entry #54 | ѕуηтåχ

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(Y/n) never felt so relieved to see Tristan's metallic blue eyes. "Step away from her, Kim," the blue-haired male ordered as he stepped over the overturned chairs and stopped a few feet away from the two. He did not look amused by the state the pool was in. "Put the knife down."

"Or what?" Jaehyun sneered, sending another solid kick into Kieran's gut. "You'll poison me?"

"No. I'll make it so that you'll never see (Y/n) again."

The blond took a threatening step towards the male. "You wouldn't dare."

Where any normal person, grown or not, would've cowered away at his murderous look, Tristan stood his ground. He radiated confidence and certainty. There was no trace of fear in his face. "I will if you continue to break our agreement, Kim."

A low growl came out of the boy at the words, his face warring between compliance and defiance. Finally, the reasonable side of him won. The fight drained out of his body for the most part and with one last sweet smile at (Y/n) and a glower at the white-haired male, he left with no more than four cheerful words.

"See you later, (Y/n)!" He waved at her, beaming brightly, and passed Tristan as he went back inside the Tempus Dorm.

(Y/n) couldn't relax until the boy was out of sight, her eyes following his form as he did so. Then she started for Kieran, strangely worried for the fallen male. That worry didn't last long—as soon as Jaehyun faded out of sight Kieran sat up, an amused grin on his face despite the nasty gash on his forehead and the blood spilling down his face.

Tristan arched a perfect eyebrow at the smirking male. "Get yourself cleaned up, Fujikawa. You're getting the pool dirty."

"Your concern is heartwarming." Kieran wiped the blood off his face with his arm. He sprang to his feet and caught the (h/c)-haired girl's eye. When she realized he was looking at her she turned away, struggling to put back her uncaring mask in time.

"Worried about me, love?" He grinned and sided up to her. "On second thought, I don't think I'm fine. Maybe..." He took her hands in his. "You'll make me feel better—"

His head snapped forward, nearly hitting hers as Tristan threw an inflatable ball at him. "The hell is your problem?" Kieran turned around angrily. 

"That ball has an unusual attraction to flirts and playboys," (Y/n) muttered dryly. "You can go on a date with it. Hurry on now."

"A date with a beach ball?" He held up the colorful ball with both hands. "Can't see how I'd get any action like this."

"Come with me, (Y/n)," Tristan interjected coldly, dismissing the other male with a vexed glare. "Leave the fool to his...date." He said the word with such disdain (Y/n) nearly let out a laugh. Kieran pouted in mock offense and threw the ball back at him. 


Tristan caught it with both hands. As expected of a basketball player. "Keep it in your pants."

What a great friendship, (Y/n) snorted as Kieran rolled his eyes and dramatically flipped his damp hair out of his eyes. Reminds me of someone I know.

"You have legs," she heard Tristan call. He was already a good distance away from her. "Use them to walk. I have something to speak to you about."

This again? Swallowing her irritation, she made sure to walk as slowly as possible as she followed the blue-haired male. "Would it kill you to phrase that in a nicer way?"

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