entry #21 | ℓåg

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(Y/n) vaguely remembered her alarm going off, waking its sleeping owner up to a new not very pleasant morning. Then she must've gotten ready at the speed of a sloth as her phone chimed with a reminder of her schedule for the day: getting art supplies with Jaehyun.

A few hours passed in the time frame between when she left her apartment to when she arrived in front of Fortuna Institute. The blond had arrived first and was waiting in front of the gates for her.

"Did you wait long?" She asked worriedly. The weather was mild like usual, and he didn't look drained. He gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I also just arrived. Let's go!"

They took a car to the art shop. (Y/n) had suggested they went to the local store, but the artist in the crimson-eyed boy refused, insisting they went to the same one he normally ordered his supplies. She agreed and they got onto the ride abiding by his directions. Jaehyun had called his driver beforehand and wanted to pick her up at her dorm until she explained she didn't live there.

"It's okay," she had said. "I'm already here anyway."

The crafts store was pretty small and humble, contrary to her expectations. It was a lovely little corner store with a single door that had an "open" sign hanging on the front. With a step inside, the (h/c)-haired girl was met with an onslaught of colors, scents, and bizarre displays. Against the walls were shelves and stands filled to the brim with all sorts of organized art supplies, from paintbrushes and canvas to oil pastels and watercolors. 

Rows upon rows of fluorescent lighting shone down upon the wood and pots of flowers that occupied the windows. In one corner of the store, she saw a shelf with neat machines on them emitting gas. No, not that kind of gas. They were scent diffusers, each with a different kind of floral or herbal aroma that somehow all fit together.

And then there was the bizarre part. The store owner had an unusual taste in decorative art; there were paintings and sculptures of faceless and limbless figures staring at any poor customer that came their way. There were sculptures of abstract humanoids and animal-like figures. Images of people with faces within faces and broken, distorted expressions.

Creepy, (Y/n) thought. But also kinda cool.

"Let's get the paint first," Jaehyun suggested a little impatiently. He took her hand and tugged her towards the designated area for paints. "I think we should use latex paint if we're going to paint the mural inside the old school. Otherwise, we'll need acrylics, which I ran out of."

"I did not understand a thing you said but that all sounded good to me," she gave him a thumbs-up. Sorry, Ms. Florence. You're great and everything, but art just isn't my thing.

The blond laughed softly and picked up a large can of paint from the floor. "This is latex paint," he explained. "It's not as durable as oil-based paint but it dries faster. Acrylics are one of the most durable paints, so it's better to use that for outside work."

"Acrylics it is then. If we paint it inside, no one's going to see it. Not like anyone is going to go to the old building anyway though."

She picked up a few cans of each color, her arms straining with the effort, and began walking towards the next stop. "Alright, time for brushes!" To an onlooker, she might've looked like an overgrown penguin waddling from side-to-side as she attempted to carry the heavy cans over. 

Geh, this is heavy, she winced. But if I don't do it, who will? Sunflower? Hell, he looks scrawnier than my fat a**.

Even Jaehyun looked concerned for her wellbeing. "Um, (Y/n)?" He asked tentatively.

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