and a little light to appear on the digital map of the dormitory. Just as she'd suspected: Jasper was still nearby. In fact, he was in the dormitory.

She furrowed her brow, a little confused as she inspected the dot. It wasn't moving. Either that meant he was currently snooping around or he'd dropped his phone. Both were a likely scenario, and she was hoping for the former. If he didn't have his phone on him she wouldn't be able to track him.

(Y/n) deleted all evidence of her crime and hid the laptop back in the closet. Then she ran back to the door and unlocked it, looking both ways down the corridor before running towards where Jasper supposed was. And the best part was, it was in a room on the fourth floor, right where she was. That saved her the trouble of having to sneak down the stairs without the P4 noticing her. 

Applying the 2D map to the actual building and tracking Jasper down in it was harder than she'd thought, especially since she was directionally challenged. She stopped in front of a terrace overlooking the Manchester skyline and referred back to her mental map. Is this supposed to be here? She had no idea if she was still going in the right direction. At least, she hoped she was.

Her relief was almost palpable when the white-haired male's dance studio came into view. The room where Jasper was supposedly in was located near that room. So I was going in the right direction!

She ran through immaculate hallways of little color and decoration, a cold palace devoid of warmth for whoever stepped foot in there. Only the dance studio really looked used, with the towels hanging by the wall, the bottles of water littering the floor, and the speakers arranged hazardously. The mirror had been smudged and wiped down lovingly. But as for everything else, she could see that Kieran could hardly care less.

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